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1、readexcel.system.php  。


<?php  /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */  /**  * A class for reading Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets.  *  * Originally developed by Vadim Tkachenko under the name PHPExcelReader.  * (  * Based on the Java version by Andy Khan ( Now  * maintained by David Sanders. Reads only Biff 7 and Biff 8 formats.  *  * PHP versions 4 and 5  *  * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license  * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:  * If you did not receive a copy of  * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please  * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.  *  * @category Spreadsheet  * @package Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader  * @author Vadim Tkachenko <>  * @license PHP License 3.0  * @version CVS: $Id: reader.php 19 2007-03-13 12:42:41Z shangxiao $  * @link  * @see OLE, Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer  */  //require_once 'PEAR.php';  //require_once 'oleread.php';  //oleread.php的内容start=======================================================================================================  define('NUM_BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS', 0x2c);  define('SMALL_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCK_POS', 0x3c);  define('ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS', 0x30);  define('BIG_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x200);  define('SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x40);  define('EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS', 0x44);  define('NUM_EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS', 0x48);  define('PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x80);  define('BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS', 0x4c);  define('SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD', 0x1000);  // property storage offsets  define('SIZE_OF_NAME_POS', 0x40);  define('TYPE_POS', 0x42);  define('START_BLOCK_POS', 0x74);  define('SIZE_POS', 0x78);  define('IDENTIFIER_OLE', pack("CCCCCCCC",0xd0,0xcf,0x11,0xe0,0xa1,0xb1,0x1a,0xe1));  //echo 'ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS = '.ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS."n";  //echo bin2hex($data[ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS])."n";  //echo "a=";  //echo $data[ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS];  //function log  function GetInt4d($data, $pos)  {  $value = ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos+1]) << 8) | (ord($data[$pos+2]) << 16) | (ord($data[$pos+3]) << 24);  if ($value>=4294967294)  {  $value=-2;  }  return $value;  }  class OLERead {  var $data = '';  function OLERead(){  }  function read($sFileName){  // check if file exist and is readable (Darko Miljanovic)  if(!is_readable($sFileName)) {  $this->error = 1;  return false;  }  $this->data = @file_get_contents($sFileName);  if (!$this->data) {  $this->error = 1;  return false;  }  //echo IDENTIFIER_OLE;  //echo 'start';  if (substr($this->data, 0, 8) != IDENTIFIER_OLE) {  $this->error = 1;  return false;  }  $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks = GetInt4d($this->data, NUM_BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS);  $this->sbdStartBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, SMALL_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCK_POS);  $this->rootStartBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS);  $this->extensionBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS);  $this->numExtensionBlocks = GetInt4d($this->data, NUM_EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS);  /*  echo $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks." ";  echo $this->sbdStartBlock." ";  echo $this->rootStartBlock." ";  echo $this->extensionBlock." ";  echo $this->numExtensionBlocks." ";  */  //echo "sbdStartBlock = $this->sbdStartBlockn";  $bigBlockDepotBlocks = array();  $pos = BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS;  // echo "pos = $pos";  $bbdBlocks = $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks;  if ($this->numExtensionBlocks != 0) {  $bbdBlocks = (BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS)/4;  }  for ($i = 0; $i < $bbdBlocks; $i++) {  $bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);  $pos += 4;  }  for ($j = 0; $j < $this->numExtensionBlocks; $j++) {  $pos = ($this->extensionBlock + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  $blocksToRead = min($this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks - $bbdBlocks, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1);  for ($i = $bbdBlocks; $i < $bbdBlocks + $blocksToRead; $i++) {  $bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);  $pos += 4;  }  $bbdBlocks += $blocksToRead;  if ($bbdBlocks < $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks) {  $this->extensionBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);  }  }  // var_dump($bigBlockDepotBlocks);  // readBigBlockDepot  $pos = 0;  $index = 0;  $this->bigBlockChain = array();  for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks; $i++) {  $pos = ($bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  //echo "pos = $pos";  for ($j = 0 ; $j < BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4; $j++) {  $this->bigBlockChain[$index] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);  $pos += 4 ;  $index++;  }  }  //var_dump($this->bigBlockChain);  //echo '=====2';  // readSmallBlockDepot();  $pos = 0;  $index = 0;  $sbdBlock = $this->sbdStartBlock;  $this->smallBlockChain = array();  while ($sbdBlock != -2) {  $pos = ($sbdBlock + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  for ($j = 0; $j < BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4; $j++) {  $this->smallBlockChain[$index] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);  $pos += 4;  $index++;  }  $sbdBlock = $this->bigBlockChain[$sbdBlock];  }  // readData(rootStartBlock)  $block = $this->rootStartBlock;  $pos = 0;  $this->entry = $this->__readData($block);  /*  while ($block != -2) {  $pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  $this->entry = $this->entry.substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);  $block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block];  }  */  //echo '==='.$this->entry."===";  $this->__readPropertySets();  }  function __readData($bl) {  $block = $bl;  $pos = 0;  $data = '';  while ($block != -2) {  $pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  $data = $data.substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);  //echo "pos = $pos data=$datan";  $block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block];  }  return $data;  }  function __readPropertySets(){  $offset = 0;  //var_dump($this->entry);  while ($offset < strlen($this->entry)) {  $d = substr($this->entry, $offset, PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);  $nameSize = ord($d[SIZE_OF_NAME_POS]) | (ord($d[SIZE_OF_NAME_POS+1]) << 8);  $type = ord($d[TYPE_POS]);  //$maxBlock = strlen($d) / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - 1;  $startBlock = GetInt4d($d, START_BLOCK_POS);  $size = GetInt4d($d, SIZE_POS);  $name = '';  for ($i = 0; $i < $nameSize ; $i++) {  $name .= $d[$i];  }  $name = str_replace("x00", "", $name);  $this->props[] = array (  'name' => $name,  'type' => $type,  'startBlock' => $startBlock,  'size' => $size);  if (($name == "Workbook") || ($name == "Book")) {  $this->wrkbook = count($this->props) - 1;  }  if ($name == "Root Entry") {  $this->rootentry = count($this->props) - 1;  }  //echo "name ==$name=n";  $offset += PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE;  }  }  function getWorkBook(){  if ($this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] < SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD){  // getSmallBlockStream(PropertyStorage ps)  $rootdata = $this->__readData($this->props[$this->rootentry]['startBlock']);  $streamData = '';  $block = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['startBlock'];  //$count = 0;  $pos = 0;  while ($block != -2) {  $pos = $block * SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE;  $streamData .= substr($rootdata, $pos, SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);  $block = $this->smallBlockChain[$block];  }  return $streamData;  }else{  $numBlocks = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  if ($this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] % BIG_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) {  $numBlocks++;  }  if ($numBlocks == 0) return '';  //echo "numBlocks = $numBlocksn";  //byte[] streamData = new byte[numBlocks * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE];  //print_r($this->wrkbook);  $streamData = '';  $block = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['startBlock'];  //$count = 0;  $pos = 0;  //echo "block = $block";  while ($block != -2) {  $pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;  $streamData .= substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);  $block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block];  }  //echo 'stream'.$streamData;  return $streamData;  }  }  }  //oleread.php的内容end=======================================================================================================  //require_once 'OLE.php';  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8', 0x600);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7', 0x500);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKBOOKGLOBALS', 0x5);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKSHEET', 0x10);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOF', 0x809);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF', 0x0a);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOUNDSHEET', 0x85);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DIMENSION', 0x200);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_ROW', 0x208);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DBCELL', 0xd7);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FILEPASS', 0x2f);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NOTE', 0x1c);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_TXO', 0x1b6);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK', 0x7e);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK2', 0x27e);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULRK', 0xbd);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULBLANK', 0xbe);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_INDEX', 0x20b);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_SST', 0xfc);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EXTSST', 0xff);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_CONTINUE', 0x3c);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABEL', 0x204);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABELSST', 0xfd);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NUMBER', 0x203);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NAME', 0x18);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_ARRAY', 0x221);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_STRING', 0x207);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA', 0x406);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA2', 0x6);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMAT', 0x41e);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_XF', 0xe0);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOOLERR', 0x205);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 0xffff);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NINETEENFOUR', 0x22);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MERGEDCELLS', 0xE5);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS' , 25569);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS1904', 24107);  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY', 86400);  //define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY', 24 * 60 * 60);  //define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_DEF_NUM_FORMAT', "%.2f");  define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_DEF_NUM_FORMAT', "%s");  /*  * Place includes, constant defines and $_GLOBAL settings here.  * Make sure they have appropriate docblocks to avoid phpDocumentor  * construing they are documented by the page-level docblock.  */  /**  * A class for reading Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets.  *  * Originally developed by Vadim Tkachenko under the name PHPExcelReader.  * (  * Based on the Java version by Andy Khan ( Now  * maintained by David Sanders. Reads only Biff 7 and Biff 8 formats.  *  * @category Spreadsheet  * @package Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader  * @author Vadim Tkachenko <>  * @copyright 2010-2011 The PHP Group  * @license PHP License 3.0  * @version Release: @package_version@  * @link  * @see OLE, Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer  */  class ReadexcelSystem{  /**  * Array of worksheets found  *  * @var array  * @access public  */  var $boundsheets = array();  /**  * Array of format records found  *  * @var array  * @access public  */  var $formatRecords = array();  /**  * todo  *  * @var array  * @access public  */  var $sst = array();  /**  * Array of worksheets  *  * The data is stored in 'cells' and the meta-data is stored in an array  * called 'cellsInfo'  *  * Example:  *  * $sheets --> 'cells' --> row --> column --> Interpreted value  * --> 'cellsInfo' --> row --> column --> 'type' - Can be 'date', 'number', or 'unknown'  * --> 'raw' - The raw data that Excel stores for that data cell  *  * @var array  * @access public  */  var $sheets = array();  /**  * The data returned by OLE  *  * @var string  * @access public  */  var $data;  /**  * OLE object for reading the file  *  * @var OLE object  * @access private  */  var $_ole;  /**  * Default encoding  *  * @var string  * @access private  */  var $_defaultEncoding;  /**  * Default number format  *  * @var integer  * @access private  */  var $_defaultFormat = SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_DEF_NUM_FORMAT;  /**  * todo  * List of formats to use for each column  *  * @var array  * @access private  */  var $_columnsFormat = array();  /**  * todo  *  * @var integer  * @access private  */  var $_rowoffset = 1;  /**  * todo  *  * @var integer  * @access private  */  var $_coloffset = 1;  /**  * List of default date formats used by Excel  *  * @var array  * @access public  */  var $dateFormats = array (  0xe => "d/m/Y",  0xf => "d-M-Y",  0x10 => "d-M",  0x11 => "M-Y",  0x12 => "h:i a",  0x13 => "h:i:s a",  0x14 => "H:i",  0x15 => "H:i:s",  0x16 => "d/m/Y H:i",  0x2d => "i:s",  0x2e => "H:i:s",  0x2f => "i:s.S");  /**  * Default number formats used by Excel  *  * @var array  * @access public  */  var $numberFormats = array(  0x1 => "%1.0f", // "0"  0x2 => "%1.2f", // "0.00",  0x3 => "%1.0f", //"#,##0",  0x4 => "%1.2f", //"#,##0.00",  0x5 => "%1.0f", /*"$#,##0;($#,##0)",*/  0x6 => '$%1.0f', /*"$#,##0;($#,##0)",*/  0x7 => '$%1.2f', //"$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)",  0x8 => '$%1.2f', //"$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)",  0x9 => '%1.0f%%', // "0%"  0xa => '%1.2f%%', // "0.00%"  0xb => '%1.2f', // 0.00E00",  0x25 => '%1.0f', // "#,##0;(#,##0)",  0x26 => '%1.0f', //"#,##0;(#,##0)",  0x27 => '%1.2f', //"#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)",  0x28 => '%1.2f', //"#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)",  0x29 => '%1.0f', //"#,##0;(#,##0)",  0x2a => '$%1.0f', //"$#,##0;($#,##0)",  0x2b => '%1.2f', //"#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)",  0x2c => '$%1.2f', //"$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)",  0x30 => '%1.0f'); //"##0.0E0";  // }}}  // {{{ Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader()  /**  * Constructor  *  * Some basic initialisation  */  function __construct()  {  $this->_ole =& new OLERead();  $this->setUTFEncoder('iconv');  }  // }}}  // {{{ setOutputEncoding()  /**  * Set the encoding method  *  * @param string Encoding to use  * @access public  */  function setOutputEncoding($encoding)  {  $this->_defaultEncoding = $encoding;  }  // }}}  // {{{ setUTFEncoder()  /**  * $encoder = 'iconv' or 'mb'  * set iconv if you would like use 'iconv' for encode UTF-16LE to your encoding  * set mb if you would like use 'mb_convert_encoding' for encode UTF-16LE to your encoding  *  * @access public  * @param string Encoding type to use. Either 'iconv' or 'mb'  */  function setUTFEncoder($encoder = 'iconv')  {  $this->_encoderFunction = '';  if ($encoder == 'iconv') {  $this->_encoderFunction = function_exists('iconv') ? 'iconv' : '';  } elseif ($encoder == 'mb') {  $this->_encoderFunction = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ?  'mb_convert_encoding' :  '';  }  }  // }}}  // {{{ setRowColOffset()  /**  * todo  *  * @access public  * @param offset  */  function setRowColOffset($iOffset)  {  $this->_rowoffset = $iOffset;  $this->_coloffset = $iOffset;  }  // }}}  // {{{ setDefaultFormat()  /**  * Set the default number format  *  * @access public  * @param Default format  */  function setDefaultFormat($sFormat)  {  $this->_defaultFormat = $sFormat;  }  // }}}  // {{{ setColumnFormat()  /**  * Force a column to use a certain format  *  * @access public  * @param integer Column number  * @param string Format  */  function setColumnFormat($column, $sFormat)  {  $this->_columnsFormat[$column] = $sFormat;  }  // }}}  // {{{ read()  /**  * Read the spreadsheet file using OLE, then parse  *  * @access public  * @param filename  * @todo return a valid value  */  function read($sFileName)  {  /*  require_once 'OLE.php';  $ole = new OLE();  $ole->read($sFileName);  foreach ($ole->_list as $i => $pps) {  if (($pps->Name == 'Workbook' || $pps->Name == 'Book') &&  $pps->Size >= SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD) {  $this->data = $ole->getData($i, 0, $ole->getDataLength($i));  } elseif ($pps->Name == 'Root Entry') {  $this->data = $ole->getData($i, 0, $ole->getDataLength($i));  }  //var_dump(strlen($ole->getData($i, 0, $ole->getDataLength($i))), $pps->Name, md5($this->data), $ole->getDataLength($i));  }  //exit;  $this->_parse();  return sizeof($this->sheets) > 0;  */  $res = $this->_ole->read($sFileName);  // oops, something goes wrong (Darko Miljanovic)  if($res === false) {  // check error code  if($this->_ole->error == 1) {  // bad file  die('The filename ' . $sFileName . ' is not readable');  }  // check other error codes here (eg bad fileformat, etc...)  }  $this->data = $this->_ole->getWorkBook();  /*  $res = $this->_ole->read($sFileName);  if ($this->isError($res)) {  // var_dump($res);  return $this->raiseError($res);  }  $total = $this->_ole->ppsTotal();  for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {  if ($this->_ole->isFile($i)) {  $type = unpack("v", $this->_ole->getData($i, 0, 2));  if ($type[''] == 0x0809) { // check if it's a BIFF stream  $this->_index = $i;  $this->data = $this->_ole->getData($i, 0, $this->_ole->getDataLength($i));  break;  }  }  }  if ($this->_index === null) {  return $this->raiseError("$file doesn't seem to be an Excel file");  }  */  //echo "data =".$this->data;  //$this->readRecords();  $this->_parse();  }  // }}}  // {{{ _parse()  /**  * Parse a workbook  *  * @access private  * @return bool  */  function _parse()  {  $pos = 0;  $code = ord($this->data[$pos]) | ord($this->data[$pos+1])<<8;  $length = ord($this->data[$pos+2]) | ord($this->data[$pos+3])<<8;  $version = ord($this->data[$pos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 5])<<8;  $substreamType = ord($this->data[$pos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 7])<<8;  //echo "Start parse code=".base_convert($code,10,16)." version=".base_convert($version,10,16)." substreamType=".base_convert($substreamType,10,16).""."n";  if (($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) &&  ($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7)) {  return false;  }  if ($substreamType != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKBOOKGLOBALS){  return false;  }  //print_r($rec);  $pos += $length + 4;  $code = ord($this->data[$pos]) | ord($this->data[$pos+1])<<8;  $length = ord($this->data[$pos+2]) | ord($this->data[$pos+3])<<8;  while ($code != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF) {  switch ($code) {  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_SST:  //echo "Type_SSTn";  $spos = $pos + 4;  $limitpos = $spos + $length;  $uniqueStrings = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos+4);  $spos += 8;  for ($i = 0; $i < $uniqueStrings; $i++) {  // Read in the number of characters  if ($spos == $limitpos) {  $opcode = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $conlength = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  if ($opcode != 0x3c) {  return -1;  }  $spos += 4;  $limitpos = $spos + $conlength;  }  $numChars = ord($this->data[$spos]) | (ord($this->data[$spos+1]) << 8);  //echo "i = $i pos = $pos numChars = $numChars ";  $spos += 2;  $optionFlags = ord($this->data[$spos]);  $spos++;  $asciiEncoding = (($optionFlags & 0x01) == 0) ;  $extendedString = ( ($optionFlags & 0x04) != 0);  // See if string contains formatting information  $richString = ( ($optionFlags & 0x08) != 0);  if ($richString) {  // Read in the crun  $formattingRuns = ord($this->data[$spos]) | (ord($this->data[$spos+1]) << 8);  $spos += 2;  }  if ($extendedString) {  // Read in cchExtRst  $extendedRunLength = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos);  $spos += 4;  }  $len = ($asciiEncoding)? $numChars : $numChars*2;  if ($spos + $len < $limitpos) {  $retstr = substr($this->data, $spos, $len);  $spos += $len;  }else{  // found countinue  $retstr = substr($this->data, $spos, $limitpos - $spos);  $bytesRead = $limitpos - $spos;  $charsLeft = $numChars - (($asciiEncoding) ? $bytesRead : ($bytesRead / 2));  $spos = $limitpos;  while ($charsLeft > 0){  $opcode = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $conlength = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  if ($opcode != 0x3c) {  return -1;  }  $spos += 4;  $limitpos = $spos + $conlength;  $option = ord($this->data[$spos]);  $spos += 1;  if ($asciiEncoding && ($option == 0)) {  $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $spos); // min($charsLeft, $conlength);  $retstr .= substr($this->data, $spos, $len);  $charsLeft -= $len;  $asciiEncoding = true;  }elseif (!$asciiEncoding && ($option != 0)){  $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $spos); // min($charsLeft, $conlength);  $retstr .= substr($this->data, $spos, $len);  $charsLeft -= $len/2;  $asciiEncoding = false;  }elseif (!$asciiEncoding && ($option == 0)) {  // Bummer - the string starts off as Unicode, but after the  // continuation it is in straightforward ASCII encoding  $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $spos); // min($charsLeft, $conlength);  for ($j = 0; $j < $len; $j++) {  $retstr .= $this->data[$spos + $j].chr(0);  }  $charsLeft -= $len;  $asciiEncoding = false;  }else{  $newstr = '';  for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($retstr); $j++) {  $newstr = $retstr[$j].chr(0);  }  $retstr = $newstr;  $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $spos); // min($charsLeft, $conlength);  $retstr .= substr($this->data, $spos, $len);  $charsLeft -= $len/2;  $asciiEncoding = false;  //echo "Izavratn";  }  $spos += $len;  }  }  $retstr = ($asciiEncoding) ? $retstr : $this->_encodeUTF16($retstr);  // echo "Str $i = $retstrn";  if ($richString){  $spos += 4 * $formattingRuns;  }  // For extended strings, skip over the extended string data  if ($extendedString) {  $spos += $extendedRunLength;  }  //if ($retstr == 'Derby'){  // echo "bbn";  //}  $this->sst[]=$retstr;  }  /*$continueRecords = array();  while ($this->getNextCode() == Type_CONTINUE) {  $continueRecords[] = &$this->nextRecord();  }  //echo " 1 Type_SSTn";  $this->shareStrings = new SSTRecord($r, $continueRecords);  //print_r($this->shareStrings->strings);  */  // echo 'SST read: '.($time_end-$time_start)."n";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FILEPASS:  return false;  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NAME:  //echo "Type_NAMEn";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMAT:  $indexCode = ord($this->data[$pos+4]) | ord($this->data[$pos+5]) << 8;  if ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) {  $numchars = ord($this->data[$pos+6]) | ord($this->data[$pos+7]) << 8;  if (ord($this->data[$pos+8]) == 0){  $formatString = substr($this->data, $pos+9, $numchars);  } else {  $formatString = substr($this->data, $pos+9, $numchars*2);  }  } else {  $numchars = ord($this->data[$pos+6]);  $formatString = substr($this->data, $pos+7, $numchars*2);  }  $this->formatRecords[$indexCode] = $formatString;  // echo "Type.FORMATn";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_XF:  //global $dateFormats, $numberFormats;  $indexCode = ord($this->data[$pos+6]) | ord($this->data[$pos+7]) << 8;  //echo "nType.XF ".count($this->formatRecords['xfrecords'])." $indexCode ";  if (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->dateFormats)) {  //echo "isdate ".$dateFormats[$indexCode];  $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array(  'type' => 'date',  'format' => $this->dateFormats[$indexCode]  );  }elseif (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->numberFormats)) {  //echo "isnumber ".$this->numberFormats[$indexCode];  $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array(  'type' => 'number',  'format' => $this->numberFormats[$indexCode]  );  }else{  $isdate = FALSE;  if ($indexCode > 0){  if (isset($this->formatRecords[$indexCode]))  $formatstr = $this->formatRecords[$indexCode];  //echo '.other.';  //echo "ndate-time=$formatstr=n";  if ($formatstr)  if (preg_match("/[^hmsday/-:s]/i", $formatstr) == 0) { // found day and time format  $isdate = TRUE;  $formatstr = str_replace('mm', 'i', $formatstr);  $formatstr = str_replace('h', 'H', $formatstr);  //echo "ndate-time $formatstr n";  }  }  if ($isdate){  $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array(  'type' => 'date',  'format' => $formatstr,  );  }else{  $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array(  'type' => 'other',  'format' => '',  'code' => $indexCode  );  }  }  //echo "n";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NINETEENFOUR:  //echo "Type.NINETEENFOURn";  $this->nineteenFour = (ord($this->data[$pos+4]) == 1);  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOUNDSHEET:  //echo "Type.BOUNDSHEETn";  $rec_offset = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $pos+4);  $rec_typeFlag = ord($this->data[$pos+8]);  $rec_visibilityFlag = ord($this->data[$pos+9]);  $rec_length = ord($this->data[$pos+10]);  if ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8){  $chartype = ord($this->data[$pos+11]);  if ($chartype == 0){  $rec_name = substr($this->data, $pos+12, $rec_length);  } else {  $rec_name = $this->_encodeUTF16(substr($this->data, $pos+12, $rec_length*2));  }  }elseif ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7){  $rec_name = substr($this->data, $pos+11, $rec_length);  }  $this->boundsheets[] = array('name'=>$rec_name,  'offset'=>$rec_offset);  break;  }  //echo "Code = ".base_convert($r['code'],10,16)."n";  $pos += $length + 4;  $code = ord($this->data[$pos]) | ord($this->data[$pos+1])<<8;  $length = ord($this->data[$pos+2]) | ord($this->data[$pos+3])<<8;  //$r = &$this->nextRecord();  //echo "1 Code = ".base_convert($r['code'],10,16)."n";  }  foreach ($this->boundsheets as $key=>$val){  $this->sn = $key;  $this->_parsesheet($val['offset']);  }  return true;  }  /**  * Parse a worksheet  *  * @access private  * @param todo  * @todo fix return codes  */  function _parsesheet($spos)  {  $cont = true;  // read BOF  $code = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $length = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $version = ord($this->data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 5])<<8;  $substreamType = ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 7])<<8;  if (($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) && ($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7)) {  return -1;  }  if ($substreamType != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKSHEET){  return -2;  }  //echo "Start parse code=".base_convert($code,10,16)." version=".base_convert($version,10,16)." substreamType=".base_convert($substreamType,10,16).""."n";  $spos += $length + 4;  //var_dump($this->formatRecords);  //echo "code $code $length";  while($cont) {  //echo "mem= ".memory_get_usage()."n";  // $r = &$this->file->nextRecord();  $lowcode = ord($this->data[$spos]);  if ($lowcode == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF) break;  $code = $lowcode | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $length = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $spos += 4;  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'] = $this->_rowoffset - 1;  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'] = $this->_coloffset - 1;  //echo "Code=".base_convert($code,10,16)." $coden";  unset($this->rectype);  $this->multiplier = 1; // need for format with %  switch ($code) {  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DIMENSION:  //echo 'Type_DIMENSION ';  if (!isset($this->numRows)) {  if (($length == 10) || ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7)){  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'] = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3]) << 8;  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'] = ord($this->data[$spos+6]) | ord($this->data[$spos+7]) << 8;  } else {  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'] = ord($this->data[$spos+4]) | ord($this->data[$spos+5]) << 8;  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'] = ord($this->data[$spos+10]) | ord($this->data[$spos+11]) << 8;  }  }  //echo 'numRows '.$this->numRows.' '.$this->numCols."n";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MERGEDCELLS:  $cellRanges = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  for ($i = 0; $i < $cellRanges; $i++) {  $fr = ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 3])<<8;  $lr = ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 5])<<8;  $fc = ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 7])<<8;  $lc = ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 8]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8*$i + 9])<<8;  //$this->sheets[$this->sn]['mergedCells'][] = array($fr + 1, $fc + 1, $lr + 1, $lc + 1);  if ($lr - $fr > 0) {  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$fr+1][$fc+1]['rowspan'] = $lr - $fr + 1;  }  if ($lc - $fc > 0) {  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$fr+1][$fc+1]['colspan'] = $lc - $fc + 1;  }  }  //echo "Merged Cells $cellRanges $lr $fr $lc $fcn";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK:  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK2:  //echo 'SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK'."n";  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $column = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $rknum = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 6);  $numValue = $this->_GetIEEE754($rknum);  //echo $numValue." ";  if ($this->isDate($spos)) {  list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($numValue);  }else{  $raw = $numValue;  if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])){  $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1];  }  $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $numValue * $this->multiplier);  //$this->addcell(RKRecord($r));  }  $this->addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw);  //echo "Type_RK $row $column $string $raw {$this->curformat}n";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABELSST:  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $column = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $xfindex = ord($this->data[$spos+4]) | ord($this->data[$spos+5])<<8;  $index = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 6);  //var_dump($this->sst);  $this->addcell($row, $column, $this->sst[$index]);  //echo "LabelSST $row $column $stringn";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULRK:  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $colFirst = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $colLast = ord($this->data[$spos + $length - 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + $length - 1])<<8;  $columns = $colLast - $colFirst + 1;  $tmppos = $spos+4;  for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {  $numValue = $this->_GetIEEE754($this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $tmppos + 2));  if ($this->isDate($tmppos-4)) {  list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($numValue);  }else{  $raw = $numValue;  if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$colFirst + $i + 1])){  $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$colFirst + $i + 1];  }  $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $numValue * $this->multiplier);  }  //$rec['rknumbers'][$i]['xfindex'] = ord($rec['data'][$pos]) | ord($rec['data'][$pos+1]) << 8;  $tmppos += 6;  $this->addcell($row, $colFirst + $i, $string, $raw);  //echo "MULRK $row ".($colFirst + $i)." $stringn";  }  //MulRKRecord($r);  // Get the individual cell records from the multiple record  //$num = ;  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NUMBER:  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $column = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $tmp = unpack("ddouble", substr($this->data, $spos + 6, 8)); // It machine machine dependent  if ($this->isDate($spos)) {  list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($tmp['double']);  // $this->addcell(DateRecord($r, 1));  }else{  //$raw = $tmp[''];  if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])){  $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1];  }  $raw = $this->createNumber($spos);  $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $raw * $this->multiplier);  // $this->addcell(NumberRecord($r));  }  $this->addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw);  //echo "Number $row $column $stringn";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA:  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA2:  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $column = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  if ((ord($this->data[$spos+6])==0) && (ord($this->data[$spos+12])==255) && (ord($this->data[$spos+13])==255)) {  //String formula. Result follows in a STRING record  //echo "FORMULA $row $column Formula with a string<br>n";  } elseif ((ord($this->data[$spos+6])==1) && (ord($this->data[$spos+12])==255) && (ord($this->data[$spos+13])==255)) {  //Boolean formula. Result is in +2; 0=false,1=true  } elseif ((ord($this->data[$spos+6])==2) && (ord($this->data[$spos+12])==255) && (ord($this->data[$spos+13])==255)) {  //Error formula. Error code is in +2;  } elseif ((ord($this->data[$spos+6])==3) && (ord($this->data[$spos+12])==255) && (ord($this->data[$spos+13])==255)) {  //Formula result is a null string.  } else {  // result is a number, so first 14 bytes are just like a _NUMBER record  $tmp = unpack("ddouble", substr($this->data, $spos + 6, 8)); // It machine machine dependent  if ($this->isDate($spos)) {  list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($tmp['double']);  // $this->addcell(DateRecord($r, 1));  }else{  //$raw = $tmp[''];  if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])){  $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1];  }  $raw = $this->createNumber($spos);  $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $raw * $this->multiplier);  // $this->addcell(NumberRecord($r));  }  $this->addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw);  //echo "Number $row $column $stringn";  }  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOOLERR:  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $column = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $string = ord($this->data[$spos+6]);  $this->addcell($row, $column, $string);  //echo 'Type_BOOLERR '."n";  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_ROW:  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DBCELL:  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULBLANK:  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABEL:  $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos+1])<<8;  $column = ord($this->data[$spos+2]) | ord($this->data[$spos+3])<<8;  $this->addcell($row, $column, substr($this->data, $spos + 8, ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 7])<<8));  // $this->addcell(LabelRecord($r));  break;  case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF:  $cont = false;  break;  default:  //echo ' unknown :'.base_convert($r['code'],10,16)."n";  break;  }  $spos += $length;  }  if (!isset($this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows']))  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'] = $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'];  if (!isset($this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols']))  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'] = $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'];  }  /**  * Check whether the current record read is a date  *  * @param todo  * @return boolean True if date, false otherwise  */  function isDate($spos)  {  //$xfindex = GetInt2d(, 4);  $xfindex = ord($this->data[$spos+4]) | ord($this->data[$spos+5]) << 8;  //echo 'check is date '.$xfindex.' '.$this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['type']."n";  //var_dump($this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]);  if ($this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['type'] == 'date') {  $this->curformat = $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['format'];  $this->rectype = 'date';  return true;  } else {  if ($this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['type'] == 'number') {  $this->curformat = $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['format'];  $this->rectype = 'number';  if (($xfindex == 0x9) || ($xfindex == 0xa)){  $this->multiplier = 100;  }  }else{  $this->curformat = $this->_defaultFormat;  $this->rectype = 'unknown';  }  return false;  }  }  //}}}  //{{{ createDate()  /**  * Convert the raw Excel date into a human readable format  *  * Dates in Excel are stored as number of seconds from an epoch. On  * Windows, the epoch is 30/12/1899 and on Mac it's 01/01/1904  *  * @access private  * @param integer The raw Excel value to convert  * @return array First element is the converted date, the second element is number a unix timestamp  */  function createDate($numValue)  {  if ($numValue > 1) {  $utcDays = $numValue - ($this->nineteenFour ? SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS1904 : SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS);  $utcValue = round(($utcDays+1) * SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY);  $string = date ($this->curformat, $utcValue);  $raw = $utcValue;  } else {  $raw = $numValue;  $hours = floor($numValue * 24);  $mins = floor($numValue * 24 * 60) - $hours * 60;  $secs = floor($numValue * SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY) - $hours * 60 * 60 - $mins * 60;  $string = date ($this->curformat, mktime($hours, $mins, $secs));  }  return array($string, $raw);  }  function createNumber($spos)  {  $rknumhigh = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 10);  $rknumlow = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 6);  //for ($i=0; $i<8; $i++) { echo ord($this->data[$i+$spos+6]) . " "; } echo "<br>";  $sign = ($rknumhigh & 0x80000000) >> 31;  $exp = ($rknumhigh & 0x7ff00000) >> 20;  $mantissa = (0x100000 | ($rknumhigh & 0x000fffff));  $mantissalow1 = ($rknumlow & 0x80000000) >> 31;  $mantissalow2 = ($rknumlow & 0x7fffffff);  $value = $mantissa / pow( 2 , (20- ($exp - 1023)));  if ($mantissalow1 != 0) $value += 1 / pow (2 , (21 - ($exp - 1023)));  $value += $mantissalow2 / pow (2 , (52 - ($exp - 1023)));  //echo "Sign = $sign, Exp = $exp, mantissahighx = $mantissa, mantissalow1 = $mantissalow1, mantissalow2 = $mantissalow2<br>n";  if ($sign) {$value = -1 * $value;}  return $value;  }  function addcell($row, $col, $string, $raw = '')  {  //echo "ADD cel $row-$col $stringn";  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'] = max($this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'], $row + $this->_rowoffset);  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'] = max($this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'], $col + $this->_coloffset);  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cells'][$row + $this->_rowoffset][$col + $this->_coloffset] = $string;  if ($raw)  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$row + $this->_rowoffset][$col + $this->_coloffset]['raw'] = $raw;  if (isset($this->rectype))  $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$row + $this->_rowoffset][$col + $this->_coloffset]['type'] = $this->rectype;  }  function _GetIEEE754($rknum)  {  if (($rknum & 0x02) != 0) {  $value = $rknum >> 2;  } else {  //mmp  // first comment out the previously existing 7 lines of code here  // $tmp = unpack("d", pack("VV", 0, ($rknum & 0xfffffffc)));  // //$value = $tmp[''];  // if (array_key_exists(1, $tmp)) {  // $value = $tmp[1];  // } else {  // $value = $tmp[''];  // }  // I got my info on IEEE754 encoding from  //  // The RK format calls for using only the most significant 30 bits of the  // 64 bit floating point value. The other 34 bits are assumed to be 0  // So, we use the upper 30 bits of $rknum as follows...  $sign = ($rknum & 0x80000000) >> 31;  $exp = ($rknum & 0x7ff00000) >> 20;  $mantissa = (0x100000 | ($rknum & 0x000ffffc));  $value = $mantissa / pow( 2 , (20- ($exp - 1023)));  if ($sign) {$value = -1 * $value;}  //end of changes by mmp  }  if (($rknum & 0x01) != 0) {  $value /= 100;  }  return $value;  }  function _encodeUTF16($string)  {  $result = $string;  if ($this->_defaultEncoding){  switch ($this->_encoderFunction){  case 'iconv' : $result = iconv('UTF-16LE', $this->_defaultEncoding, $string);  break;  case 'mb_convert_encoding' : $result = mb_convert_encoding($string, $this->_defaultEncoding, 'UTF-16LE' );  break;  }  }  return $result;  }  function _GetInt4d($data, $pos)  {  $value = ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos+1]) << 8) | (ord($data[$pos+2]) << 16) | (ord($data[$pos+3]) << 24);  if ($value>=4294967294)  {  $value=-2;  }  return $value;  }  }  /*  * Local variables:  * tab-width: 4  * c-basic-offset: 4  * c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil  * End:  */  ?>  。

2、调用方法  。


<?php  $data = new ReadexcelSystem();  $data->setOutputEncoding('utf-8');  $data->read($location);  print_r($data->sheets[0]['cells'] );  ?>  $data->sheets[0]['cells']  。

就是我们要获取的excle文件里的数据 。

最后此篇关于php编程实现获取excel文档内容的代码实例的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于php编程实现获取excel文档内容的代码实例的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。

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