gpt4 book ai didi


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[英]Calculates the year class by the amount of RAM the phone has. Evaluations are based off the table below: AmountYear>2GB2014201320122011201020092008


代码示例来源:origin: facebook/device-year-class

 * Calculates the "best-in-class year" of the device. This represents the top-end or flagship
 * devices of that year, not the actual release year of the phone. For example, the Galaxy Duos
 * S was released in 2012, but its specs are very similar to the Galaxy S that was released in
 * 2010 as a then top-of-the-line phone, so it is a 2010 device.
 * @return The year when this device would have been considered top-of-the-line.
private static int categorizeByYear2014Method(Context c) {
 ArrayList<Integer> componentYears = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 conditionallyAdd(componentYears, getNumCoresYear());
 conditionallyAdd(componentYears, getClockSpeedYear());
 conditionallyAdd(componentYears, getRamYear(c));
 if (componentYears.isEmpty())
 if ((componentYears.size() & 0x01) == 1) {  // Odd number; pluck the median.
  return componentYears.get(componentYears.size() / 2);
 } else { // Even number. Average the two "center" values.
  int baseIndex = componentYears.size() / 2 - 1;
  // There's an implicit rounding down in here; 2011.5 becomes 2011.
  return componentYears.get(baseIndex) +
    (componentYears.get(baseIndex + 1) - componentYears.get(baseIndex)) / 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.device.yearclass/yearclass

 * Calculates the "best-in-class year" of the device. This represents the top-end or flagship
 * devices of that year, not the actual release year of the phone. For example, the Galaxy Duos
 * S was released in 2012, but its specs are very similar to the Galaxy S that was released in
 * 2010 as a then top-of-the-line phone, so it is a 2010 device.
 * @return The year when this device would have been considered top-of-the-line.
private static int categorizeByYear2014Method(Context c) {
 ArrayList<Integer> componentYears = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 conditionallyAdd(componentYears, getNumCoresYear());
 conditionallyAdd(componentYears, getClockSpeedYear());
 conditionallyAdd(componentYears, getRamYear(c));
 if (componentYears.isEmpty())
 if ((componentYears.size() & 0x01) == 1) {  // Odd number; pluck the median.
  return componentYears.get(componentYears.size() / 2);
 } else { // Even number. Average the two "center" values.
  int baseIndex = componentYears.size() / 2 - 1;
  // There's an implicit rounding down in here; 2011.5 becomes 2011.
  return componentYears.get(baseIndex) +
    (componentYears.get(baseIndex + 1) - componentYears.get(baseIndex)) / 2;

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