- 使用 Spring Initializr 创建 Spring Boot 应用程序
- 在Spring Boot中配置Cassandra
- 在 Spring Boot 上配置 Tomcat 连接池
- 将Camel消息路由到嵌入WildFly的Artemis上
代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or null if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttribute(name, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or the given defaultValue if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name, String defaultValue)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttributeWithDefault(name, defaultValue, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or the given defaultValue if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name, String defaultValue)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttributeWithDefault(name, defaultValue, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: org.vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or null if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttribute(name, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: org.vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or the given defaultValue if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name, String defaultValue)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttributeWithDefault(name, defaultValue, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or null if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttribute(name, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: laaglu/lib-gwt-svg
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or null if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttribute(name, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: laaglu/lib-gwt-svg
* Convenience method for parsing the named attribute as a String value or
* reference.
* @return an expression that will evaluate to a String value in the generated
* code, or the given defaultValue if there is no such attribute
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String consumeStringAttribute(String name, String defaultValue)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
return consumeAttributeWithDefault(name, defaultValue, getStringType());
代码示例来源:origin: laaglu/lib-gwt-svg
* Consumes the named attribute and parses it to an array of String
* expressions. The strings in the attribute may be comma or space separated
* (or a mix of both).
* @return array of String expressions, empty if the attribute was not set.
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String[] consumeStringArrayAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
AttributeParser parser = attributeParsers.getParser(getStringType());
String[] strings = consumeRawArrayAttribute(name);
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
strings[i] = parser.parse(this, strings[i]);
designTime.putAttribute(this, name, strings);
return strings;
代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user
* Consumes the named attribute and parses it to an array of String
* expressions. The strings in the attribute may be comma or space separated
* (or a mix of both).
* @return array of String expressions, empty if the attribute was not set.
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String[] consumeStringArrayAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
AttributeParser parser = attributeParsers.getParser(getStringType());
String[] strings = consumeRawArrayAttribute(name);
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
strings[i] = parser.parse(this, strings[i]);
designTime.putAttribute(this, name, strings);
return strings;
代码示例来源:origin: org.vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg
* Consumes the named attribute and parses it to an array of String
* expressions. The strings in the attribute may be comma or space separated
* (or a mix of both).
* @return array of String expressions, empty if the attribute was not set.
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String[] consumeStringArrayAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
AttributeParser parser = attributeParsers.getParser(getStringType());
String[] strings = consumeRawArrayAttribute(name);
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
strings[i] = parser.parse(this, strings[i]);
designTime.putAttribute(this, name, strings);
return strings;
代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user
* Consumes the named attribute and parses it to an array of String
* expressions. The strings in the attribute may be comma or space separated
* (or a mix of both).
* @return array of String expressions, empty if the attribute was not set.
* @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value
public String[] consumeStringArrayAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
AttributeParser parser = attributeParsers.getParser(getStringType());
String[] strings = consumeRawArrayAttribute(name);
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
strings[i] = parser.parse(this, strings[i]);
designTime.putAttribute(this, name, strings);
return strings;
简单的例子。我在 UiBinder 中声明了 2 种样式: .success { font-size: 13px; margin: 15px;
我在 GWT 项目中使用 UiBinder xml 文件。问题是 Eclipse 没有给我任何关于我可以与小部件一起使用的属性的信息 例如,我知道我可以这样设置宽度或样式: 但是在点击 ctrl +
我想知道是否有一种方法可以将 gwt uibinder 逻辑构建到抽象父类中,这样我就不必在每个要绑定(bind)的类中重复代码。 例如,我希望能够做这样的事情: public abstract cl
如何在 GWT 中的 UiBinder 中定义 TabPanel。 TabPanel 和 TabLayoutPanel 有什么区别。在哪里可以找到有关 TabPanel uibinder 参数的其他信
我想在带有两个选项卡的选项卡面板的主体内放置一些 anchor 。但是我的 anchor 不可见。代码如下 Analysis Person
我正在尝试使用 uiBinder。我按照提供的教程 谷歌,但我不知道为什么 clickevent 不起作用?我想计算点击次数并在跨度中显示它,它不起作用,我也放了 window.alert 但似乎根本
这张图片正在显示,但无论我使用的宽度或高度值如何,我都无法调整它的大小。有什么想法吗?谢谢。 .fortaImage { width:'50px'; height:'50p
我正在使用 Eclipse Ganymede 3.4 版开发 GWT2.3。使用 UIBinder 时,自动完成功能(建议)非常慢。 在这种情况下我不知道该怎么办。我需要添加一些插件或文件。工作太慢了
我们在我们的项目中使用 GXT 和 GWT(2.4)。我们正在使用 UIBinder 进行页面设计。目前我们面临太多问题,无法在 xml 页面中编写代码。自动建议花费太多时间(当我们按 ctl+Spa
类(class) Foo有一个变量 List bar ,如何使用 UiBinder 渲染每个按钮?甚至可能吗? 最佳答案 UiBinder 是一个 XML 模板 用于声明式布局小部件和不是渲染器 .因
我刚刚创建了小部件: public class myWidget extends FlowPanel { private T value; public T getValue() { retu
我想通过 GWT 2.0 中的 UiBinder 使用声明性方法来实现菜单(MenuBar、MenuItem)。 我遇到了两个问题: 有没有办法在 .ui.xml 文件中添加 MenuItemSepa
我在输入时遇到此错误 在我的 UiBinder 文件中,错误是: [DEBUG] [MyGWT] - Rebinding com.mycomp.mygwt.client.Resources [
在提出问题之前,我将简要描述一下背景。我有一个 Widget 类,它将 ui 实现“外包”到一个单独的类(如下所示): public class SimpleFilmWidget extends Co
我正在为我的应用程序使用 GWT 和 UiBinder,我正在尝试这样做 但是自定义placeholder属性将不起作用,因为没有 setPlaceholder TextBox 上的方法- 我需要这
在 GWT + UiBinder 中,您可以像这样捕获点击: @UiHandler("cancelButton") void onCancelButtonClicked(ClickEvent e) {
我想在带有 uiBinder 的 GWT 中使用链接或按钮,例如 (a href="..."/>)。 我找到了“超链接”小部件,但我不知道如何使用它。 最佳答案 您应该使用 Anchor小部件。 您可
我正在创建一个带有标签和文本框的复合 uibinder 小部件。 预期用途是: The text to be put in the box. 我找到了如何使用自定义 @UiConstruc
我无法让 CSS 图像 Sprite 出现在 GWT UiBinder 中。我做了评论 how do i use image sprites in GWT? ,但发现我已经在做建议的事情了。 我有一个
我正在尝试在 GWT UIBinder 中实现一个简单的基于 CSS 的菜单,但我在某个特定部分遇到了一些困难。 菜单有两个主要级别的项目:“新 session ”和“当前 session ”。当用户