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[英]Calculates the period between this year-month and another year-month in terms of the specified unit.

This calculates the period between two year-months in terms of a single unit. The start and end points are this and the specified year-month. The result will be negative if the end is before the start. The Temporal passed to this method must be a YearMonth. For example, the period in years between two year-months can be calculated using startYearMonth.until(endYearMonth, YEARS).

The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of complete units between the two year-months. For example, the period in decades between 2012-06 and 2032-05 will only be one decade as it is one month short of two decades.

This method operates in association with TemporalUnit#between. The result of this method is a long representing the amount of the specified unit. By contrast, the result of between is an object that can be used directly in addition/subtraction:

long period = start.until(end, YEARS);   // this method, end));      // use in plus/minus

The calculation is implemented in this method for ChronoUnit. The units MONTHS, YEARS, DECADES, CENTURIES, MILLENNIA and ERAS are supported. Other ChronoUnit values will throw an exception.

If the unit is not a ChronoUnit, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal)passing this as the first argument and the input temporal as the second argument.

This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

long period = start.until(end, YEARS);   // this method, end));      // use in plus/minus




public static final long getMonthsDifference(Date date1, Date date2) {
  YearMonth m1 = YearMonth.from(date1.toInstant());
  YearMonth m2 = YearMonth.from(date2.toInstant());

  return m1.until(m2, ChronoUnit.MONTHS) + 1;

代码示例来源:origin: owlike/genson

private static long getEpochMonth(YearMonth yearMonth){
  return EPOCH_YEAR_MONTH.until(yearMonth, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);


public static void main(String[] args) {
  test("June, 1999", "April, 2002");
private static void test(String fromMonthYear, String toMonthYear) {
  DateTimeFormatter monthYearFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM, uuuu");
  YearMonth from = YearMonth.parse(fromMonthYear, monthYearFormat);
  YearMonth to   = YearMonth.parse(toMonthYear  , monthYearFormat);
  long months = from.until(to, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
  System.out.printf("%d years and %d months%n", months / 12, months % 12);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

private double numberOfMonths(YearMonth month) {
 return YearMonth.from(valuationDate).until(month, MONTHS);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

private DoubleArray buildNodeTimes(LocalDate valuationDate, CurveMetadata metadata) {
 if (metadata.getXValueType().equals(ValueType.YEAR_FRACTION)) {
  return DoubleArray.of(getParameterCount(), i -> {
   LocalDate nodeDate = ((DatedParameterMetadata) metadata.getParameterMetadata().get().get(i)).getDate();
   return getDayCount().get().yearFraction(valuationDate, nodeDate);
 } else if (metadata.getXValueType().equals(ValueType.MONTHS)) {
  return DoubleArray.of(getParameterCount(), i -> {
   LocalDate nodeDate = ((DatedParameterMetadata) metadata.getParameterMetadata().get().get(i)).getDate();
   return YearMonth.from(valuationDate).until(YearMonth.from(nodeDate), MONTHS);
 } else {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata XValueType should be YearFraction or Months in curve definition");

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void value_multiplicative() {
 InflationNodalCurve curveComputed = InflationNodalCurve.of(CURVE_NOFIX, VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, LAST_FIX_VALUE,
 for (int i = 1; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double nbMonths = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(TEST_MONTHS[i], MONTHS);
  double valueComputed = curveComputed.yValue(nbMonths);
  int x = (int) ((nbMonths + 12) % 12);
  double valueNoAdj = EXTENDED_CURVE_2.yValue(nbMonths);
  double valueExpected = valueNoAdj * adj;
  assertEquals(valueExpected, valueComputed, TOLERANCE_VALUE);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double valueComputed = INSTANCE.value(TEST_OBS[i]);
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  double valueExpected;
  if (USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   valueExpected = USCPI_TS.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth()).getAsDouble();
  } else {
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   valueExpected = CURVE_INFL.yValue(x);
  assertEquals(valueComputed, valueExpected, TOLERANCE_VALUE, "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void value_additive() {
 InflationNodalCurve curveComputed = InflationNodalCurve.of(CURVE_NOFIX, VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, LAST_FIX_VALUE,
 for (int i = 1; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double nbMonths = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(TEST_MONTHS[i], MONTHS);
  double valueComputed = curveComputed.yValue(nbMonths);
  int x = (int) ((nbMonths + 12) % 12);
  double valueNoAdj = EXTENDED_CURVE_2.yValue(nbMonths);
  DoubleArray seasonalityAdditiveCompounded =
    seasonalityCompounded(VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, SEASONALITY_ADDITIVE, (v, a) -> v + a);
  double adj = seasonalityAdditiveCompounded.get(x);
  double valueExpected = valueNoAdj + adj;
  assertEquals(valueExpected, valueComputed, TOLERANCE_VALUE);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_futfixing() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double valueComputed = INSTANCE_WITH_FUTFIXING.value(TEST_OBS[i]);
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  double valueExpected;
  if (fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2)) && USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   valueExpected = USCPI_TS.get(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth()).getAsDouble();
  } else {
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   valueExpected = CURVE_INFL2.yValue(x);
  assertEquals(valueComputed, valueExpected, TOLERANCE_VALUE, "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

private static DoubleArray seasonalityCompounded(
  LocalDate valDate, YearMonth fixingMonth, DoubleArray seasonality,
  DoubleBinaryOperator adjustmentFunction) {
 double nbMonths = YearMonth.from(valDate).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
 double[] seasonalityCompoundedArray = new double[12];
 int lastMonthIndex = fixingMonth.getMonth().getValue() - 2;
 seasonalityCompoundedArray[(int) ((nbMonths + 12 + 1) % 12)] =
   seasonality.get((lastMonthIndex + 1) % 12);
 for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
  int j = (int) ((nbMonths + 12 + 1 + i) % 12);
  seasonalityCompoundedArray[j] = adjustmentFunction.applyAsDouble(
    seasonalityCompoundedArray[(j - 1 + 12) % 12], seasonality.get((lastMonthIndex + 1 + i) % 12));
 return DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(seasonalityCompoundedArray);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_parameter_sensitivity() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  if (!USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   InflationRateSensitivity ptsExpected = (InflationRateSensitivity) InflationRateSensitivity.of(TEST_OBS[i], 1d);
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psComputed = INSTANCE.parameterSensitivity(ptsExpected);
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   UnitParameterSensitivities sens1 = UnitParameterSensitivities.of(CURVE_INFL.yValueParameterSensitivity(x));
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psExpected =
     sens1.multipliedBy(ptsExpected.getCurrency(), ptsExpected.getSensitivity());
   assertTrue(psComputed.equalWithTolerance(psExpected, TOLERANCE_DELTA), "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void parameter_sensitivity_additive() {
 InflationNodalCurve curve = InflationNodalCurve.of(CURVE_NOFIX, VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, LAST_FIX_VALUE,
 double shift = 1.0E-2;
 for (int i = 1; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double nbMonths = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(TEST_MONTHS[i], MONTHS);
  UnitParameterSensitivity psComputed = curve.yValueParameterSensitivity(nbMonths);
  for (int j = 0; j < TIMES.size(); j++) {
   double[] valuePM = new double[2];
   for (int pm = 0; pm < 2; pm++) {
    DoubleArray shiftedValues = VALUES.with(j, VALUES.get(j) + (1 - 2 * pm) * shift);
    InterpolatedNodalCurve intCurveShifted = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(METADATA, TIMES, shiftedValues, INTERPOLATOR);
    InflationNodalCurve seaCurveShifted =
      InflationNodalCurve.of(intCurveShifted, VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, LAST_FIX_VALUE,
    valuePM[pm] = seaCurveShifted.yValue(nbMonths);
   assertEquals(psComputed.getSensitivity().get(j), (valuePM[0] - valuePM[1]) / (2 * shift), TOLERANCE_DELTA);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void test_value_parameter_sensitivity_futfixing() {
 for (int i = 0; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  YearMonth fixingMonth = TEST_OBS[i].getFixingMonth();
  if (!fixingMonth.isBefore(YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2)) && !USCPI_TS.containsDate(fixingMonth.atEndOfMonth())) {
   InflationRateSensitivity ptsExpected = (InflationRateSensitivity) InflationRateSensitivity.of(TEST_OBS[i], 1d);
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psComputed = INSTANCE_WITH_FUTFIXING.parameterSensitivity(ptsExpected);
   double x = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(fixingMonth, MONTHS);
   UnitParameterSensitivities sens1 = UnitParameterSensitivities.of(CURVE_INFL2.yValueParameterSensitivity(x));
   CurrencyParameterSensitivities psExpected =
     sens1.multipliedBy(ptsExpected.getCurrency(), ptsExpected.getSensitivity());
   assertTrue(psComputed.equalWithTolerance(psExpected, TOLERANCE_DELTA), "test " + i);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

public void parameter_sensitivity_multiplicative() {
 InflationNodalCurve curve = InflationNodalCurve.of(CURVE_NOFIX, VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, LAST_FIX_VALUE,
 double shift = 1.0E-2;
 for (int i = 1; i < TEST_MONTHS.length; i++) {
  double nbMonths = YearMonth.from(VAL_DATE_2).until(TEST_MONTHS[i], MONTHS);
  UnitParameterSensitivity psComputed = curve.yValueParameterSensitivity(nbMonths);
  for (int j = 0; j < TIMES.size(); j++) {
   double[] valuePM = new double[2];
   for (int pm = 0; pm < 2; pm++) {
    DoubleArray shiftedValues = VALUES.with(j, VALUES.get(j) + (1 - 2 * pm) * shift);
    InterpolatedNodalCurve intCurveShifted = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(METADATA, TIMES, shiftedValues, INTERPOLATOR);
    InflationNodalCurve seaCurveShifted =
      InflationNodalCurve.of(intCurveShifted, VAL_DATE_2, LAST_FIX_MONTH_2, LAST_FIX_VALUE,
    valuePM[pm] = seaCurveShifted.yValue(nbMonths);
   assertEquals(psComputed.getSensitivity().get(j), (valuePM[0] - valuePM[1]) / (2 * shift), TOLERANCE_DELTA);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

double nbMonth = valuationMonth.until(lastMonth, MONTHS);
DoubleArray x = curveWithoutFixing.getXValues();
ArgChecker.isTrue(nbMonth < x.get(0), "The first estimation month should be after the last known index fixing");

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