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代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
protected Element getNextSiblingElement( Element element ) {
return XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( element );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
protected Element getNextSiblingElement( Element element ) {
return XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( element );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
* Inspect the given trait, looping over its siblings.
* <p>
* This method can be overridden by clients wishing to modify the inspection process. Most
* clients will find it easier to override one of the sub-methods, such as
* <code>inspectTrait</code> or <code>inspectProperty</code>.
protected void inspectTraitSiblings( Element toAddTo, Element toInspect ) {
Element toInspectToUse = toInspect;
while ( toInspectToUse != null ) {
Element inspectedTrait = inspectTrait( toAddTo.getOwnerDocument(), toInspectToUse );
if ( inspectedTrait != null ) {
toAddTo.appendChild( inspectedTrait );
toInspectToUse = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( toInspectToUse );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
* Inspect the given trait, looping over its siblings.
* <p>
* This method can be overridden by clients wishing to modify the inspection process. Most
* clients will find it easier to override one of the sub-methods, such as
* <code>inspectTrait</code> or <code>inspectProperty</code>.
protected void inspectTraitSiblings( Element toAddTo, Element toInspect ) {
Element toInspectToUse = toInspect;
while ( toInspectToUse != null ) {
Element inspectedTrait = inspectTrait( toAddTo.getOwnerDocument(), toInspectToUse );
if ( inspectedTrait != null ) {
toAddTo.appendChild( inspectedTrait );
toInspectToUse = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( toInspectToUse );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
* Prepend 'package' attribute to class 'name' and 'extends' attributes, and to 'class'
* attributes of children.
protected void preprocessDocument( Document document ) {
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
String packagePrefix = root.getAttribute( "package" );
if ( packagePrefix != null && !"".equals( packagePrefix ) ) {
packagePrefix += StringUtils.SEPARATOR_DOT_CHAR;
String topLevelAttribute = getTopLevelTypeAttribute();
String extendsAttribute = getExtendsAttribute();
Element child = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement( root );
while ( child != null ) {
// 'name' attribute of 'class'/'subclass' element
String name = child.getAttribute( topLevelAttribute );
if ( name != null && !"".equals( name ) && name.indexOf( StringUtils.SEPARATOR_DOT_CHAR ) == -1 ) {
child.setAttribute( topLevelAttribute, packagePrefix + name );
// 'extends' attribute of 'subclass' element
String extendsClass = child.getAttribute( extendsAttribute );
if ( extendsClass != null && !"".equals( extendsClass ) && extendsClass.indexOf( StringUtils.SEPARATOR_DOT_CHAR ) == -1 ) {
child.setAttribute( extendsAttribute, packagePrefix + extendsClass );
// 'class' attributes of children
prependPackageToClassAttribute( child, packagePrefix );
child = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( child );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
entity.removeChild( toRemove );
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.forge.addon/scaffold-spi
* Inspects a {@link JavaClass} instance and provides inspection results in return.
* @param klass The {@link JavaClass} to inspect.
* @return A list representing inspection results for the {@link JavaClass}. Each list item corresponds to the
* inspection result for every property of the provided {@link JavaClass}.
public List<Map<String, String>> inspect(JavaClassSource klass)
Element inspectionResult = compositeInspector.inspectAsDom(null, klass.getQualifiedName(), (String[]) null);
Element inspectedEntity = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement(inspectionResult);
Element inspectedProperty = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement(inspectedEntity);
List<Map<String, String>> viewPropertyAttributes = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
while (inspectedProperty != null)
Map<String, String> propertyAttributes = XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap(inspectedProperty);
inspectedProperty = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement(inspectedProperty);
return viewPropertyAttributes;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.forge/forge-scaffoldx-api
* Inspects a {@link JavaClass} instance and provides inspection results in return.
* @param klass The {@link JavaClass} to inspect.
* @return A list representing inspection results for the {@link JavaClass}. Each list item corresponds to the
* inspection result for every property of the provided {@link JavaClass}.
public List<Map<String, String>> inspect(JavaClass klass)
Element inspectionResult = compositeInspector.inspectAsDom(null, klass.getQualifiedName(), (String[]) null);
Element inspectedEntity = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement(inspectionResult);
Element inspectedProperty = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement(inspectedEntity);
List<Map<String, String>> viewPropertyAttributes = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
while (inspectedProperty != null)
Map<String, String> propertyAttributes = XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap(inspectedProperty);
inspectedProperty = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement(inspectedProperty);
return viewPropertyAttributes;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
sequence = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( sequence );
sequenceLocalName = XmlUtils.getLocalName( sequence );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
trait = XmlUtils.getNextSiblingElement( trait );