- 使用 Spring Initializr 创建 Spring Boot 应用程序
- 在Spring Boot中配置Cassandra
- 在 Spring Boot 上配置 Tomcat 连接池
- 将Camel消息路由到嵌入WildFly的Artemis上
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/acsell
public StandPrepVariables(StepprStandPrepSetpoints setpoint, YoVariableHolder variableHolder)
String prefix = setpoint.getName();
tau_d = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", prefix + "_tau_d");
damping = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", prefix + "_damping");
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setKnob(int channel, String varName, String knobName, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent, double hires)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(varName))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to knob, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + varName);
setKnob(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), knobName, min, max, exponent, hires);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/acsell
public StandPrepVariables(StepprStandPrepSetpoints setpoint, YoVariableHolder variableHolder)
String prefix = setpoint.getName();
String ajoint = setpoint.getJoints()[0].getSdfName();
q_d = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", prefix + "_q_d");
kp = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", prefix + "_kp");
kd = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", prefix + "_kd");
damping = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", prefix + "_damping");
positionerror = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("StepprStandPrep", "positionError_" + ajoint);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setKnob(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent, double hires)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(name))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to knob, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + name);
setKnob(channel, holder.getVariable(name), min, max, exponent, hires);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/acsell
public StandPrepVariables(WandererStandPrepSetpoints setpoint, YoVariableHolder variableHolder)
String prefix = setpoint.getName();
String ajoint = setpoint.getJoints()[0].getSdfName();
q_d = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("WandererStandPrep", prefix + "_q_d");
kp = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("WandererStandPrep", prefix + "_kp");
kd = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("WandererStandPrep", prefix + "_kd");
damping = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("WandererStandPrep", prefix + "_damping");
positionerror = (YoDouble) variableHolder.getVariable("WandererStandPrep", "positionError_" + ajoint);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSlider(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent, double hires)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(name))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to slider, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + name);
setSlider(channel, holder.getVariable(name), min, max, exponent, hires);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setButton(int channel, String varName, String buttonName, YoVariableHolder holder)
setButton(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), buttonName);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSlider(int channel, String varName, String sliderName, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent, double hires)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(varName))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to slider, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + varName);
setSlider(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), sliderName, min, max, exponent, hires);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setKnobButton(int channel, String varName, String buttonName, YoVariableHolder holder)
setKnobButton(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), buttonName);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setKnob(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(name))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to knob, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + name);
setKnob(channel, holder.getVariable(name), min, max, exponent);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setButton(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder)
setButton(channel, holder.getVariable(name));
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setKnob(int channel, String varName, String knobName, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(varName))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to knob, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + varName);
setKnob(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), knobName, min, max, exponent);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSliderEnum(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder)
setSliderEnum(channel, (YoEnum<?>) holder.getVariable(name));
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSlider(int channel, String varName, String sliderName, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(varName))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to slider, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + varName);
YoVariable<?> variable = holder.getVariable(varName);
if (variable == null)
PrintTools.error("Ahhhhhhhhh, yoVariable name " + varName + " was not found in the registry. It's not getting added to the sliderboard");
setSlider(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), sliderName, min, max, exponent);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSliderBoolean(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder)
setSliderBoolean(channel, holder.getVariable(name));
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSlider(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder, double min, double max, double exponent)
if (!holder.hasUniqueVariable(name))
PrintTools.warn("Trying to add yovariable to slider, but it does not exist, or more than 1 exists: " + name);
YoVariable<?> variable = holder.getVariable(name);
if (variable == null)
PrintTools.error("Ahhhhhhhhh, yoVariable name " + name + " was not found in the registry. It's not getting added to the sliderboard");
setSlider(channel, variable, min, max, exponent);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setKnobButton(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder)
setKnobButton(channel, holder.getVariable(name));
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSliderBoolean(int channel, String varName, String sliderName, YoVariableHolder holder)
setSliderBoolean(channel, holder.getVariable(varName), sliderName);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setButtonEnum(int channel, String name, YoVariableHolder holder, Enum<?> enumValue)
setButtonEnum(channel, (YoEnum<?>) holder.getVariable(name), enumValue);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public void setSliderEnum(int channel, String varName, String sliderName, YoVariableHolder holder)
setSliderEnum(channel, (YoEnum<?>) holder.getVariable(varName), sliderName);