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代码示例来源:origin: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-gateway

public Predicate<ServerWebExchange> apply(Config config) {
  ZonedDateTime datetime = config.getDatetime();
  return exchange -> {
    final ZonedDateTime now =;
    return now.isAfter(datetime);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-gateway

public Predicate<ServerWebExchange> apply(Config config) {
  ZonedDateTime datetime1 = config.datetime1;
  ZonedDateTime datetime2 = config.datetime2;
      config.datetime1 +
      " must be before " + config.datetime2);
  return exchange -> {
    final ZonedDateTime now =;
    return now.isAfter(datetime1) && now.isBefore(datetime2);

代码示例来源:origin: blynkkk/blynk-server

  public ZonedDateTime getNextTriggerTime(ZonedDateTime zonedNow, ZoneId zoneId) {
    ZonedDateTime zonedStartAt = buildZonedStartAt(zonedNow, zoneId);
    return zonedStartAt.isAfter(zonedNow) ? zonedStartAt : zonedStartAt.plusDays(1);

代码示例来源:origin: blynkkk/blynk-server

  public ZonedDateTime getNextTriggerTime(ZonedDateTime zonedNow, ZoneId zoneId) {
    ZonedDateTime zonedStartAt = buildZonedStartAt(zonedNow, zoneId);

    DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.of(dayOfTheWeek);
    zonedStartAt = zonedStartAt.with(TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame(dayOfWeek));
    return zonedStartAt.isAfter(zonedNow)
        ? zonedStartAt
        : zonedStartAt.with(;

代码示例来源:origin: blynkkk/blynk-server

  public ZonedDateTime getNextTriggerTime(ZonedDateTime zonedNow, ZoneId zoneId) {
    ZonedDateTime zonedStartAt = buildZonedStartAt(zonedNow, zoneId);

    switch (dayOfMonth) {
      case LAST:
        zonedStartAt = zonedStartAt.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth());
        return zonedStartAt.isAfter(zonedNow)
            ? zonedStartAt
            : zonedStartAt.plusDays(1).with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth());
      case FIRST:
        zonedStartAt = zonedStartAt.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfMonth());
        return zonedStartAt.isAfter(zonedNow)
            ? zonedStartAt
            : zonedStartAt.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfNextMonth());


代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core

 * Verifies that the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is <b>strictly</b> after the given one.
 * <p>
 * Comparison is done on {@code ZonedDateTime}'s instant (i.e. {@link ZonedDateTime#toEpochSecond()})
 * <p>
 * Example :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z")).isAfter(parse("1999-12-31T23:59:59Z"));</code></pre>
 * @param other the given {@link ZonedDateTime}.
 * @return this assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is not strictly after the given one.
public SELF isAfter(ZonedDateTime other) {
 Objects.instance().assertNotNull(info, actual);
 if (!actual.isAfter(other)) {
  throw Failures.instance().failure(info, shouldBeAfter(actual, other));
 return myself;

代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core

 * Verifies that the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is before or equals to the given one.
 * <p>
 * Comparison is done on {@code ZonedDateTime}'s instant (i.e. {@link ZonedDateTime#toEpochSecond()})
 * <p>
 * Example :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(parse("2000-01-01T23:59:59Z")).isBeforeOrEqualTo(parse("2000-01-01T23:59:59Z"))
 *                                          .isBeforeOrEqualTo(parse("2000-01-02T00:00:00Z"));</code></pre>
 * @param other the given {@link ZonedDateTime}.
 * @return this assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZoneDateTime} is not before or equals to the given one.
public SELF isBeforeOrEqualTo(ZonedDateTime other) {
 Objects.instance().assertNotNull(info, actual);
 if (actual.isAfter(other)) {
  throw Failures.instance().failure(info, shouldBeBeforeOrEqualsTo(actual, other));
 return myself;

代码示例来源:origin: blynkkk/blynk-server

private ZonedDateTime adjustToStartDate(ZonedDateTime zonedStartAt, ZonedDateTime zonedNow, ZoneId zoneId) {
  if (durationType == ReportDurationType.CUSTOM) {
    ZonedDateTime zonedStartDate = getZonedFromTs(startTs, zoneId).with(LocalTime.MIN);
    if (zonedStartDate.isAfter(zonedNow)) {
      zonedStartAt = zonedStartAt
  return zonedStartAt;

代码示例来源:origin: joel-costigliola/assertj-core

 * Verifies that the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is <b>strictly</b> after the given one.
 * <p>
 * Comparison is done on {@code ZonedDateTime}'s instant (i.e. {@link ZonedDateTime#toEpochSecond()})
 * <p>
 * Example :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z")).isAfter(parse("1999-12-31T23:59:59Z"));</code></pre>
 * @param other the given {@link ZonedDateTime}.
 * @return this assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is not strictly after the given one.
public SELF isAfter(ZonedDateTime other) {
 Objects.instance().assertNotNull(info, actual);
 if (!actual.isAfter(other)) {
  throw Failures.instance().failure(info, shouldBeAfter(actual, other));
 return myself;

代码示例来源:origin: joel-costigliola/assertj-core

 * Verifies that the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is before or equals to the given one.
 * <p>
 * Comparison is done on {@code ZonedDateTime}'s instant (i.e. {@link ZonedDateTime#toEpochSecond()})
 * <p>
 * Example :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(parse("2000-01-01T23:59:59Z")).isBeforeOrEqualTo(parse("2000-01-01T23:59:59Z"))
 *                                          .isBeforeOrEqualTo(parse("2000-01-02T00:00:00Z"));</code></pre>
 * @param other the given {@link ZonedDateTime}.
 * @return this assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other {@code ZonedDateTime} is {@code null}.
 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code ZoneDateTime} is not before or equals to the given one.
public SELF isBeforeOrEqualTo(ZonedDateTime other) {
 Objects.instance().assertNotNull(info, actual);
 if (actual.isAfter(other)) {
  throw Failures.instance().failure(info, shouldBeBeforeOrEqualsTo(actual, other));
 return myself;

代码示例来源:origin: benas/random-beans

protected void checkValues() {
  if (min.isAfter(max)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("max must be after min");

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public boolean isAfter(JodaCompatibleZonedDateTime o) {
  return dt.isAfter(o.getZonedDateTime());

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/smarthome

public State calculate(Set<Item> items) {
  if (items != null && items.size() > 0) {
    ZonedDateTime max = null;
    for (Item item : items) {
      DateTimeType itemState = item.getStateAs(DateTimeType.class);
      if (itemState != null) {
        if (max == null || max.isAfter(itemState.getZonedDateTime())) {
          max = itemState.getZonedDateTime();
    if (max != null) {
      return new DateTimeType(max);
  return UnDefType.UNDEF;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/metron

if(inputDateWithCurrentYear.isAfter(currentDate.plusDays(4L))) {
  ZonedDateTime inputDateWithPreviousYear =
      ZonedDateTime.of(currentYear-1, inputMonth, inputDay, inputHour, inputMinute, inputSecond, 0, deviceTimeZone);

代码示例来源:origin: io.sphere.sdk.jvm/sphere-java-client-core

 * if the last token has no expire time it true
 * @return
private boolean lastTokenIsStillValid() {
  if (currentTokensOption.isPresent()) {
    final Tokens oldTokens = currentTokensOption.get();
    return Optional.ofNullable(oldTokens.getExpiresZonedDateTime()).map(expireTime -> expireTime.isAfter(;
  } else {
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

 public DoubleArray apply(DoubleArray x) {
  SabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities volsNew = updateParameters(volatilities, nExpiries, timeIndex, betaFixed, x);
  return DoubleArray.of(nCaplets,
    n -> capList.get(currentStart + n).getCapletFloorletPeriods().stream()
      .filter(p -> p.getFixingDateTime().isAfter(prevExpiry))
      .mapToDouble(p -> sabrPeriodPricer.presentValue(p, ratesProvider, volsNew).getAmount())
      .sum() / priceList.get(currentStart + n));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apereo.cas/cas-server-core-util-api

 * Determines whether the given CRL is expired by comparing the nextUpdate field
 * with a given date.
 * @param crl       CRL to examine.
 * @param reference Reference date for comparison.
 * @return True if reference date is after CRL next update, false otherwise.
public static boolean isExpired(final X509CRL crl, final ZonedDateTime reference) {
  return reference.isAfter(DateTimeUtils.zonedDateTimeOf(crl.getNextUpdate()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apereo.cas/cas-server-core-events

public Collection<? extends CasEvent> getEventsOfTypeForPrincipal(final String type, final String principal, final ZonedDateTime dateTime) {
  return getEventsOfTypeForPrincipal(type, principal)
    .filter(e -> e.getCreationZonedDateTime().isEqual(dateTime) || e.getCreationZonedDateTime().isAfter(dateTime))

代码示例来源:origin: org.apereo.cas/cas-server-core-events

public Collection<? extends CasEvent> load(final ZonedDateTime dateTime) {
  return load().stream()
    .filter(e -> e.getCreationZonedDateTime().isEqual(dateTime) || e.getCreationZonedDateTime().isAfter(dateTime))

代码示例来源:origin: OpenGamma/Strata

private double priceFixed(
  ResolvedIborCapFloorLeg cap,
  RatesProvider ratesProvider,
  IborCapletFloorletVolatilities vols,
  ZonedDateTime prevExpiry) {
 VolatilityIborCapletFloorletPeriodPricer periodPricer = getLegPricer().getPeriodPricer();
 return cap.getCapletFloorletPeriods().stream()
   .filter(p -> !p.getFixingDateTime().isAfter(prevExpiry))
   .mapToDouble(p -> periodPricer.presentValue(p, ratesProvider, vols).getAmount())

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