gpt4 book ai didi


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gpt4 key购买 nike





代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

public List<String> getWorkQueued() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
 ArrayList<String> children = new ArrayList<>(zoo.getChildren(path));
 return children;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

 public void run() {
  log.debug("Looking for work in {}", path);
  try {
   lookForWork(processor, zoo.getChildren(path));
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
   log.error("Failed to look for work", e);
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interrupted looking for work", e);
}, timerInitialDelay, timerPeriod);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

 public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
  nextEvent.event("Noticed recovery changes", event.getType());
  try {
   // watcher only fires once, add it back
   zReaderWriter.getChildren(zroot + Constants.ZRECOVERY, this);
  } catch (Exception e) {
   log.error("Failed to add log recovery watcher back", e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

List<String> children = zoo.getChildren(path, watcher);
 children = zoo.getChildren(path, watcher);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

public Map<TServerInstance,List<UUID>> getAllMarkers() throws WalMarkerException {
 Map<TServerInstance,List<UUID>> result = new HashMap<>();
 try {
  String path = root();
  for (String child : zoo.getChildren(path)) {
   TServerInstance inst = new TServerInstance(child);
   List<UUID> logs = result.get(inst);
   if (logs == null) {
    result.put(inst, logs = new ArrayList<>());
   // This function is called by the Accumulo GC which deletes WAL markers. Therefore we do not
   // expect the following call to fail because the WAL info in ZK was deleted.
   for (String idString : zoo.getChildren(path + "/" + child)) {
 } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
  throw new WalMarkerException(e);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

 public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
  switch (event.getType()) {
   case NodeChildrenChanged:
    if (event.getPath().equals(path))
     try {
      lookForWork(processor, zoo.getChildren(path, this));
     } catch (KeeperException e) {
      log.error("Failed to look for work", e);
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interrupted looking for work", e);
    else"Unexpected path for NodeChildrenChanged event {}", event.getPath());
   case NodeCreated:
   case NodeDataChanged:
   case NodeDeleted:
   case None:"Got unexpected zookeeper event: {} for {}", event.getType(), path);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

public List<DeadServer> getList() {
 List<DeadServer> result = new ArrayList<>();
 try {
  List<String> children = zoo.getChildren(path);
  if (children != null) {
   for (String child : children) {
    Stat stat = new Stat();
    byte[] data;
    try {
     data = zoo.getData(path + "/" + child, stat);
    } catch (NoNodeException nne) {
     // Another thread or process can delete child while this loop is running.
     // We ignore this error since it's harmless if we miss the deleted server
     // in the dead server list.
    DeadServer server = new DeadServer(child, stat.getMtime(), new String(data, UTF_8));
 } catch (Exception ex) {
  log.error("{}", ex.getMessage(), ex);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

 * Fetch all {@link AuthenticationKey}s currently stored in ZooKeeper beneath the configured
 * {@code baseNode}.
 * @return A list of {@link AuthenticationKey}s
public List<AuthenticationKey> getCurrentKeys() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
 checkState(initialized.get(), "Not initialized");
 List<String> children = zk.getChildren(baseNode);
 // Shortcircuit to avoid a list creation
 if (children.isEmpty()) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
 // Deserialize each byte[] into an AuthenticationKey
 List<AuthenticationKey> keys = new ArrayList<>(children.size());
 for (String child : children) {
  byte[] data = zk.getData(qualifyPath(child), null);
  if (data != null) {
   AuthenticationKey key = new AuthenticationKey();
   try {
    key.readFields(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)));
   } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new AssertionError("Error reading from in-memory buffer which should not happen",
 return keys;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

lookForWork(processor, zoo.getChildren(path));
} catch (KeeperException e) {
 log.error("Failed to look for work", e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

 * @param args
 *          : the name or UUID of the instance to be deleted
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 Opts opts = new Opts();
 opts.parseArgs(DeleteZooInstance.class.getName(), args);
 ZooReaderWriter zk = new ZooReaderWriter(new SiteConfiguration());
 // try instance name:
 Set<String> instances = new HashSet<>(zk.getChildren(Constants.ZROOT + Constants.ZINSTANCES));
 Set<String> uuids = new HashSet<>(zk.getChildren(Constants.ZROOT));
 if (instances.contains(opts.instance)) {
  String path = Constants.ZROOT + Constants.ZINSTANCES + "/" + opts.instance;
  byte[] data = zk.getData(path, null);
  deleteRetry(zk, path);
  deleteRetry(zk, Constants.ZROOT + "/" + new String(data, UTF_8));
 } else if (uuids.contains(opts.instance)) {
  // look for the real instance name
  for (String instance : instances) {
   String path = Constants.ZROOT + Constants.ZINSTANCES + "/" + instance;
   byte[] data = zk.getData(path, null);
   if (opts.instance.equals(new String(data, UTF_8)))
    deleteRetry(zk, path);
  deleteRetry(zk, Constants.ZROOT + "/" + opts.instance);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

while (true) {
 try {
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

public List<Path> getWalsInUse(TServerInstance tsi) throws WalMarkerException {
 List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>();
 try {
  String zpath = root() + "/" + tsi;
  for (String child : zoo.getChildren(zpath)) {
   byte[] zdata = null;
   try {
    // This function is called by the Master. Its possible that Accumulo GC deletes an
    // unreferenced WAL in ZK after the call to getChildren above. Catch this exception inside
    // the loop so that not all children are ignored.
    zdata = zoo.getData(zpath + "/" + child, null);
   } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
    log.debug("WAL state removed {} {} during getWalsInUse.  Likely a race condition between "
      + "master and GC.", tsi, child);
   if (zdata != null) {
    Pair<WalState,Path> parts = parse(zdata);
    if (parts.getFirst() != WalState.UNREFERENCED) {
 } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
  log.debug("{} has no wal entry in zookeeper, assuming no logs", tsi);
 } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
  throw new WalMarkerException(e);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 try (ServerContext context = new ServerContext(new SiteConfiguration())) {
  String tserverPath = context.getZooKeeperRoot() + Constants.ZTSERVERS;
  Opts opts = new Opts();
  opts.parseArgs(TabletServerLocks.class.getName(), args);
  ZooCache cache = context.getZooCache();
  ZooReaderWriter zoo = context.getZooReaderWriter();
  if (opts.list) {
   List<String> tabletServers = zoo.getChildren(tserverPath);
   for (String tabletServer : tabletServers) {
    byte[] lockData = ZooLock.getLockData(cache, tserverPath + "/" + tabletServer, null);
    String holder = null;
    if (lockData != null) {
     holder = new String(lockData, UTF_8);
    System.out.printf("%32s %16s%n", tabletServer, holder);
  } else if (opts.delete != null) {
   ZooLock.deleteLock(zoo, tserverPath + "/" + args[1]);
  } else {
     "Usage : " + TabletServerLocks.class.getName() + " -list|-delete <tserver lock>");

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

private static GCStatus fetchGcStatus() {
 GCStatus result = null;
 HostAndPort address = null;
 try {
  // Read the gc location from its lock
  ZooReaderWriter zk = context.getZooReaderWriter();
  String path = context.getZooKeeperRoot() + Constants.ZGC_LOCK;
  List<String> locks = zk.getChildren(path, null);
  if (locks != null && locks.size() > 0) {
   address = new ServerServices(new String(zk.getData(path + "/" + locks.get(0), null), UTF_8))
   GCMonitorService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClient(new GCMonitorService.Client.Factory(),
     address, context);
   try {
    result = client.getStatus(Tracer.traceInfo(), getContext().rpcCreds());
   } finally {
 } catch (Exception ex) {
  log.warn("Unable to contact the garbage collector at " + address, ex);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

String tserversPath = Constants.ZROOT + "/" + iid + Constants.ZTSERVERS;
try {
 List<String> children = zoo.getChildren(tserversPath);
 for (String child : children) {
  message("Deleting " + tserversPath + "/" + child + " from zookeeper", opts);
  else {
   String path = tserversPath + "/" + child;
   if (zoo.getChildren(path).size() > 0) {
    if (!ZooLock.deleteLock(zoo, path, "tserver")) {
     message("Did not delete " + tserversPath + "/" + child, opts);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

zoo.mkdirs(path + "/" + LOCKS_NODE);
List<String> children = zoo.getChildren(path, new Watcher() {
 public void process(WatchedEvent event) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

zReaderWriter.getChildren(zroot + Constants.ZRECOVERY, new Watcher() {
 public void process(WatchedEvent event) {

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