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1.需求 。
1.1 基本需求: 根据输入的地址关键字,搜索出完整的地址路径,耗时要控制在几十毫秒内.
1.2 数据库地址表结构和数据:
表TBAddress 。
表数据 。
1.3 例子:
e.g. 给出一个字符串如“广 大”,找出地址全路径中包含有“广” 和“大”的所有地址,結果如下:
2.创建表和插入数据 。
2.1 创建数据表TBAddress 。
use test;go/* create table */if object_id('TBAddress') is not null drop table TBAddress;gocreate table TBAddress( ID int , Parent int not null , LevelNo smallint not null , Name nvarchar(50) not null , constraint PK_TBAddress primary key ( ID ));gocreate nonclustered index ix_TBAddress_Parent on TBAddress(Parent,LevelNo) include(Name) with(fillfactor=80,pad_index=on);create nonclustered index ix_TBAddress_Name on TBAddress(Name)include(LevelNo)with(fillfactor=80,pad_index=on);go
create table 。
2.2 插入数据 。
use testgo/*insert data*/set nocount onBegin Try Begin Tran Insert Into TBAddress ([ID],[Parent],[LevelNo],[Name]) Select 1,0,0,N'中国' Union All Select 2,1,1,N'直辖市' Union All Select 3,1,1,N'辽宁省' Union All Select 4,1,1,N'广东省' Union All ... ... Select 44740,930,4,N'奥依塔克镇' Union All Select 44741,932,4,N'巴音库鲁提乡' Union All Select 44742,932,4,N'吉根乡' Union All Select 44743,932,4,N'托云乡' Commit TranEnd TryBegin Catch throw 50001,N'插入數據過程中發生錯誤.' ,1Rollback TranEnd Catchgo
附件: insert Data 。
Note: 数据有44700条,insert代码比较长,所以采用附件形式.
3.测试,方法1 。
3.1 分析:
a. 先搜索出包字段Name中含有“广”、“大”的所有地址记录存入临时表#tmp.
b. 再找出#tmp中各个地址到Level 1的全路径.
c. 根据步骤2所得的结果,筛选出包含有“广”和“大”的地址路径.
d. 根据步骤3筛选的结果,查询所有到Level n(n为没有子地址的层编号)的地址全路径.
3.2 存储过程代码:
Use testGoif object_ID('[up_SearchAddressByNameV0]') is not null Drop Procedure [up_SearchAddressByNameV0]Gocreate proc up_SearchAddressByNameV0 ( @Name nvarchar(200))Asset nocount ondeclare @sql nvarchar(max) declare @tmp Table (Name nvarchar(50)) set @Name=@Name+' ' while patindex('% %',@Name)>0begin set @Name=replace(@Name,' ',' ') end set @sql ='select ''' +replace(@Name,' ',''' union all select ''')+''''insert into @tmp(Name) exec(@sql) if object_id('tempdb..#tmp') is not null drop table #tmpif object_id('tempdb..#') is not null drop table # create table #tmp(ID int ) while @Name>''begin insert into #tmp(ID) select a.ID from TBAddress a where a.Name like '%'+substring(@Name,1,patindex('% %',@Name)-1)+'%' set @Name=Stuff(@Name,1,patindex('% %',@Name),'')end ;with cte_SearchParent as( select a.ID,a.Parent,a.LevelNo,convert(nvarchar(500),a.Name) as AddressPath from TBAddress a where exists(select 1 from #tmp x where a.ID=x.ID) union all select a.ID,b.Parent,b.LevelNo,convert(nvarchar(500),b.Name+'/'+a.AddressPath) as AddressPath from cte_SearchParent a inner join TBAddress b on b.ID=a.Parent --and b.LevelNo=a.LevelNo -1 and b.LevelNo>=1)select a.ID,a.AddressPath into # from cte_SearchParent a where a.LevelNo=1 and exists(select 1 from @tmp x where a.AddressPath like '%'+x.Name+'%' having count(1)=(select count(1) from @tmp)) ;with cte_result as( select a.ID,a.LevelNo,b.AddressPath from TBAddress a inner join # b on b.ID=a.ID union all select b.ID,b.LevelNo,convert(nvarchar(500),a.AddressPath+'/'+b.Name) As AddressPath from cte_result a inner join TBAddress b on b.Parent=a.ID --and b.LevelNo=a.LevelNo+1 )select distinct a.ID,a.AddressPath from cte_result a where not exists(select 1 from TBAddress x where x.Parent=a.ID) order by a.AddressPath Go
procedure:up_SearchAddressByNameV0 。
3.3 执行查询:
exec up_SearchAddressByNameV0 '广 大'
3.4 客户端统计信息:
平均的执行耗时: 244毫秒 。
4.测试,方法2 。
4.1 创建全文索引 。
use testgo/*create fulltext index*/if not exists(select 1 from sys.fulltext_catalogs a where a.name='ftCatalog')begincreate fulltext catalog ftCatalog As default;endgo--select * From sys.fulltext_languages create fulltext index on TBAddress(Name language 2052 ) key index PK_TBAddressgo alter fulltext index on dbo.TBAddress add(Fullpath language 2052)go
Note: 在Name列上创建全文索引使用的语言是简体中文(Simplified Chinese) 。
4.2 存储过程代码:
Use testGoif object_ID('[up_SearchAddressByNameV1]') is not null Drop Procedure [up_SearchAddressByNameV1]Gocreate proc up_SearchAddressByNameV1 ( @Name nvarchar(200))Asset nocount ondeclare @sql nvarchar(max),@contains nvarchar(500) declare @tmp Table (Name nvarchar(50)) while patindex('% %',@Name)>0begin set @Name=replace(@Name,' ',' ') end set @sql ='select ''' +replace(@Name,' ',''' union all select ''')+''''set @contains='"'+replace(@Name,' ','*" Or "')+'*"' insert into @tmp(Name) exec(@sql) if object_id('tempdb..#') is not null drop table # ;with cte_SearchParent as( select a.ID,a.Parent,a.LevelNo,convert(nvarchar(2000),a.Name) as AddressPath from TBAddress a where exists(select 1 from TBAddress x where contains(x.Name,@contains) And x.ID=a.ID) union all select a.ID,b.Parent,b.LevelNo,convert(nvarchar(2000),b.Name+'/'+a.AddressPath) as AddressPath from cte_SearchParent a inner join TBAddress b on b.ID=a.Parent --and b.LevelNo=a.LevelNo -1 and b.LevelNo>=1)select a.ID,a.AddressPath into # from cte_SearchParent a where a.LevelNo=1 and exists(select 1 from @tmp x where a.AddressPath like '%'+x.Name+'%' having count(1)=(select count(1) from @tmp)) ;with cte_result as( select a.ID,a.LevelNo,b.AddressPath from TBAddress a inner join # b on b.ID=a.ID union all select b.ID,b.LevelNo,convert(nvarchar(2000),a.AddressPath+'/'+b.Name) As AddressPath from cte_result a inner join TBAddress b on b.Parent=a.ID --and b.LevelNo=a.LevelNo+1 )select distinct a.ID,a.AddressPath from cte_result a where not exists(select 1 from TBAddress x where x.Parent=a.ID) order by a.AddressPath Go
procedure:up_SearchAddressByNameV1 。
exec up_SearchAddressByNameV1 '广 大'
4.4 客户端统计信息:
平均的执行耗时: 166毫秒 。
5.测试,方法3 。
第3个方法,通过修改表的结构和创建全文索引。在表TBAddress增加多一个字段FullPath存储各个地址到Level 1的全路径,再在FullPath列上创建全文索引,然后直接通过全文索引来搜索FullPath列中包含“广”和“大”的记录.
5.1 新增加字段FullPath,并更新列FullPath数据:
use test;go/*alter table */if not exists ( select 1 from sys.columns a where a.object_id = object_id('TBAddress') and a.name = 'Fullpath' ) begin alter table TBAddress add Fullpath nvarchar(200); end;gocreate nonclustered index IX_TBAddress_FullPath on dbo.TBAddress(Fullpath) with(fillfactor=80,pad_index=on);go/*update TBAddress */with cte_fullPath as ( select ID, Parent, LevelNo, convert(nvarchar(500), isnull(Name, '')) as FPath, Fullpath from dbo.TBAddress where LevelNo = 1 union all select A.ID, A.Parent, A.LevelNo, convert(nvarchar(500), B.FPath + '/' + isnull(A.Name, '')) as FPath, A.Fullpath from TBAddress as A inner join cte_fullPath as B on A.Parent = B.ID ) update a set a.Fullpath = isnull(b.FPath, a.Name) from dbo.TBAddress a left join cte_fullPath b on b.ID = a.ID;go
5.2 在列FullPath添加全文索引:
alter fulltext index on dbo.TBAddress add(Fullpath language 2052)
5.3 存储过程代码:
Use testGoif object_ID('[up_SearchAddressByNameV2]') is not null Drop Procedure [up_SearchAddressByNameV2]Gocreate proc up_SearchAddressByNameV2( @name nvarchar(200))Asdeclare @contains nvarchar(500)set nocount onset @contains='"'+replace(@Name,' ','*" And "')+'*"'select id,FullPath As AddressPath from TBAddress a where contains(a.FullPath,@contains) and not exists(select 1 from TBAddress x where x.Parent=a.ID) order by AddressPathGo
procedure:up_SearchAddressByNameV2 。
5.4 测试存储过程:
exec up_SearchAddressByNameV2 '广 大'
5.5 客户端统计信息:
平均的执行耗时: 20.4毫秒 。
6.测试,方法4 。
Use testGoif object_ID('[up_SearchAddressByNameV3]') is not null Drop Procedure [up_SearchAddressByNameV3]Gocreate proc up_SearchAddressByNameV3( @name nvarchar(200))Asset nocount ondeclare @sql nvarchar(max) declare @tmp Table (Name nvarchar(50)) set @Name=rtrim(rtrim(@Name)) while patindex('% %',@Name)>0begin set @Name=replace(@Name,' ',' ') end set @sql='select id,FullPath As AddressPath from TBAddress a where not exists(select 1 from TBAddress x where x.Parent=a.ID) ' set @sql +='And a.FullPath like ''%' +replace(@Name,' ','%'' And a.FullPath Like ''%')+'%'''exec (@sql) Go
procedure:up_SearchAddressByNameV3 。
6.2 测试存储过程:
exec up_SearchAddressByNameV3 '广 大'
6.3 客户端统计信息 。
平均的执行耗时: 34毫秒 。
7.小结 。
最后此篇关于SQLServer地址搜索性能优化的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于SQLServer地址搜索性能优化的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。
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