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[英]A Factory for creating configured and managed ZooKeeper client instances.
A ZooKeeperHealthCheck will be registered for each ZooKeeper client instance that checks for the existence of the configured #namespace.
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
public String getConnectionString() {
return factory.getQuorumSpec();
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
* Builds a default {@link ZooKeeper} instance..
* <p/>
* No {@link Watcher} will be configured for the built {@link ZooKeeper} instance. If you wish
* to watch all events on the {@link ZooKeeper} client, use {@link #build(Environment, Watcher)}.
* @param environment the environment to build {@link ZooKeeper} instances for.
* @return a {@link ZooKeeper} client, managed and configured according to the {@code
* configuration}.
* @throws IOException if there is a network failure.
public ZooKeeper build(final Environment environment) throws IOException {
return build(environment, null, DEFAULT_NAME);
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
throws IOException {
final String quorumSpec = getQuorumSpec();
final String namespace = getNamespace();
(int) getSessionTimeout().toMilliseconds(),
final Auth auth = getAuth();
if (auth != null) {
client.addAuthInfo(auth.getScheme(), auth.getId().getBytes());
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
zookeeper.getQuorumSpec() + zookeeper.getNamespace());
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
final String namespace = factory.getNamespace();
final CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder builder = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder()
.zookeeperFactory(new DropwizardConfiguredZooKeeperFactory(environment, name))
.ensembleProvider(new DropwizardConfiguredEnsembleProvider(factory))
.connectionTimeoutMs((int) factory.getConnectionTimeout().toMilliseconds())
.threadFactory(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(name + "-%d").build())
.sessionTimeoutMs((int) factory.getSessionTimeout().toMilliseconds())
.namespace(namespace.startsWith("/") ? namespace.substring(1) : namespace)
final ZooKeeperFactory.Auth auth = factory.getAuth();
if (auth != null) {
builder.authorization(auth.getScheme(), auth.getId().getBytes());
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
* Builds an {@link HBaseClient} instance from the specified {@link HBaseClientFactory}
* with the given {@code name}.
* @param environment the {@link Environment} to build {@link HBaseClient} instances for.
* @param name the name for the {@link HBaseClient}.
* @return an {@link HBaseClient}, managed and configured according to the {@code
* configuration}.
public HBaseClient build(final Environment environment, final String name) {
final ZooKeeperFactory zkFactory = getZookeeper();
final HBaseClient proxy = new HBaseClientProxy(
new org.hbase.async.HBaseClient(zkFactory.getQuorumSpec(), zkFactory.getNamespace()));
// optionally instrument and bound requests for the client
final HBaseClient client = instrument(boundRequests(proxy), environment.metrics(), name);
// configure client
// add healthchecks for META and ROOT tables
environment.healthChecks().register(name + "-meta", new HBaseHealthCheck(client, ".META."));
environment.healthChecks().register(name + "-root", new HBaseHealthCheck(client, "-ROOT-"));
// manage client
environment.lifecycle().manage(new ManagedHBaseClient(
client, getConnectionTimeout()));
return client;
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
* Builds a default {@link ZooKeeper} instance.
* <p/>
* The given {@link Watcher} will be assigned to watch for all events on the {@link ZooKeeper}
* client instance. If you wish to ignore events, use {@link #build(Environment)}.
* @param environment the environment to build {@link ZooKeeper} instances for.
* @param watcher the watcher to handle all events that occur on the {@link ZooKeeper} client.
* @return a {@link ZooKeeper} client, managed and configured according to the {@code
* configuration}.
* @throws IOException if there is a network failure.
public ZooKeeper build(final Environment environment, final Watcher watcher)
throws IOException {
return build(environment, watcher, DEFAULT_NAME);
代码示例来源:origin: datasift/dropwizard-extra
* Builds a named {@link ZooKeeper} instance.
* <p/>
* No {@link Watcher} will be configured for the built {@link ZooKeeper} instance. If you wish
* to watch all events on the {@link ZooKeeper} client, use {@link
* #build(Environment, Watcher, String)}.
* @param environment the environment to build {@link ZooKeeper} instances for.
* @param name the name for this {@link ZooKeeper instance}.
* @return a {@link ZooKeeper} client, managed and configured according to the {@code
* configuration}.
* @throws IOException if there is a network failure.
public ZooKeeper build(final Environment environment, final String name)
throws IOException {
return build(environment, null, name);
我最近安装了一个带有 Exhibitor 的新 ZK 节点,它开始正常。当我执行 telnet localhost 2181 然后运行 stats 以查看版本时,即使我安装了 3.4.11,我仍然
每 the zookeeper docs , 可以创建一种以“ super ”用户身份访问 Zookeeper 集合的方法。这样做的方向在配置和连接方法方面都有些模糊。它确实巧妙地表明这只能通过 Ja
场景如下: Znode 创建:create/config 12345(例如创建于12/12/12) 更新此配置,设置/config 34567(例如在 2013 年 12 月 12 日修改) 一个月后
使用Zookeeper API,是否可以知道当前服务器是否是Zookeeper集群的leader? 文档提到领导者看到了所有追随者中最高的zxid。。是否有可能以某种方式检查? 最佳答案 您可以从不同
我正在学习 ZooKeeper 并研究备份存储在 ZooKeeper 中的数据的选项。 ZooKeeper 写入两个数据文件,快照和事务日志。人们经常提到快照是“模糊的”,需要重放事务日志以获取最新状
用例:一个池中有 100 个服务器;我想在每个服务器上启动一个 ZooKeeper 服务,服务器应用程序(ZooKeeper 客户端)将使用 ZooKeeper 集群(读/写)。那么就没有单点故障。
我正在运行 3 节点 zookeeper 集群来处理 Storm 和 kafka.Zookeeper 数据目录占用了我系统中的所有空间。我不知道如何清理它。因为,我不想完全删除数据,因为我会丢失进程的
我是 Zookeeper 的新手,试图了解它是否适合我的用例。 我有 1000 万个分层数据,我想将它们存储在 Zookeeper 中。 10M 键值对,键值对大小分别为 1KB。 因此,在没有复
在 here 有人说: "even if you read from a different follower every time, you'll never see version 3 of th
Zookeeper 临时节点是否写入磁盘? 我知道在 Zookeeper 确认写入客户端之前,正常的 Zookeeper 节点已写入磁盘。 但是,临时节点仅在客户端 session 期间持续,因此如果
在开发阶段使用zookeeper大约6个月后,虽然运行良好,但其数据目录的大小增长到 6 GIG !而且还在增加。下面列出了一些系统规范: zookeeper version: 3.4.6 numbe
我试图了解 Apache ZooKeeper 在裂脑情况下的内部工作原理。假设有一个由 5 个服务器组成的集群:A、B、C、D 和 E,其中 A 是领导者。现在假设子簇 {A, B} 与子簇 {C,
动物园管理员专家。 我问的问题对你来说可能很基础,但我是 ZK 的新手,我还没有掌握该工具,所以请原谅。考虑到这一点,这是我的问题。 假设我有一个由 5 个服务器组成的 ZK 集群,我有 3 个法定人
我正在尝试了解 Zookeeper 中的分层仲裁。文档 here 举了一个例子,但我仍然不确定我是否理解它。我的问题是,如果我有一个双节点 Zookeeper 集群(我知道不推荐这样做,但为了这个例子
我们使用的是2.3.0版本的curator-framework连接pom文件中的zookeeper。 org.apache.curator curator-fram
我们在开发机器上有一个独立的 zookeeper 设置。除了这台 testdev 机器之外,它适用于所有其他开发机器。 尝试通过 testdev 连接到 zookeeper 时,我们一遍又一遍地收到此
zookeeper 事务日志变得非常大(数千兆字节!)并且集群的每台机器中始终存在一个或最多两个事务日志文件,因为知道可能存在多个快照! .. 引入 autopurge.purgeInterval 和
我需要一些帮助来使用 zookeeper-shell.sh 验证 znode(path) 是否存在于 zookeeper 中 示例:bin/zookeeper-shell.sh zk:9091 ls/
我需要使用 tcpdump 调试我的 kafka 消费者和 zookeeper 之间交换的数据。我浏览了 zookeeper 文档,但找不到任何关于 zookeeper 通信协议(protocol)的