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[英]Provides utility methods to work with ZIP files
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
* Generates a JAR file form the compiled files
* @param targetFolder folder containing the compiled files. Non null.
* @param jarName name of the JAR file. Non empty.
* @return
protected File compressGeneratedFiles(File targetFolder, String jarName) {
checkArgument(targetFolder != null, "targetFolder cannot be byll");
checkArgument(!StringUtils.isEmpty(jarName), "jar name cannot be empty");
Collection<File> files = listFiles(targetFolder, TRUE, TRUE);
ZipUtils.ZipResource[] resources = getZipResources(targetFolder, files);
File targetFile = new File(targetFolder, jarName);
compress(targetFile, resources);
return targetFile;
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
public void unzipsFileWithoutParentFolderEntry() throws Exception {
final String resourceName = "dummy.xml";
final String resourceAlias = "folder" + File.separator + resourceName;
final File compressedFile = new File(toDir, "test.zip");
compress(compressedFile, new ZipResource[] {new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceAlias)});
unzip(compressedFile, toDir);
assertThat(new File(new File(toDir, "folder"), resourceName).exists(), is(true));
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
public void readsPackagesFromJar() throws Exception {
final ZipResource fooClass = new ZipResource("EchoTest.clazz", "org/foo/Foo.class");
final ZipResource barClass = new ZipResource("EchoTest.clazz", "org/bar/Bar.class");
final ZipResource[] zipResources = {fooClass, barClass};
final File jarFile = File.createTempFile("test", ".jar");
ZipUtils.compress(jarFile, zipResources);
final Set<String> packages = packageExplorer.explore(jarFile.toURI()).getPackages();
assertThat(packages.size(), equalTo(2));
assertThat(packages, hasItem("org.foo"));
assertThat(packages, hasItem("org.bar"));
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
public void load() throws Exception {
String pluginName = "plugin";
File plugin = pluginsFolder.newFile(pluginName + ".jar");
compress(plugin, new ZipUtils.ZipResource[] {});
verify(artifactPluginDescriptorFactory).create(plugin, empty());
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
public void doesNotUnzipAbsolutePaths() throws Exception {
final String resourceName = "dummy.xml";
final String resourceAlias = new File(resourceName).getAbsolutePath();
final File compressedFile = new File(toDir, "test.zip");
compress(compressedFile, new ZipResource[] {
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceName),
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceAlias)
thrownException.expectMessage("Absolute paths are not allowed: " + resourceAlias);
unzip(compressedFile, toDir);
// make sure it did not extract other archive files
assertThat(new File(toDir, resourceName).exists(), is(false));
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
public void doesNotUnzipExternalPaths() throws Exception {
final String resourceName = "dummy.xml";
final String resourceAlias = Paths.get("folder", "..", "..", resourceName).toString();
final File compressedFile = new File(toDir, "test.zip");
compress(compressedFile, new ZipResource[] {
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceName),
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceAlias)
thrownException.expectMessage("External paths are not allowed: " + resourceAlias);
unzip(compressedFile, toDir);
// make sure it did not extract other archive files
assertThat(new File(toDir, resourceName).exists(), is(false));
代码示例来源:origin: mulesoft/mule
public File getArtifactFile() {
if (artifactFile == null) {
String fileName = getArtifactFileName();
final File tempFile = new File(getTempFolder(), fileName);
if (corrupted) {
} else {
final List<ZipResource> zipResources = new LinkedList<>(resources);
zipResources.add(new ZipResource(getArtifactPomFile().getAbsolutePath(), getArtifactFileBundledPomPartialUrl()));
zipResources.add(new ZipResource(getArtifactPomPropertiesFile().getAbsolutePath(),
compress(tempFile, zipResources.toArray(new ZipResource[0]));
artifactFile = new File(tempFile.getAbsolutePath());
return artifactFile;
代码示例来源:origin: org.mule.tests/mule-tests-unit
* Generates a JAR file form the compiled files
* @param targetFolder folder containing the compiled files. Non null.
* @param jarName name of the JAR file. Non empty.
* @return
protected File compressGeneratedFiles(File targetFolder, String jarName) {
checkArgument(targetFolder != null, "targetFolder cannot be byll");
checkArgument(!StringUtils.isEmpty(jarName), "jar name cannot be empty");
Collection<File> files = listFiles(targetFolder, TRUE, TRUE);
ZipUtils.ZipResource[] resources = getZipResources(targetFolder, files);
File targetFile = new File(targetFolder, jarName);
compress(targetFile, resources);
return targetFile;
代码示例来源:origin: org.mule.runtime/mule-core-tests
public void unzipsFileWithoutParentFolderEntry() throws Exception {
final String resourceName = "dummy.xml";
final String resourceAlias = "folder" + File.separator + resourceName;
final File compressedFile = new File(toDir, "test.zip");
compress(compressedFile, new ZipResource[] {new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceAlias)});
unzip(compressedFile, toDir);
assertThat(new File(new File(toDir, "folder"), resourceName).exists(), is(true));
代码示例来源:origin: org.mule.runtime/mule-module-deployment-model-impl
public void load() throws Exception {
String pluginName = "plugin";
File plugin = pluginsFolder.newFile(pluginName + ".jar");
compress(plugin, new ZipUtils.ZipResource[] {});
verify(artifactPluginDescriptorFactory).create(plugin, empty());
代码示例来源:origin: org.mule.runtime/mule-core-tests
public void doesNotUnzipAbsolutePaths() throws Exception {
final String resourceName = "dummy.xml";
final String resourceAlias = new File(resourceName).getAbsolutePath();
final File compressedFile = new File(toDir, "test.zip");
compress(compressedFile, new ZipResource[] {
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceName),
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceAlias)
thrownException.expectMessage("Absolute paths are not allowed: " + resourceAlias);
unzip(compressedFile, toDir);
// make sure it did not extract other archive files
assertThat(new File(toDir, resourceName).exists(), is(false));
代码示例来源:origin: org.mule.runtime/mule-core-tests
public void doesNotUnzipExternalPaths() throws Exception {
final String resourceName = "dummy.xml";
final String resourceAlias = Paths.get("folder", "..", "..", resourceName).toString();
final File compressedFile = new File(toDir, "test.zip");
compress(compressedFile, new ZipResource[] {
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceName),
new ZipResource(resourceName, resourceAlias)
thrownException.expectMessage("External paths are not allowed: " + resourceAlias);
unzip(compressedFile, toDir);
// make sure it did not extract other archive files
assertThat(new File(toDir, resourceName).exists(), is(false));
我想开始实现一个特定的 JSR,以开始了解这样做时可能涉及的不同方面。为了知道我是否成功也让我感到满意,我需要一个 TCK(技术兼容性工具包)来验证实现。根据 JCP 主页,这仅适用于选定的合作伙伴(
我们使用 org.mule.tck.FunctionalTestCase 作为测试用例。它是一个抽象的 JUnit 测试用例。 这是在 pom.xml 中声明依赖项的方式: ...
我的 Tk 应用程序有许多“等待”窗口或功能暂停,让其他后台命令有时间完成它们的工作。问题是在函数中使用“after 5000”会禁用应用程序中的所有按钮。我找到了很多信息,最有帮助的是 http:/
Red Hat 提供已通过 TCK 合规性测试的 OpenJDK 二进制发行版,如其 OpenJDK Life Cycle and Support Policy 中所述. 等效的 CentOS Ope
问题: Need help successfully running test from Reactive Streams TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit)? Si
我可以实现 OpenJdk 并创建我自己的 JDK 并重新分发它吗?没有通过 Technology Compatibility Kit(TCK) 的测试或者是否需要任何特殊许可才能将其称为 JDK?