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[英]Registers a new job worker for jobs of a given type.
After registration, the broker activates available jobs and assigns them to this worker. It then publishes them to the client. The given worker is called for every received job, works on them and eventually completes them.
JobWorker worker = zeebeClient
Example JobHandler implementation:
public class PaymentHandler implements JobHandler
public void handle(JobClient client, JobEvent jobEvent)
String json = jobEvent.getPayload();
// modify payload
JobWorker worker = zeebeClient
public class PaymentHandler implements JobHandler
public void handle(JobClient client, JobEvent jobEvent)
String json = jobEvent.getPayload();
// modify payload
代码示例来源:origin: zeebe-io/zeebe
* Creates a new job worker that will handle jobs of type {@param type}.
* <p>Make sure to close the returned job worker.
* @param type type of the jobs to handle
* @param handler handler
* @return a new JobWorker
public JobWorker createJobWorker(String type, JobHandler handler) {
return clientRule.getClient().newWorker().jobType(type).handler(handler).open();
代码示例来源:origin: io.zeebe/zeebe-test
* Creates a new job worker that will handle jobs of type {@param type}.
* <p>Make sure to close the returned job worker.
* @param type type of the jobs to handle
* @param handler handler
* @return a new JobWorker
public JobWorker createJobWorker(String type, JobHandler handler) {
return clientRule.getClient().newWorker().jobType(type).handler(handler).open();
代码示例来源:origin: zeebe-io/zeebe
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final String broker = "";
final String jobType = "foo";
final ZeebeClientBuilder builder = ZeebeClient.newClientBuilder().brokerContactPoint(broker);
try (ZeebeClient client = builder.build()) {
System.out.println("Opening job worker.");
final JobWorker workerRegistration =
.handler(new ExampleJobHandler())
System.out.println("Job worker opened and receiving jobs.");
// call workerRegistration.close() to close it
// run until System.in receives exit command
代码示例来源:origin: zeebe-io/zeebe
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final String broker = "";
final ZeebeClientBuilder builder = ZeebeClient.newClientBuilder().brokerContactPoint(broker);
try (ZeebeClient client = builder.build()) {
final Order order = new Order();
client.newWorker().jobType("foo").handler(new DemoJobHandler()).open();
// run until System.in receives exit command
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a和b有什么区别? >>> import boto3 >>> a = boto3.Session().client("s3") >>> b = boto3.client("s3") >>> a ==
a和b有什么区别? >>> import boto3 >>> a = boto3.Session().client("s3") >>> b = boto3.client("s3") >>> a ==