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[英]Create a new stack frame large enough to hold a given number of local variables, for which no stack frame map is available. This is used in particular when evaluating match patterns of template rules.


代码示例来源:origin: org.opengis.cite.saxon/saxon9

 * Get a raw iterator over the results of the expression. This returns results without
 * any conversion of the returned items to "native" Java classes. This method is intended
 * for use by applications that need to process the results of the expression using
 * internal Saxon interfaces.
 * @param contextItem the context item for evaluating the expression
 * @return an iterator over the results of the expression, with no conversion of returned items
 * @since 9.0
public SequenceIterator rawIterator(Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(contextItem, executable);
  return rawIterator(context);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Create a dynamic context suitable for evaluating this expression, without supplying a context
 * item
 * @return an XPathDynamicContext object representing a suitable dynamic context. This will
 *         be initialized with a stack frame suitable for holding the variables used by the
 *         expression.
public XPathDynamicContext createDynamicContext() {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(null, executable);
  return new XPathDynamicContext(env.getRequiredContextItemType(), context, stackFrameMap);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon

 * Create a dynamic context suitable for evaluating this expression
 * @param contextItem the initial context item, which may be null if no
 * context item is required, or if it is to be supplied later
 * @return an XPathDynamicContext object representing a suitable dynamic context. This will
 * be initialized with a stack frame suitable for holding the variables used by the
 * expression.
public XPathDynamicContext createDynamicContext(Item contextItem) {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(contextItem, evaluator.getExecutable());
  return new XPathDynamicContext(context, stackFrameMap);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

 * Create a dynamic context suitable for evaluating this expression, without supplying a context
 * item
 * @return an XPathDynamicContext object representing a suitable dynamic context. This will
 *         be initialized with a stack frame suitable for holding the variables used by the
 *         expression.
public XPathDynamicContext createDynamicContext() {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(null, executable);
  return new XPathDynamicContext(env.getRequiredContextItemType(), context, stackFrameMap);

代码示例来源:origin: org.opengis.cite.saxon/saxon9

 * Create a dynamic context suitable for evaluating this expression
 * @param contextItem the initial context item, which may be null if no
 * context item is required, or if it is to be supplied later
 * @return an XPathDynamicContext object representing a suitable dynamic context. This will
 * be initialized with a stack frame suitable for holding the variables used by the
 * expression.
public XPathDynamicContext createDynamicContext(Item contextItem) {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(contextItem, evaluator.getExecutable());
  return new XPathDynamicContext(context);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Create a dynamic context suitable for evaluating this expression
 * @param contextItem the initial context item, which may be null if no
 *                    context item is required, or if it is to be supplied later
 * @return an XPathDynamicContext object representing a suitable dynamic context. This will
 *         be initialized with a stack frame suitable for holding the variables used by the
 *         expression.
 * @throws XPathException if the context item does not match the required context item type
 *                        set up in the static context
public XPathDynamicContext createDynamicContext(Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(contextItem, executable);
  return new XPathDynamicContext(env.getRequiredContextItemType(), context, stackFrameMap);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

 * Create a dynamic context suitable for evaluating this expression
 * @param contextItem the initial context item, which may be null if no
 *                    context item is required, or if it is to be supplied later
 * @return an XPathDynamicContext object representing a suitable dynamic context. This will
 *         be initialized with a stack frame suitable for holding the variables used by the
 *         expression.
 * @throws XPathException if the context item does not match the required context item type
 *                        set up in the static context
public XPathDynamicContext createDynamicContext(Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(contextItem, executable);
  return new XPathDynamicContext(env.getRequiredContextItemType(), context, stackFrameMap);

代码示例来源:origin: org.opengis.cite.saxon/saxon9

 * Execute a prepared XPath expression, returning the results as a List. The context
 * node must have been set previously using {@link #setContextNode(}.
 * @return The results of the expression, as a List. The List represents the sequence
 * of items returned by the expression. Each item in the list will either be an instance
 * of, representing a node, or a Java object representing an atomic value.
 * For the types of Java object that may be returned, see {@link #evaluate(Object, javax.xml.namespace.QName)}
 * with the second argument set to NODESET.
 * @deprecated since 9.0. This method is not present in the JAXP interface. Either use
 * the JAXP methods such as {@link #evaluate(Object, QName)}, or use the Saxon XPath
 * API instead of JAXP.
public List evaluate() throws XPathException {
  XPathContextMajor context = new XPathContextMajor(contextNode, executable);
  SequenceIterator iter = expression.iterate(context);
  SequenceExtent extent = new SequenceExtent(iter);
  return (List)extent.convertToJava(Object.class, context);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon

 * Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the
 * pattern uses local variables
 * @param context The existing XPath context
 * @return a new XPath context (or the existing context if no new context was created)
private XPathContext perhapsMakeNewContext(XPathContext context) {
  int patternLocals = context.getController().getExecutable().getLargestPatternStackFrame();
  if (patternLocals > 0) {
    context = context.newContext();
  return context;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

private String processShadowAttribute(String expression, String baseUri, AttributeLocation loc) throws XPathException {
  UseWhenStaticContext staticContext = new UseWhenStaticContext(compilation, startTag);
  Expression expr = AttributeValueTemplate.make(expression, staticContext);
  expr = typeCheck(expr, staticContext);
  SlotManager stackFrameMap = allocateSlots(expression, expr);
  XPathContext dynamicContext = makeDynamicContext(staticContext);
  ((XPathContextMajor) dynamicContext).openStackFrame(stackFrameMap);
  return expr.evaluateAsString(dynamicContext).toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

private String processShadowAttribute(String expression, String baseUri, AttributeLocation loc) throws XPathException {
  UseWhenStaticContext staticContext = new UseWhenStaticContext(compilation, startTag);
  Expression expr = AttributeValueTemplate.make(expression, staticContext);
  expr = typeCheck(expr, staticContext);
  SlotManager stackFrameMap = allocateSlots(expression, expr);
  XPathContext dynamicContext = makeDynamicContext(staticContext);
  ((XPathContextMajor) dynamicContext).openStackFrame(stackFrameMap);
  return expr.evaluateAsString(dynamicContext).toString();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-B

 * Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the
 * pattern uses local variables
 * @param context The existing XPath context
 * @return a new XPath context (or the existing context if no new context was created)
private XPathContext perhapsMakeNewContext(XPathContext context) {
  int patternLocals = context.getController().getExecutable().getLargestPatternStackFrame();
  if (patternLocals > 0) {
    context = context.newContext();
  return context;

代码示例来源:origin: org.opengis.cite.saxon/saxon9

 * Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the
 * pattern uses local variables
 * @param context The existing XPath context
 * @return a new XPath context (or the existing context if no new context was created)
private XPathContext perhapsMakeNewContext(XPathContext context) {
  int patternLocals = context.getController().getExecutable().getLargestPatternStackFrame();
  if (patternLocals > 0) {
    context = context.newContext();
  return context;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon

  * Process the template call encapsulated by this package.
  * @return another TailCall. This will never be the original call, but it may be the next
  * recursive call. For example, if A calls B which calls C which calls D, then B may return
  * a TailCall to A representing the call from B to C; when this is processed, the result may be
  * a TailCall representing the call from C to D.
   * @throws XPathException if a dynamic error occurs
  public TailCall processLeavingTail() throws XPathException {
    Template nh = (Template)rule.getAction();
    XPathContextMajor c2 = evaluationContext.newContext();
    // System.err.println("Tail call on template");
    return nh.applyLeavingTail(c2, rule);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the
 * pattern uses local variables
 * @param context The existing XPath context
 * @return a new XPath context
public XPathContext makeNewContext(XPathContext context) {
  XPathContextMajor c2 = context.newContext();
  c2.setOrigin(context.getController());   // WHY?
  if (!(context.getCurrentComponent().getActor() instanceof Accumulator)) {
    c2.setCurrentComponent(context.getCurrentMode()); // bug 3706
  return c2;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

 * Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the
 * pattern uses local variables
 * @param context The existing XPath context
 * @return a new XPath context
public XPathContext makeNewContext(XPathContext context) {
  XPathContextMajor c2 = context.newContext();
  c2.setOrigin(context.getController());   // WHY?
  if (!(context.getCurrentComponent().getActor() instanceof Accumulator)) {
    c2.setCurrentComponent(context.getCurrentMode()); // bug 3706
  return c2;

代码示例来源:origin: org.opengis.cite.saxon/saxon9

 * Run the query returning the results as an EventIterator
 * @param controller The Controller used to run the query
 * @param dynamicEnv the XQuery dynamic context for evaluating the query
 * @return an EventIterator representing the results of the query as a sequence of events
public EventIterator iterateEvents(Controller controller, DynamicQueryContext dynamicEnv) throws XPathException {
  initializeController(dynamicEnv, controller);
  XPathContextMajor context = initialContext(dynamicEnv, controller);
  // In tracing/debugging mode, evaluate all the global variables first
  if (controller.getConfiguration().getTraceListener() != null) {
  final Configuration config = executable.getConfiguration();
  EventIterator ei = expression.iterateEvents(context);
  //ei = new TracingEventIterator(EventStackIterator.flatten(ei));
  return new ComplexContentProcessor(config, ei);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon

 * Evaluate an attribute set
 * @param context the dynamic context
 * @throws XPathException if any failure occurs
public void expand(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
  // apply the content of any attribute sets mentioned in use-attribute-sets
  if (useAttributeSets != null) {
    AttributeSet.expand(useAttributeSets, context);
  if (getStackFrameMap() != null) {
    XPathContextMajor c2 = context.newContext();
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Evaluate a static expression (to initialize a static variable)
 * @param expression the expression to be evaluated
 * @param locationId identifies the location of the expression in case error need to be reported
 * @param staticContext the static context for evaluation of the expression
 * @return the effective boolean value of the result of evaluating the expression
 * @throws XPathException if evaluation of the expression fails
public Sequence<?> evaluateStatic(String expression, Location locationId, UseWhenStaticContext staticContext) throws XPathException {
  Expression expr = ExpressionTool.make(expression, staticContext,
    0, Token.EOF, null);
  expr = typeCheck(expr, staticContext);
  SlotManager stackFrameMap = getPipelineConfiguration().getConfiguration().makeSlotManager();
  ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(expr, stackFrameMap.getNumberOfVariables(), stackFrameMap);
  XPathContext dynamicContext = makeDynamicContext(staticContext);
  ((XPathContextMajor) dynamicContext).openStackFrame(stackFrameMap);
  return expr.iterate(dynamicContext).materialize();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.saxon/saxon

* Iterate over the results of the function
public SequenceIterator iterate(XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
  PreparedExpression pexpr = prepareExpression(c);
  if (operation == EXPRESSION) {
    return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new ObjectValue(pexpr));
  } else {
    XPathContextMajor c2 = c.newCleanContext();
    for (int i=1; i<argument.length; i++) {
      int slot = pexpr.variables[i-1].getLocalSlotNumber();
      c2.setLocalVariable(slot, ExpressionTool.eagerEvaluate(argument[i],c));
    return Value.getIterator(
        ExpressionTool.lazyEvaluate(pexpr.expression,  c2, 1));

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