- 使用 Spring Initializr 创建 Spring Boot 应用程序
- 在Spring Boot中配置Cassandra
- 在 Spring Boot 上配置 Tomcat 连接池
- 将Camel消息路由到嵌入WildFly的Artemis上
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-services2
* Checks a response for errors containing a specific kind of exception.
* If this exception is found it is thrown, otherwise the response is returned.
* @param <R> type of the response
* @param <E> type of the exception to check for
* @param response the response to check
* @param cl the class of the exception to check for
* @return the checked response
* @throws E the exception found in the response
public static <R extends GenericResponse, E extends Exception>
R check(R response, Class<E> cl) throws E {
if (response.isOK()) return response;
Exception exc = response.getError().getException();
if (exc != null && cl.isAssignableFrom(exc.getClass())) throw cl.cast(exc);
return response;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-services2
* Checks a response for any errors. If there is an error containing a RuntimeException,
* the exception is rethrown. For any other exception or an error without an exception
* a new RuntimeException is thrown.
* @param <R> type of the response
* @param response the response to check
* @return the checked response
* @throws RuntimeException if the response contains error information
public static <R extends GenericResponse> R checkOther(R response) {
if (response.isOK()) return response;
YaddaError error = response.getError();
Exception exc = error.getException();
if (exc != null && exc instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) exc;
// fallback: setting ServiceException as cause, otherwise error code is missing
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected YaddaError: " + error,
new ServiceException(error.getCode(), error.getMssg(), error.getException()));
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Evaluates access to the resource.
* @param obligations
* @param context
* @return true if access granted, false otherwise
protected boolean evaluateAccess(final Collection<ObligationType> obligations,
final LicenseEvaluatorContext<String[]> context) {
for (final ILicenseEvaluator<String[]> evaluator : evaluators) {
final EvaluatorResult localResult = evaluator.evaluate(obligations, context);
if (localResult.getStatus() == EvaluatorResult.Status.PERMIT) {
return true;
} else if (localResult.getStatus() == EvaluatorResult.Status.DENY) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " failed");
} else if (localResult.getStatus() == EvaluatorResult.Status.ERROR) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " finished with error: "
+ localResult.getError().getMssg(), localResult.getError().getException());
// fallback
log.debug("content is not accessible for resource id='" + context.getStoredObjectId() + "'");
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Evaluates access to the resource.
* @param obligations
* @param context
* @return true if access granted, false otherwise
protected boolean evaluateAccess(final Collection<ObligationType> obligations,
final LicenseEvaluatorContext<String[]> context) {
for (final ILicenseEvaluator<String[]> evaluator : evaluators) {
final EvaluatorResult localResult = evaluator.evaluate(obligations, context);
if (localResult.getStatus() == EvaluatorResult.Status.PERMIT) {
return true;
} else if (localResult.getStatus() == EvaluatorResult.Status.DENY) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " failed");
} else if (localResult.getStatus() == EvaluatorResult.Status.ERROR) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " finished with error: "
+ localResult.getError().getMssg(), localResult.getError().getException());
// fallback
log.debug("content is not accessible for resource id='" + context.getStoredObjectId() + "'");
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Evaluates access to the resource.
* @param obligations
* @param context
* @return true if access granted, false otherwise
protected boolean evaluateAccess(Collection<ObligationType> obligations,
LicenseEvaluatorContext<String[]> context) {
for (ILicenseEvaluator<String[]> evaluator : evaluators) {
EvaluatorResult localResult = evaluator.evaluate(obligations, context);
if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.PERMIT) {
return true;
} else if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.DENY) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " failed");
} else if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.ERROR) {
log.warn("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() +
" finished with error: " + localResult.getError().getMssg(), localResult.getError().getException());
// fallback
log.error("Permission not granted to retrieve resource id='" +
context.getStoredObjectId() + "'");
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Evaluates access to the resource.
* @param obligations
* @param context
* @return true if access granted, false otherwise
protected boolean evaluateAccess(Collection<ObligationType> obligations,
LicenseEvaluatorContext<String[]> context) {
for (ILicenseEvaluator<String[]> evaluator : evaluators) {
EvaluatorResult localResult = evaluator.evaluate(obligations, context);
if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.PERMIT) {
return true;
} else if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.DENY) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " failed");
} else if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.ERROR) {
log.warn("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() +
" finished with error: " + localResult.getError().getMssg(), localResult.getError().getException());
// fallback
log.error("Permission not granted to retrieve resource id='" +
context.getStoredObjectId() + "'");
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Evaluates access to the resource.
* @param obligations
* @param context
* @return true if access granted, false otherwise
protected boolean evaluateAccess(Collection<ObligationType> obligations,
LicenseEvaluatorContext<String[]> context) {
for (ILicenseEvaluator<String[]> evaluator : evaluators) {
EvaluatorResult localResult = evaluator.evaluate(obligations, context);
if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.PERMIT) {
return true;
} else if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.DENY) {
log.debug("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() + " failed");
} else if (localResult.getStatus()==EvaluatorResult.Status.ERROR) {
log.warn("evaluation with module " + evaluator.getClass().getName() +
" finished with error: " + localResult.getError().getMssg(), localResult.getError().getException());
// fallback
log.error("Permission not granted to retrieve resource id='" +
context.getStoredObjectId() + "'");
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Processes evaluation error from given result.
* Reauthorizing if possible, e.g. when is able to react on received error.
* @param result
* @param oryginalRequest
* @return final decision
protected YaddaObligationsAwareResult<Boolean> processBackendError(
YaddaObligationsAwareResult<Boolean> result,
BackendAuthorizerRequest oryginalRequest) {
// not processing error, simply logging error content and returning oryginal result
log.warn(result.getError().getCode() + ':' +
result.getError().getMssg(), result.getError().getException());
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Processes evaluation error from given result.
* Reauthorizing if possible, e.g. when is able to react on received error.
* @param result
* @param oryginalRequest
* @return final decision
protected boolean processBackendError(YaddaErrorAwareResult<Boolean> result,
BackendAuthorizerRequest oryginalRequest) {
// not processing error, simply logging error content and returning oryginal result
log.warn(result.getError().getCode() + ':' +
result.getError().getMssg(), result.getError().getException());
return result.getData();
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-content
protected void check(GenericResponse resp) throws RelationGraphException {
if (resp.isOK())
throw new RelationGraphException(resp.getError().getMssg(), resp.getError().getException());
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
", cause: " + resp.getError().getMssg(), resp.getError().getException());
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-content
private void fetch() {
QueryResponse resp = service.query(new QueryRequest(new IterateNodesOp(type, fetchLinks, resumptionToken)));
if (!resp.isOK())
throw new RuntimeException("Exception caught while iterating nodes", resp.getError().getException());
buffer = resp.getNodes();
position = 0;
resumptionToken = resp.getResumptionToken();
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
" ,code: " + evalAllResult.getError().getCode() +
" ,message: " + evalAllResult.getError().getMssg(),
} else {
log.error("unknown error occured when avaluating access to allowAll");
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2
* Processes user profile to update assertion content.
* Never returns null, if any problem occurrs exception is thrown.
* @param userId
* @param assertion
* @return updated assertion according to the user profile
* @throws RefresherException
protected Assertion processUserProfile(String userId,
Assertion assertion) throws RefresherException {
LoadSecurityObjectsResponse response = userCatalogService.loadSecurityObjects(
LoadSecurityObjectsRequest.loadUserRequest(userId, false));
if (response.isOK()) {
List<Serializable> users = response.getResult();
if (users!=null && users.size()==1) {
return processUserProfile((User)users.get(0), assertion);
} else {
throw new RefresherException("unable to load user data for id: " + userId +
", expected 1 object, got " + (users!=null?users.size():"0"));
} else {
throw new RefresherException("unable to load user data for id: " + userId +
", error: " + response.getError().getMssg(),
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
log.error("unable to get valid aggregation info for uuid " + uuid
+", message: " + aggInfoResp.getError().getMssg(),
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2
* Prepares results in proper format.
* @param resp
* @return results in proper format
* @throws IndeterminateException
protected AttributeValue[] prepareResults(
EffectiveAttributesResponse resp) throws IndeterminateException {
if (resp.isOK()) {
AttributeValue[] result = new AttributeValue[resp.getList().size()];
int idx = 0;
for (String current : resp.getList()) {
try {
result[idx] = AttributeValue.getInstance(
Constants.TYPE_STRING, current);
} catch (XMLDataTypeMappingException e) {
throw new IndeterminateException("exception occurred when " +
"creating attribute value: " + current, e);
return result;
} else {
throw new IndeterminateException("error occurred when querying " +
"effective attributes! Details: " + resp.getError().getMssg(),
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
partResp.getError().getMssg(), partResp.getError().getException());
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
* Adds public licence tag to catalog ID object.
* @throws Exception
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
GetObjectRequest req = new GetObjectRequest();
YaddaObjectID yaddaId = new YaddaObjectID(ICatalog.ID_CATALOG_META);
GetObjectResponse<String> objectResp = catalog.getObject(req);
if (objectResp.isOK()) {
if(skipLicenses) {
for (String tag : objectResp.getObject().getTags()) {
if (tag.equals(SecurityConstants.TAG_PUBLIC_LICENSE)) {
ExecuteRequest request = new ExecuteRequest();
EditorOperation operation = new TagOperation(yaddaId, new String[]{SecurityConstants.TAG_PUBLIC_LICENSE}, null);
} else {
throw new EditorException("Unable to get catalog identifier object, reason: "
+ objectResp.getError().getMssg(), objectResp.getError().getException());
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
public void enrich(ISecuritySession session, SecurityToken securityToken, Assertion assertion)
throws SessionEnricherException {
if (!skipLicenses) {
YaddaErrorAwareResult<Set<ObligationType>> result = authzFacade.retrieveLicenseObligations(assertion);
if (result.getError() != null) {
throw new SessionEnricherException("errors found when retrieving license obligations: "
+ "error code: " + result.getError().getCode() + ", error message: "
+ result.getError().getMssg(), result.getError().getException());
} else {
LicenseAuthority licAuthr = (LicenseAuthority) session.getAuthorities(LicenseAuthority.NAME);
if (licAuthr == null) {
licAuthr = new LicenseAuthority();
CriterionCreatorResponse<String[]> critResp = criterionCreatorManager.createCriteria(result.getData());
if (critResp.isAllowAll()) {
} else {
if (critResp.getSecurityCriterion() != null && critResp.getSecurityCriterion().length > 0) {
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.yadda/yadda-aas2-common
throw new ParamProviderException("unable to get ancestors part " +
"from catalog for id: " + id,
所以这个函数非常简单(对我来说不是那么简单!),它采用 HTML 表单,选择下拉选项后,它将选项值发送到 index.php 并根据响应获取响应它改变了页面的内容!但它不断返回“未定义”...我正在使
我正在使用 Yadda BDD JavaScript 库 ( https://github.com/acuminous/yadda)。 我想编写一个返回值的步骤定义。我怎样才能将值传递到下一步? li
我试图找到一些使用 Yadda 的案例(使用 Jasmine 或其他软件)和 Protractor但没有运气。有人有这方面的经验吗? 最佳答案 好吧,我正在回答我自己的问题。 第 1 步 - 定义 P
我是 JavaScript 新手,最近开始使用 Protractor 和 Yadda 编写自动化测试,以便可以使用 Gherkin。但是我刚刚发现步骤定义似乎不可重用,即如果我运行该功能 testMy