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这篇CFSDN的博客文章SpringBoot @Retryable注解方式由作者收集整理,如果你对这篇文章有兴趣,记得点赞哟.
背景 。
@Retryable 。
POM依赖 。
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId></dependency><dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.retry</groupId> <artifactId>spring-retry</artifactId></dependency><dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-aop</artifactId></dependency>
使用实例 。
SpringBoot retry的机制比较简单,只需要两个注解即可实现.
启动类 。
@SpringBootApplication@EnableRetrypublic class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); }}
Service类 。
@Service@Slf4jpublic class DoRetryService { @Retryable(value = Exception.class, maxAttempts = 4, backoff = @Backoff(delay = 2000L, multiplier = 1.5)) public boolean doRetry(boolean isRetry) throws Exception { log.info("开始通知下游系统"); log.info("通知下游系统"); if (isRetry) { throw new RuntimeException("通知下游系统异常"); } return true; }}
名称 | 含义 |
interceptor | Retry interceptor bean name to be applied for retryable method. |
value | Exception types that are retryable. Synonym for includes(). Defaults to empty (and if excludes is also empty all exceptions are retried). |
include | Exception types that are retryable. Defaults to empty (and if excludes is also empty all exceptions are retried). |
exclude | Exception types that are not retryable. Defaults to empty (and if includes is also empty all exceptions are retried). |
label | A unique label for statistics reporting. If not provided the caller may choose to ignore it, or provide a default. |
stateful | Flag to say that the retry is stateful: i.e. exceptions are re-thrown, but the retry policy is applied with the same policy to subsequent invocations with the same arguments. If false then retryable exceptions are not re-thrown. |
maxAttempts | the maximum number of attempts (including the first failure), defaults to 3 |
maxAttemptsExpression | an expression evaluated to the maximum number of attempts (including the first failure), defaults to 3 |
backoff | Specify the backoff properties for retrying this operation. The default is a simple specification with no properties. |
exceptionExpression | Specify an expression to be evaluated after the SimpleRetryPolicy.canRetry() returns true - can be used to conditionally suppress the retry. |
listeners | Bean names of retry listeners to use instead of default ones defined in Spring context. |
interceptor:可以通过该参数,指定方法拦截器的bean名称 。
value:抛出指定异常才会重试 。
include:和value一样,默认为空,当exclude也为空时,默认所以异常 。
exclude:指定不处理的异常 。
maxAttempts:最大重试次数,默认3次 。
2019-12-25 11:38:02.492 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 开始通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:02.493 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:04.494 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 开始通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:04.495 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:07.496 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 开始通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:07.496 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:11.997 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 开始通知下游系统2019-12-25 11:38:11.997 INFO 25664 --- [ main] c.f.l.service.impl.DoRetryServiceImpl : 通知下游系统java.lang.RuntimeException: 通知下游系统异常.........
@Recover 。
@Recover 。
public boolean doRecover(Throwable e, boolean isRetry) throws ArithmeticException { log.info("全部重试失败,执行doRecover"); return false;}
1、方法的返回值必须与@Retryable方法一致 。
2、方法的第一个参数,必须是Throwable类型的,建议是与@Retryable配置的异常一致,其他的参数,需要与@Retryable方法的参数一致 。
/** * Annotation for a method invocation that is a recovery handler. A suitable recovery * handler has a first parameter of type Throwable (or a subtype of Throwable) and a * return value of the same type as the <code>@Retryable</code> method to recover from. * The Throwable first argument is optional (but a method without it will only be called * if no others match). Subsequent arguments are populated from the argument list of the * failed method in order. */
@Recover不生效的问题 。
org.springframework.retry.ExhaustedRetryException: Cannot locate recovery method; nested exception is java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero 。
at org.springframework.retry.annotation.RecoverAnnotationRecoveryHandler.recover(RecoverAnnotationRecoveryHandler.java:61) at org.springframework.retry.interceptor.RetryOperationsInterceptor$ItemRecovererCallback.recover(RetryOperationsInterceptor.java:141) at org.springframework.retry.support.RetryTemplate.handleRetryExhausted(RetryTemplate.java:512) at org.springframework.retry.support.RetryTemplate.doExecute(RetryTemplate.java:351) at org.springframework.retry.support.RetryTemplate.execute(RetryTemplate.java:180) at org.springframework.retry.interceptor.RetryOperationsInterceptor.invoke(RetryOperationsInterceptor.java:115) at org.springframework.retry.annotation.AnnotationAwareRetryOperationsInterceptor.invoke(AnnotationAwareRetryOperationsInterceptor.java:153) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:179) at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:213) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy157.doRetry(Unknown Source) 。
追踪一下异常的信息,进入到RecoverAnnotationRecoveryHandler中,找到报错的方法public T recover(Object[] args, Throwable cause),看一下其实现:
@EnableRetry(proxyTargetClass = true) 。
结语 。
以上这篇SpringBoot @Retryable注解方式就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持我.
原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/wtopps/article/details/103698635 。
最后此篇关于SpringBoot @Retryable注解方式的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于SpringBoot @Retryable注解方式的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。
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