- 使用 Spring Initializr 创建 Spring Boot 应用程序
- 在Spring Boot中配置Cassandra
- 在 Spring Boot 上配置 Tomcat 连接池
- 将Camel消息路由到嵌入WildFly的Artemis上
[英]Represents common utility functionalities for code generation.
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns the directory path of the package in canonical form.
* @param baseCodeGenPath base path where the generated files needs to be
* put
* @param pathOfJavaPkg java package of the file being generated
* @return absolute path of the package in canonical form
public static String getDirectory(String baseCodeGenPath, String pathOfJavaPkg) {
if (pathOfJavaPkg.charAt(pathOfJavaPkg.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar) {
pathOfJavaPkg = trimAtLast(pathOfJavaPkg, SLASH);
String[] strArray = pathOfJavaPkg.split(SLASH);
if (strArray[0].equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
return pathOfJavaPkg;
} else {
return baseCodeGenPath + SLASH + pathOfJavaPkg;
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Adds prefix, if the string begins with digit or is a java key word.
* @param camelCasePrefix string for adding prefix
* @param conflictResolver object of YANG to java naming conflict util
* @return prefixed camel case string
private static String addPrefix(String camelCasePrefix, YangToJavaNamingConflictUtil conflictResolver) {
String prefix = getPrefixForIdentifier(conflictResolver);
if (camelCasePrefix.matches(REGEX_FOR_FIRST_DIGIT)) {
camelCasePrefix = prefix + camelCasePrefix;
if (JAVA_KEY_WORDS.contains(camelCasePrefix)) {
camelCasePrefix = prefix + camelCasePrefix.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
+ camelCasePrefix.substring(1);
return camelCasePrefix;
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns javadoc start line.
* @param name name of attribute
* @param javaDoc type of javadoc
* @return javadoc start line
private static String getJavaDocStartLine(String name, String javaDoc) {
FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + javaDoc + getSmallCase(name) +
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
if (compilerAnnotation != null) {
compilerAnnotation = compilerAnnotation.toLowerCase();
compilerAnnotation = getCapitalCase(compilerAnnotation);
switch (compilerAnnotation) {
case QUEUE: {
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
String ruleCheckerWithPrefix = addPrefix(ruleChecker, conflictResolver);
return restrictConsecutiveCapitalCase(ruleCheckerWithPrefix);
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Removes empty directory.
* @param path path to be checked
public static void removeEmptyDirectory(String path) {
int index;
while (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
if (!removeDirectory(path)) {
} else {
index = path.lastIndexOf(SLASH);
path = path.substring(0, index);
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
return applyCamelCaseRule(stringArray, conflictResolver);
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
boolean isChildNode) throws IOException {
pack = parsePkg(pack);
try {
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-tool
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-datamodel
if (this instanceof RpcNotificationContainer) {
((RpcNotificationContainer) this).addToIdentityTypedefMap(
YangIoUtils.getCamelCase(newChild.getName(), null), newChild);
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-runtime-uils
* Returns schema node's generated interface class name.
* @param schemaNode schema node
* @return schema node's generated interface class name
public static String getInterfaceClassName(YangSchemaNode schemaNode) {
return schemaNode.getJavaPackage() + PERIOD +
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns javaDocs for add to list method.
* @param attribute attribute
* @param annotation compile annotation
* @return javaDocs
private static String generateForAddToList(String attribute, String annotation) {
StringBuilder javadoc = new StringBuilder();
javadoc.append(getJavaDocStartLine(attribute, JAVA_DOC_ADD_TO_LIST))
if (annotation != null) {
annotation = annotation.toLowerCase();
annotation = getCapitalCase(annotation);
switch (annotation) {
case MAP:
attribute, attribute + KEYS)).append(getJavaDocParamLine(
attribute, attribute + VALUE_CAPS));
attribute, ADD_STRING + TO_CAPS));
javadoc.append(getJavaDocParamLine(attribute, ADD_STRING + TO_CAPS))
return javadoc.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns javadoc return line.
* @param name name of attribute
* @return javadoc return line
private static String getJavaDocReturnLine(String name) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-serializers-utils
* Converts a resource identifier to URI string.
* @param rid resource identifier
* @param context YANG serializer context
* @return URI
public static String convertRidToUri(ResourceId rid,
YangSerializerContext context) {
if (rid == null) {
return null;
StringBuilder uriBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<NodeKey> nodeKeyList = rid.nodeKeys();
String curNameSpace = null;
for (NodeKey key : nodeKeyList) {
curNameSpace = addNodeKeyToUri(key, curNameSpace, uriBuilder, context);
return trimAtLast(uriBuilder.toString(), SLASH);
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns javadoc param line.
* @param name name of attribute
* @return javadoc param line
private static String getJavaDocParamLine(String name, String paraName) {
getSmallCase(paraName) + SPACE + VALUE + SPACE + OF + SPACE +
getSmallCase(name) + NEW_LINE;
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns class javadoc.
* @param name name of class
* @param type type of javadoc
* @param indent indentation
* @return class javadoc
private static String getJavaDocForClass(String name, String type,
String indent) {
return NEW_LINE + indent + JAVA_DOC_FIRST_LINE + indent + type +
getSmallCase(name) + PERIOD + NEW_LINE + indent + JAVA_DOC_END_LINE;
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Returns class javadoc.
* @param name name of class
* @param type type of javadoc
* @param indent indentation
* @param isForDefaultClass if javadoc is generated for default class
* @return class javadoc
private static String getJavaDocForDefaultClass(String name, String type,
String indent, boolean isForDefaultClass) {
String append = addFlagJavaDoc();
if (!isForDefaultClass) {
append = EMPTY_STRING;
return NEW_LINE + indent + JAVA_DOC_FIRST_LINE + indent + type +
getSmallCase(name) + PERIOD + NEW_LINE + indent + append +
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Generates javaDocs for rpc method.
* @param rpcName name of the rpc
* @param inputName name of input
* @param outputName name of output
* @return javaDocs of rpc method
public static String generateJavaDocForRpc(String rpcName, String inputName,
String outputName) {
String javadoc = getJavaDocStartLine(rpcName, JAVA_DOC_RPC) +
if (!inputName.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
javadoc = javadoc + getInputString(inputName, rpcName);
if (!outputName.equals(VOID)) {
javadoc = javadoc + getOutputString(getSmallCase(outputName),
return javadoc + getJavaDocEndLine();
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
* Generates javaDocs for type constructor.
* @param attribute attribute string
* @return javaDocs for type constructor
public static String generateForGetMethodWithAttribute(String attribute) {
attribute = getSmallCase(attribute);
return getJavaDocStartLine(attribute, JAVA_DOC_GETTERS) +
getJavaDocEmptyAsteriskLine() +
getJavaDocParamLine(attribute, attribute) +
getJavaDocReturnLine(attribute) +
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-utils
String compilerAnnotation) {
name = getSmallCase(name);
switch (type) {
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问题 在java中,我有一个“Util项目”,在进行单元测试时使用另一个“Mock项目”。 我的问题是“模拟项目”也使用“Util项目”来构建一些模拟对象。 当我使用 Maven 构建项目时,我无法构
据我所知,这些包已经存在很长时间了。但是,我从未见过它们的实际用法。而且这些包似乎不成熟,不再维护。如果是,为什么这些包现在存在? 最佳答案 包裹automata被 scala.xml.dtd 使用,
关闭。这个问题需要debugging details .它目前不接受答案。 想改进这个问题?将问题更新为 on-topic对于堆栈溢出。 1年前关闭。 Improve this question Co
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