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[英]Utility for turning types into zeroes.
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.android.tools/dx
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: dragome/dragome-sdk
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.dexmaker/dexmaker-dx
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: gdpancheng/LoonAndroid3
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: com.android.tools.build/builder
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: com.jakewharton.android.repackaged/dalvik-dx
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: com.android/dx
Constant cst = staticValues.get(field);
if (cst == null) {
cst = Zeroes.zeroFor(field.getRef().getType());
代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
代码示例来源:origin: com.jakewharton.android.repackaged/dalvik-dx
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
代码示例来源:origin: gdpancheng/LoonAndroid3
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
代码示例来源:origin: com.android/dx
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.dexmaker/dexmaker-dx
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
代码示例来源:origin: com.android.tools.build/builder
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.android.tools/dx
* Replaces the instructions that define an array with equivalent registers.
* For each entry in the array, a register is created, initialized to zero.
* A mapping between this register and the corresponding array index is
* added.
* @param def {@code non-null;} move result instruction for array
* @param prev {@code non-null;} instruction for instantiating new array
* @param length size of the new array
* @param newRegs {@code non-null;} mapping of array indices to new
* registers to be populated
private void replaceDef(SsaInsn def, SsaInsn prev, int length,
ArrayList<RegisterSpec> newRegs) {
Type resultType = def.getResult().getType();
// Create new zeroed out registers for each element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constant newZero = Zeroes.zeroFor(resultType.getComponentType());
TypedConstant typedZero = (TypedConstant) newZero;
RegisterSpec newReg =
RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), typedZero);
insertPlainInsnBefore(def, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg,
RegOps.CONST, newZero);
翻译: 用法:zeros(shape, dtype=float, order='C') 返回:返回来一个给定形状和类型的用0填充的数组; 参数:shape:形状 dtype:数据类型,可选参
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我一直在考虑单词序列的 0 填充以及如何将 0 填充转换为嵌入层。乍一看,人们会认为您也希望保持嵌入 = 0.0。但是,keras 中的嵌入层会为任何输入标记生成随机值,并且无法强制其生成 0.0。请
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