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这篇CFSDN的博客文章Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法由作者收集整理,如果你对这篇文章有兴趣,记得点赞哟.
1、把查询到的结果,插入到临时表, 。
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE CHEN_TEST_PACKGE IS type cursor_type is ref cursor,
/************************************************************************************/ /* 功能说明:查询某种公告报表 */ /* 参数说明: */ /* i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2 某种公告ID */ /* o_cursor OUT cursor_type 返回游标 */ /* */ /* 创建日期 姓名 */ /* 2013-03-08 路人甲 */ /************************************************************************************/ 。
PROCEDURE p_list_bulletin_report( i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2, o_cursor OUT cursor_type),
/************************************************************************************/ /* 功能说明:查询某种公告报表 */ /* 参数说明: */ /* i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2 某种公告ID */ /* o_cursor OUT bulletin_report_type 返回游标 */ /* */ /* 创建日期 姓名 */ /* 2013-03-08 路人甲 */ /************************************************************************************/ 。
PROCEDURE p_list_bulletin_report( i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2, o_cursor OUT bulletin_report_type) AS set_id_bulletin_report_temp VARCHAR2(50); -- 定义临时变量 BEGIN begin --给临时变量赋值 --select to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24missSSS') into set_id_bulletin_report_temp from dual; select i_id_capital_dynamic_manage into set_id_bulletin_report_temp from dual; --获取数据插入临时表 insert into scms_bulletin_report_temp ( id_bulletin_report_temp, biz_Name , t01 , t07 , t14 , t21 , t1M , t2M , t3M , t4M , t5M , t6M , t1Y , t2Y , tCount , sort_no ) select c.*, rownum as sort_no from( select set_id_bulletin_report_temp as id_bulletin_report_temp, scms_common_packge.get_biz_name(b.biz_id) as biz_Name, max(case when b.term_type='T01' then b.c else 0 end) as T01, max(case when b.term_type='T07' then b.c else 0 end) as T07, max(case when b.term_type='T14' then b.c else 0 end) as T14, max(case when b.term_type='T21' then b.c else 0 end) as T21, max(case when b.term_type='T1M' then b.c else 0 end) as T1M, max(case when b.term_type='T2M' then b.c else 0 end) as T2M, max(case when b.term_type='T3M' then b.c else 0 end) as T3M, max(case when b.term_type='T4M' then b.c else 0 end) as T4M, max(case when b.term_type='T5M' then b.c else 0 end) as T5M, max(case when b.term_type='T6M' then b.c else 0 end) as T6M, max(case when b.term_type='T1Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T1Y, max(case when b.term_type='T2Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T2Y, sum(b.c) as BIZ_ID_COUNT from ( select a.term_type,a.biz_id, sum(a.capital_claim) c from (select report.capital_claim, report.biz_id, detail.term_type from scms_capital_claim_report report, scms_capital_assign_detail detail, scms_capital_dynamic_manage manager where manager.id_capital_dynamic_manage = detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage and report.id_capital_assign_detail = detail.id_capital_assign_detail and detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage = i_id_capital_dynamic_manage and manager.IS_SETTLEMENT = '1' and manager.IS_CONFIRM = '1' ) a group by a.term_type, a.biz_id ) b group by b.biz_id ) c; -- 插入总记录数 insert into scms_bulletin_report_temp ( id_bulletin_report_temp, biz_Name , t01 , t07 , t14 , t21 , t1M , t2M , t3M , t4M , t5M , t6M , t1Y , t2Y , tCount , sort_no ) select c.*, (select max(sort_no)+1 from scms_bulletin_report_temp te where te.id_bulletin_report_temp = set_id_bulletin_report_temp ) as sort_no from( select set_id_bulletin_report_temp as id_bulletin_report_temp, '总计(天数)' as biz_Name, max(case when b.term_type='T01' then b.c else 0 end) as T01, max(case when b.term_type='T07' then b.c else 0 end) as T07, max(case when b.term_type='T14' then b.c else 0 end) as T14, max(case when b.term_type='T21' then b.c else 0 end) as T21, max(case when b.term_type='T1M' then b.c else 0 end) as T1M, max(case when b.term_type='T2M' then b.c else 0 end) as T2M, max(case when b.term_type='T3M' then b.c else 0 end) as T3M, max(case when b.term_type='T4M' then b.c else 0 end) as T4M, max(case when b.term_type='T5M' then b.c else 0 end) as T5M, max(case when b.term_type='T6M' then b.c else 0 end) as T6M, max(case when b.term_type='T1Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T1Y, max(case when b.term_type='T2Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T2Y, sum(b.c) as BIZ_ID_COUNT from ( select a.term_type,'biz_id_count' as biz_id, sum(a.capital_claim) c from (select report.capital_claim, report.biz_id, detail.term_type from scms_capital_claim_report report, scms_capital_assign_detail detail, scms_capital_dynamic_manage manager where manager.id_capital_dynamic_manage = detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage and report.id_capital_assign_detail = detail.id_capital_assign_detail and detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage = i_id_capital_dynamic_manage and manager.IS_SETTLEMENT = '1' and manager.IS_CONFIRM = '1' ) a group by a.term_type ) b group by b.biz_id ) c; -- 查询刚刚插入的表记录 open o_cursor for select id_bulletin_report_temp as idBulletinReportTemp, biz_Name as bizName , t01 as t01 , t07 as t07 , t14 as t14 , t21 as t21 , t1M as t1M , t2M as t2M , t3M as t3M , t4M as t4M , t5M as t5M , t6M as t6M , t1Y as t1Y , t2Y as t2Y , tCount as tCount, sort_no as sortNo from scms_bulletin_report_temp temp where temp.id_bulletin_report_temp = set_id_bulletin_report_temp order by sortNo asc; -- 删除:根据ID删除刚刚插入的记录 delete from scms_bulletin_report_temp temp where temp.id_bulletin_report_temp = set_id_bulletin_report_temp; commit; end; END p_list_bulletin_report; END CHEN_TEST_PACKGE; / 。
<!-- 某种公告报表查询 结果集 class="java.util.HashMap"--> <resultMap id="bulletinReportResultMap" class="java.util.TreeMap"> <result property="bizId" column="bizId"/> <result property="bizName" column="bizName"/> <result property="t01" column="t01"/> <result property="t07" column="t07"/> <result property="t14" column="t14"/> <result property="t21" column="t21"/> <result property="t1M" column="t1M"/> <result property="t2M" column="t2M"/> <result property="t3M" column="t3M"/> <result property="t4M" column="t4M"/> <result property="t5M" column="t5M"/> <result property="t6M" column="t6M"/> <result property="t1Y" column="t1Y"/> <result property="t2Y" column="t2Y"/> <result property="tCount" column="tCount"/> <result property="sortNo" column="sortNo"/> </resultMap> <!-- 某种公告报表查询 参数 --> <parameterMap id="bulletinReportParamMap" class="java.util.Map"> <parameter property="i_id_capital_dynamic_manage" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" mode="IN" /> <parameter property="o_cursor" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" mode="OUT" /> </parameterMap> <!-- 某种公告报表查询 调用存储过程 --> <procedure id="queryBulletinReportList" resultMap="bulletinReportResultMap" parameterMap="bulletinReportParamMap"> {call CHEN_TEST_PACKGE.p_list_bulletin_report(?,?)} </procedure> 。
最后此篇关于Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法的文章就讲到这里了,如果你想了解更多关于Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法的内容请搜索CFSDN的文章或继续浏览相关文章,希望大家以后支持我的博客! 。
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