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[英]Sets the Map as DOM attributes on the given Element.
This implementation uses element.setAttribute
. Therefore if the element already has attributes, the new attributes are added amongst them. If attributes with the same name already exist, they are overwritten. To remove attributes from the given Element, put them in the Map with a null
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
public static Element importElement( Document document, Element element ) {
try {
return (Element) document.importNode( element, true );
} catch ( DOMException e ) {
// Note: importNode returns 'DOMException' under Android 1.1_r1
Element imported = document.createElementNS( element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getNodeName() );
setMapAsAttributes( imported, getAttributesAsMap( element ) );
NodeList nodeList = imported.getChildNodes();
for ( int loop = 0; loop < nodeList.getLength(); loop++ ) {
Node node = nodeList.item( loop );
if ( !( node instanceof Element ) ) {
imported.appendChild( importElement( document, (Element) node ) );
return imported;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
public static Element importElement( Document document, Element element ) {
try {
return (Element) document.importNode( element, true );
} catch ( DOMException e ) {
// Note: importNode returns 'DOMException' under Android 1.1_r1
Element imported = document.createElementNS( element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getNodeName() );
setMapAsAttributes( imported, getAttributesAsMap( element ) );
NodeList nodeList = imported.getChildNodes();
for ( int loop = 0; loop < nodeList.getLength(); loop++ ) {
Node node = nodeList.item( loop );
if ( !( node instanceof Element ) ) {
imported.appendChild( importElement( document, (Element) node ) );
return imported;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
* Inspect the given Element and return a Map of attributes if it is a trait.
* <p>
* It is this method's responsibility to decide whether the given Element does, in fact, qualify
* as a 'trait' - based on its own rules.
* @param toInspect
* DOM element to inspect
protected Element inspectTrait( Document toAddTo, Element toInspect ) {
// Properties
Map<String, String> propertyAttributes = inspectProperty( toInspect );
if ( propertyAttributes != null && !propertyAttributes.isEmpty() ) {
Element child = toAddTo.createElementNS( NAMESPACE, PROPERTY );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( child, propertyAttributes );
return child;
// Actions
Map<String, String> actionAttributes = inspectAction( toInspect );
if ( actionAttributes != null && !actionAttributes.isEmpty() ) {
// Sanity check
if ( propertyAttributes != null ) {
throw InspectorException.newException( "Ambigious match: " + toInspect.getNodeName() + " matches as both a property and an action" );
Element child = toAddTo.createElementNS( NAMESPACE, ACTION );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( child, actionAttributes );
return child;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
* Inspect the given Element and return a Map of attributes if it is a trait.
* <p>
* It is this method's responsibility to decide whether the given Element does, in fact, qualify
* as a 'trait' - based on its own rules.
* @param toInspect
* DOM element to inspect
protected Element inspectTrait( Document toAddTo, Element toInspect ) {
// Properties
Map<String, String> propertyAttributes = inspectProperty( toInspect );
if ( propertyAttributes != null && !propertyAttributes.isEmpty() ) {
Element child = toAddTo.createElementNS( NAMESPACE, PROPERTY );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( child, propertyAttributes );
return child;
// Actions
Map<String, String> actionAttributes = inspectAction( toInspect );
if ( actionAttributes != null && !actionAttributes.isEmpty() ) {
// Sanity check
if ( propertyAttributes != null ) {
throw InspectorException.newException( "Ambigious match: " + toInspect.getNodeName() + " matches as both a property and an action" );
Element child = toAddTo.createElementNS( NAMESPACE, ACTION );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( child, actionAttributes );
return child;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
element.setAttribute( NAME, property.getName() );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, traitAttributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, propertyAttributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, entityAttributes );
element.setAttribute( NAME, action.getName() );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, traitAttributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, actionAttributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
element.setAttribute( NAME, property.getName() );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, traitAttributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, propertyAttributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, entityAttributes );
element.setAttribute( NAME, action.getName() );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, traitAttributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( element, actionAttributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
public Element processInspectionResultAsDom( Element inspectionResult, M metawidget, Object toInspect, String type, String... names ) {
Element entity = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement( inspectionResult );
// Sanity check
String elementName = entity.getNodeName();
if ( !ENTITY.equals( elementName ) ) {
throw InspectionResultProcessorException.newException( "Top-level element name should be " + ENTITY + ", not " + elementName );
Map<String, String> attributes = XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap( entity );
processEntity( attributes, metawidget, toInspect, type, names );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, attributes );
processTraits( entity, metawidget, toInspect, type, names );
return inspectionResult;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
public Element processInspectionResultAsDom( Element inspectionResult, M metawidget, Object toInspect, String type, String... names ) {
Element entity = XmlUtils.getFirstChildElement( inspectionResult );
// Sanity check
String elementName = entity.getNodeName();
if ( !ENTITY.equals( elementName ) ) {
throw InspectionResultProcessorException.newException( "Top-level element name should be " + ENTITY + ", not " + elementName );
Map<String, String> attributes = XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap( entity );
processEntity( attributes, metawidget, toInspect, type, names );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, attributes );
processTraits( entity, metawidget, toInspect, type, names );
return inspectionResult;
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( trait, attributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( trait, attributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, parentAttributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, parentAttributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( newInspectionResult, XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap( inspectionResult ) );
newDocument.appendChild( newInspectionResult );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( newEntity, XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap( entity ) );
newInspectionResult.appendChild( newEntity );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( newInspectionResult, XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap( inspectionResult ) );
newDocument.appendChild( newInspectionResult );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( newEntity, XmlUtils.getAttributesAsMap( entity ) );
newInspectionResult.appendChild( newEntity );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-core
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, inspectEntity( declaredChildType, actualChildType ) );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, parentAttributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, inspectEntity( declaredChildType, actualChildType ) );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( entity, parentAttributes );
代码示例来源:origin: org.metawidget.modules/metawidget-all
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( toAddTo, attributes );
inspectExtension( toInspectToUse, attributes );
inspectRestriction( toInspectToUse, attributes );
XmlUtils.setMapAsAttributes( toAddTo, attributes );
我正在使用 JavaScript 的 Metawidgets,并且希望访问并显示更新后的域模型(如果对其进行了任何更改),而无需路由回服务器(例如:全部在同一客户端 JavaScript 中)。遗憾的
我正在使用 MetaWidget for Swing。我能够生成 UI 并且 BeanBinding 也能正常工作。但是,诸如“强制字段”和“最大长度”之类的验证不起作用。我希望当我将“名字”字段留空
我正在使用 Metawidget在 GUI 中自动查看/编辑对象中的值。我能够绑定(bind)对象的初始值,并在它们各自的 GUI 组件中看到它们。但是,当我更改 GUI 中的值时,这些更改不会同步回