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[英]Converts the given wallet to the object representation of the protocol buffers. This can be modified, or additional data fields set, before serialization takes place.
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
* Formats the given wallet (transactions and keys) to the given output stream in protocol buffer format.<p>
* Equivalent to <tt>walletToProto(wallet).writeTo(output);</tt>
public void writeWallet(Wallet wallet, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
* Returns the given wallet formatted as text. The text format is that used by protocol buffers and although it
* can also be parsed using {@link TextFormat#merge(CharSequence, com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder)},
* it is designed more for debugging than storage. It is not well specified and wallets are largely binary data
* structures anyway, consisting as they do of keys (large random numbers) and {@link Transaction}s which also
* mostly contain keys and hashes.
public String walletToText(Wallet wallet) {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
return TextFormat.printToString(walletProto);
代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core
* Returns the given wallet formatted as text. The text format is that used by protocol buffers and although it
* can also be parsed using {@link TextFormat#merge(CharSequence, com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder)},
* it is designed more for debugging than storage. It is not well specified and wallets are largely binary data
* structures anyway, consisting as they do of keys (large random numbers) and {@link Transaction}s which also
* mostly contain keys and hashes.
public String walletToText(Wallet wallet) {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
return TextFormat.printToString(walletProto);
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
* Returns the given wallet formatted as text. The text format is that used by protocol buffers and although it
* can also be parsed using {@link TextFormat#merge(CharSequence, com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder)},
* it is designed more for debugging than storage. It is not well specified and wallets are largely binary data
* structures anyway, consisting as they do of keys (large random numbers) and {@link Transaction}s which also
* mostly contain keys and hashes.
public String walletToText(Wallet wallet) {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
return TextFormat.printToString(walletProto);
代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj
* Formats the given wallet (transactions and keys) to the given output stream in protocol buffer format.<p>
* Equivalent to <tt>walletToProto(wallet).writeTo(output);</tt>
public void writeWallet(Wallet wallet, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj
* Returns the given wallet formatted as text. The text format is that used by protocol buffers and although it
* can also be parsed using {@link TextFormat#merge(CharSequence, com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder)},
* it is designed more for debugging than storage. It is not well specified and wallets are largely binary data
* structures anyway, consisting as they do of keys (large random numbers) and {@link Transaction}s which also
* mostly contain keys and hashes.
public String walletToText(Wallet wallet) {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
return TextFormat.printToString(walletProto);
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
* Formats the given wallet (transactions and keys) to the given output stream in protocol buffer format.<p>
* Equivalent to <tt>walletToProto(wallet).writeTo(output);</tt>
public void writeWallet(Wallet wallet, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
final CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(output, this.walletWriteBufferSize);
代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core
* Formats the given wallet (transactions and keys) to the given output stream in protocol buffer format.<p>
* Equivalent to <tt>walletToProto(wallet).writeTo(output);</tt>
public void writeWallet(Wallet wallet, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
Protos.Wallet walletProto = walletToProto(wallet);
final CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(output, this.walletWriteBufferSize);
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
private Wallet roundTrip(Wallet wallet) throws UnreadableWalletException {
Protos.Wallet protos = new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(wallet);
return new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(PARAMS, null, protos);
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
public void extensionsWithError() throws Exception {
WalletExtension extension = new WalletExtension() {
public String getWalletExtensionID() {
return "test";
public boolean isWalletExtensionMandatory() {
return false;
public byte[] serializeWalletExtension() {
return new byte[0];
public void deserializeWalletExtension(Wallet containingWallet, byte[] data) throws Exception {
throw new NullPointerException(); // Something went wrong!
Protos.Wallet proto = new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(myWallet);
Wallet wallet = new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(PARAMS, new WalletExtension[]{extension}, proto);
assertEquals(0, wallet.getExtensions().size());
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
@Test(expected = UnreadableWalletException.FutureVersion.class)
public void versions() throws Exception {
Protos.Wallet.Builder proto = Protos.Wallet.newBuilder(new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(myWallet));
new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(PARAMS, null, proto.build());
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
public void extensions() throws Exception {
myWallet.addExtension(new FooWalletExtension("com.whatever.required", true));
Protos.Wallet proto = new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(myWallet);
// Initial extension is mandatory: try to read it back into a wallet that doesn't know about it.
try {
new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(PARAMS, null, proto);
} catch (UnreadableWalletException e) {
Wallet wallet = new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(PARAMS,
new WalletExtension[]{ new FooWalletExtension("com.whatever.required", true) },
// Non-mandatory extensions are ignored if the wallet doesn't know how to read them.
Wallet wallet2 = new Wallet(PARAMS);
wallet2.addExtension(new FooWalletExtension("com.whatever.optional", false));
Protos.Wallet proto2 = new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(wallet2);
Wallet wallet5 = new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(PARAMS, null, proto2);
assertEquals(0, wallet5.getExtensions().size());
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
public void testLastBlockSeenHash() throws Exception {
// Test the lastBlockSeenHash field works.
// LastBlockSeenHash should be empty if never set.
Wallet wallet = new Wallet(PARAMS);
Protos.Wallet walletProto = new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(wallet);
ByteString lastSeenBlockHash = walletProto.getLastSeenBlockHash();
// Create a block.
Block block = PARAMS.getDefaultSerializer().makeBlock(BlockTest.blockBytes);
Sha256Hash blockHash = block.getHash();
// Roundtrip the wallet and check it has stored the blockHash.
Wallet wallet1 = roundTrip(wallet);
assertEquals(blockHash, wallet1.getLastBlockSeenHash());
assertEquals(1, wallet1.getLastBlockSeenHeight());
// Test the Satoshi genesis block (hash of all zeroes) is roundtripped ok.
Block genesisBlock = MainNetParams.get().getGenesisBlock();
Wallet wallet2 = roundTrip(wallet);
assertEquals(genesisBlock.getHash(), wallet2.getLastBlockSeenHash());
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
assertEquals(TransactionConfidence.Source.NETWORK, t1copy.getConfidence().getSource());
Protos.Wallet walletProto = new WalletProtobufSerializer().walletToProto(myWallet);
assertEquals(Protos.Key.Type.ORIGINAL, walletProto.getKey(0).getType());
assertEquals(0, walletProto.getExtensionCount());
首先,我什至不知道从哪里开始。我试过通读 Apple 和 Google 的文档,但仍然没有正确的答案。 我的客户已经在他们的网站上展示了优惠券,他们的客户可以打印或在手机上截图,带进商店扫描要应用的折
我看到 % 的 Google 电子钱包交易失败。我得到的错误信息是 You cancelled this order. Reason: Other. Message sent to the custo
我是新的 Android 设备,并且对支付部分更加陌生,我正在通过此链接将 Gpay 实现到我的应用程序中 https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/
基本知识 公钥加密算法使用的是成对的密钥:公钥和私钥,公钥可以公开,私钥不能被公开。比特币钱包实际上是一个密钥对,当你安装 一个钱包应用,或者是使用一个比特币客户端来生成一个新地址是,他就会为你生
我的任务是将银行卡添加到苹果钱包,我知道我需要获得苹果的许可。告诉我, map 需要什么数据才能添加到苹果钱包?编号,cvc,持有人姓名......? 我正在尝试创建一个 PKAddPaymentPa
我正在开发一款手机银行应用程序,只想将一张卡添加到 Apple Wallet。这是我的代码: Card *card = ...; BOOL mayAddCard = [PKAddPaymentPass
我已经在苹果设备上创建了优惠券的静态版本。现在我想直接在我的优惠券卡上更新我的新值,当通过 API 调用更新我的数据库中的值时。 我知道这是可能的,就像登机牌一样,座位号更改时直接在电子登机牌上更改。
我在我的 Windows 环境中安装了 Oracle XE,我创建了一个程序来发送 SMS(调用 WS)问题是我有带 HTTPS 的 url(带 ssl 加密)所以我需要添加证书,基于 reasear
我在 PL/SQL 中编写了以下代码,用于从 Oracle 11g 调用第 3 方 API。 Begin -- preparing Request... l_http_request := U
我希望在我的移动网站上有一个链接,一旦从 iOS 设备单击该链接,就会打开 Apple 钱包应用程序。 我知道有一些questions about this subject当谈到我构建的应用程序时,但
我一直将钱包存储在项目的资源文件夹中,并且能够在 eclipse 中使用以下字符串访问它 final static String DB_URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@db_high
我是比特币世界的新手,我很难理解基本比特币服务的钱包实现的基础知识。 基本上,我想要: 用户有一个个人钱包(“现场”钱包,跟踪他们的余额) 用户可以在该地址/钱包中存款/取款 Web 服务能够代表用户
我使用 Oracle 钱包存储我连接的数据库的密码。我们的密码政策要求我们经常更改密码,以至于我想编写更改脚本。我有一个可以自己更改数据库密码的批处理文件,但我也想编写钱包更改脚本。问题是调用 mks
我正在尝试使用 Android Studio 将 Stripe 集成到我的 Android 应用程序中。这是我的付款布局: 因此,在上面的代码中,我收到错误 wallet:enviroment="
我是 iOS 开发新手,希望使用 PassKit 库开发一个小项目。 经过大量搜索(Apple 文档、stackoverflow)后,我似乎无法清楚地了解我的问题的可能答案: “是否可以访问不是我创建
兑换钱包通行证后是否可以自动下载第二个钱包通行证。我们已经看到这是可能的,但找不到任何解决方案。据我所知,无论您更新还是续订通行证,我们的 API 只能向我们的服务器返回一种通行证。我们附上了一个视频
在我的网站上,我使用的是 Java Tomcat,我有一个应用程序大战,其中包含我的产品的网页和用于购买与 Google 电子钱包集成的产品的代码。 我现在添加了一个新产品,其相关网页部署在另一个 w
我如何使用 Apple Wallet 和 iOS API 为咖啡店创建(是否可能)折扣卡? 我想要得到的效果如下:iOS 用户应该在 Apple Wallet 中有一张个人卡,他们会把它带到咖啡店。在
是否可以获取连接到 Apple Wallet 的卡列表?或者检查卡是否连接到 AppleWallet? Stripes API 具有此功能。但是有没有一种原生的方式来实现这个任务? 我找到了 deve