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[英]Delete all the children of the specified node but not the node itself. This will first traverse the znode tree for listing the children and then delete these znodes using multi-update api or sequential based on the specified configurations.
Sets no watches. Throws all exceptions besides dealing with deletion of children.
If the following is true:
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* Delete all the children of the specified node but not the node itself.
* Sets no watches. Throws all exceptions besides dealing with deletion of
* children.
* @throws KeeperException if a ZooKeeper operation fails
public static void deleteChildrenRecursively(ZKWatcher zkw, String node)
throws KeeperException {
deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, node);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public void clearChildZNodes() throws KeeperException {
LOG.debug("Clearing all znodes {}, {}, {}", acquiredZnode, reachedZnode, abortZnode);
// If the coordinator was shutdown mid-procedure, then we are going to lose
// an procedure that was previously started by cleaning out all the previous state. Its much
// harder to figure out how to keep an procedure going and the subject of HBASE-5487.
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(watcher, true, acquiredZnode, reachedZnode,
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* Verifies that for the given root node, it should delete all the child nodes
* recursively using multi-update api.
public void testdeleteChildrenRecursivelyMulti() throws Exception {
String parentZNode = "/testRootMulti";
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, parentZNode);
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode!",
ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode) > -1);
List<String> children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(
parentZNode, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes!", 0 == children.size());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public void testDeleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential() throws Exception {
String parentZNode1 = "/testdeleteChildren1";
String parentZNode2 = "/testdeleteChildren2";
String parentZNode3 = "/testdeleteChildren3";
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, parentZNode1, parentZNode2,
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 1!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode1) > -1);
List<String> children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode1, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 2!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode2) > -1);
children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode2, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 3!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode3) > -1);
children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode3, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper
* Delete all the children of the specified node but not the node itself.
* Sets no watches. Throws all exceptions besides dealing with deletion of
* children.
* @throws KeeperException if a ZooKeeper operation fails
public static void deleteChildrenRecursively(ZKWatcher zkw, String node)
throws KeeperException {
deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, node);
代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors
* Delete all the children of the specified node but not the node itself.
* Sets no watches. Throws all exceptions besides dealing with deletion of
* children.
* If hbase.zookeeper.useMulti is true, use ZooKeeper's multi-update functionality.
* Otherwise, run the list of operations sequentially.
* @throws KeeperException
public static void deleteChildrenRecursively(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, String node)
throws KeeperException {
deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, node);
代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors
public void clearChildZNodes() throws KeeperException {
LOG.info("Clearing all procedure znodes: " + acquiredZnode + " " + reachedZnode + " "
+ abortZnode);
// If the coordinator was shutdown mid-procedure, then we are going to lose
// an procedure that was previously started by cleaning out all the previous state. Its much
// harder to figure out how to keep an procedure going and the subject of HBASE-5487.
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(watcher, true, acquiredZnode, reachedZnode,
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper
* Verifies that for the given root node, it should delete all the child nodes
* recursively using multi-update api.
public void testdeleteChildrenRecursivelyMulti() throws Exception {
String parentZNode = "/testRootMulti";
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, parentZNode);
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode!",
ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode) > -1);
List<String> children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(
parentZNode, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes!", 0 == children.size());
代码示例来源:origin: com.aliyun.hbase/alihbase-zookeeper
* Verifies that for the given root node, it should delete all the child nodes
* recursively using multi-update api.
public void testdeleteChildrenRecursivelyMulti() throws Exception {
String parentZNode = "/testRootMulti";
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, parentZNode);
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode!",
ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode) > -1);
List<String> children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(
parentZNode, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes!", 0 == children.size());
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-zookeeper
public void testDeleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential() throws Exception {
String parentZNode1 = "/testdeleteChildren1";
String parentZNode2 = "/testdeleteChildren2";
String parentZNode3 = "/testdeleteChildren3";
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, parentZNode1, parentZNode2,
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 1!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode1) > -1);
List<String> children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode1, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 2!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode2) > -1);
children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode2, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 3!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode3) > -1);
children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode3, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
代码示例来源:origin: com.aliyun.hbase/alihbase-zookeeper
public void testDeleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential() throws Exception {
String parentZNode1 = "/testdeleteChildren1";
String parentZNode2 = "/testdeleteChildren2";
String parentZNode3 = "/testdeleteChildren3";
ZKUtil.deleteChildrenRecursivelyMultiOrSequential(zkw, true, parentZNode1, parentZNode2,
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 1!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode1) > -1);
List<String> children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode1, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 2!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode2) > -1);
children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode2, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
assertTrue("Wrongly deleted parent znode 3!", ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, parentZNode3) > -1);
children = zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getChildren(parentZNode3, false);
assertTrue("Failed to delete child znodes of parent znode 1!", 0 == children.size());
发出时Delete对于 hbase,我知道它不会立即删除数据。但是什么时候删除数据,我的意思是,物理上? 最佳答案 当您向 HBase 写入内容时,它会存储在内存存储 (RAM) 中,然后再写入磁盘。
同一行的列族属于同一个 RegionServer。 那么,这里的问题是一个 RegionServer 会在不同的机器上存储不同的列族吗? 最佳答案 不一定,但在某些时候它会。这是基本 HBase 架构
如果我想插入表格: row | fam:qualifier | timestamp | value 1 | foo:bar | 12345 | 2 1 | foo:bar | 12346 | 3 1
有时我想退出我在 HBase shell 中运行的命令,例如扫描操作通常需要太多时间。 所以我想停止运行这个命令,但我不想退出 HBase shell。 我常用的停止运行命令的方式,我使用了Ctrl+
有没有办法设置 Hbase 以便我们可以在同一个集群中创建多个数据库? 最佳答案 只是为了刷新主题:http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#namespace 5.3.1.
怎么看version的 hbase我在用? 你能下命令吗? 最佳答案 hbase version命令行界面中的命令给出了 version的 hbase正在使用中。 以下是来自 Cloudera 的两个
高级问题: HBase 是否对所有分布(因此不是实现的工件)通用的每行施加了最大大小,无论是在 方面吗?字节存储 或在 方面细胞数 ? 如果是这样: 限制是什么? 极限存在的原因是什么? 限制在哪里记
假设,假设我在数据仓库设置中有一个星型模式。 有一个非常非常长的事实表(想想几十亿到几万亿行)和几个低基数维度表(想想 100 个维度表)。每个事实表外键 指向一个维度表的主键是位图索引的。每个维度表
版本:Hadoop: 2.0.0-cdh4.3.1 HBase: 0.94.6-cdh4.3.1 我正在运行 cloudera quick start vm,这是我的小型远程 HBase Java 客
我正在尝试以完全分布式模式配置 HBase。 (使用 Ubuntu 12.04,Apache Hadoop 2.2(以伪模式运行,HBase 版本 0.98) 以下是我的 bashrc 设置: exp
我想知道如何正确配置 hbase.zookeeper.quorum 以将 zookeeper 实例指向集群模式。 最佳答案 hbase.zookeeper.quorum 属性是运行 ZooKeeper
我想知道如何正确配置 hbase.zookeeper.quorum 以将 zookeeper 实例指向集群模式。 最佳答案 hbase.zookeeper.quorum 属性是运行 ZooKeeper
我正在尝试对位于 Hbase 中的两个表进行映射连接。我的目的是在hashmap中保留小表的记录并与大表进行比较,一旦匹配,再次将记录写入hbase中的表中。我使用 Mapper 和 Reducer
我正在尝试编写一个程序来连接到 HBase。但是当我执行以下命令时HBaseConfiguration.create();我收到以下错误:. "hbase-default.xml 文件似乎是旧版本的
基于HBase documentation ,再次遵循 Google BigTable 论文的引用,据说这些行是按行键的字典顺序存储的。 很明显,当我们在 rowkey 中有一个字符串或者如果我们将一
我有一个 hbase 表,其中的行键如 row1、row2、row3 .... 和 rowN,我想要的是获取行键从 row100 到 row200 的行,如何编写查询子句或将 hbase 表设计为让查
我正在尝试创建命名空间,但出现类似下面给出的错误 hbase(main):031:0> create namespace 'Aniruddha'
我发现为以下要求建模 HBase 表有困难。 我有一个表“商店”,它存储了商店的详细信息(必胜客)。 我有一个表格“订单”,其中包含交易摘要(总交易金额等...)。 我有另一个表“Order_Item
谁能告诉我如果在不首先禁用表的情况下使用“alter”命令可能影响表结构的可能影响? 据我所知,禁用表意味着关闭与表的所有连接。如果我在不禁用表的情况下使用 alter,可能会发生什么异常情况? 我正
我无法将表从 HBase 导出到 HDFS。下面是错误跟踪。它是相当大的尺寸。还有其他方法可以导出吗? 我使用以下命令导出。我增加了 rpc 超时,但工作仍然失败。 sudo -u hdfs hbas