- 使用 Spring Initializr 创建 Spring Boot 应用程序
- 在Spring Boot中配置Cassandra
- 在 Spring Boot 上配置 Tomcat 连接池
- 将Camel消息路由到嵌入WildFly的Artemis上
代码示例来源:origin: marytts/marytts
Zmat B = new Zmat(M, 2 * L + 1);
Zmat s = new Zmat(frm.length, 1);
for (i = 0; i < frm.length; i++)
s.put(i, 0, new Z(frm[i], 0.0));
代码示例来源:origin: marytts/marytts
Zmat B = new Zmat(M, 2 * L + 1);
Zmat s = new Zmat(frm.length, 1);
for (i = 0; i < frm.length; i++)
s.put(i, 0, new Z(frm[i], 0.0));
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Negates a Zmat
@param A The matrix to be negated
@return -A
public static Zmat o(Zmat A)
Zmat B = new Zmat(A.nrow, A.ncol);
for (int i=0; i<A.nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<A.ncol; j++){
B.re[i][j] = -A.re[i][j];
B.im[i][j] = -A.im[i][j];
return B;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the product of a Z and a Zmat.
@param z The complex scalar
@param A The Zmat
@return zA
public static Zmat o(Z z, Zmat A)
Zmat B = new Zmat(A.nrow, A.ncol);
for (int i=0; i<A.nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<A.ncol; j++){
B.re[i][j] = z.re*A.re[i][j] - z.im*A.im[i][j];
B.im[i][j] = z.im*A.re[i][j] + z.re*A.im[i][j];
return B;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Returns the submatrix (ii[], jj1:jj2).
@param i[] Contains the row indices of the submatrix
@param jj1 The lower column index
@param jj2 The upper column index
public Zmat get(int ii[], int jj1, int jj2){
int nrow = ii.length;
int ncol = jj2-jj1+1;
Zmat A = new Zmat(nrow, ncol);
for (int i=0; i<nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ncol; j++){
A.re[i][j] = re[ii[i]-basex][j+jj1-basex];
A.im[i][j] = im[ii[i]-basex][j+jj1-basex];
return A;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Returns the conjugate transpose of a Zmat.
@param A The matrix to be conjugated and transposed
@return The conjugate transpose of A
public static Zmat o(Zmat A)
Zmat Ah = new Zmat(A.nc, A.nr);
for (int i=0; i<A.nr; i++)
for (int j=0; j<A.nc; j++){
Ah.re[j][i] = A.re[i][j];
Ah.im[j][i] = -A.im[i][j];
return Ah;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Returns the submatrix (ii1:ii2, jj1:jj2).
@param ii1 The lower column index
@param ii2 The upper column index
@param jj1 The lower row index
@param jj2 The upper row index
public Zmat get(int ii1, int ii2, int jj1, int jj2){
int nrow = ii2-ii1+1;
int ncol = jj2-jj1+1;
Zmat A = new Zmat(nrow, ncol);
for (int i=0; i<nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ncol; j++){
A.re[i][j] = re[i+ii1-basex][j+jj1-basex];
A.im[i][j] = im[i+ii1-basex][j+jj1-basex];
return A;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Returns the transpose of a Zmat.
@param A The matrix to be transposed
@return The transpose of A
public static Zmat trans(Zmat A)
Zmat Ah = new Zmat(A.nc, A.nr);
for (int i=0; i<A.nr; i++)
for (int j=0; j<A.nc; j++){
Ah.re[j][i] = A.re[i][j];
Ah.im[j][i] = A.im[i][j];
return Ah;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Returns the submatrix (ii[], jj[]).
@param ii[] Contains the row indices of the submatrix
@param jj[] Contains the column indices of the submatrix
public Zmat get(int ii[] , int jj[]){
int nrow = ii.length;
int ncol = jj.length;
Zmat A = new Zmat(nrow, ncol);
for (int i=0; i<nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ncol; j++){
A.re[i][j] = re[ii[i]-basex][jj[j]-basex];
A.im[i][j] = im[ii[i]-basex][jj[j]-basex];
return A;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Returns the submatrix (ii1:ii2, jj[]).
@param ii1 The lower row index
@param ii2 The upper row index
@param jj[] Contains the column indices of the submatrix
public Zmat get(int ii1, int ii2, int jj[]){
int nrow = ii2-ii1+1;
int ncol = jj.length;
Zmat A = new Zmat(nrow, ncol);
for (int i=0; i<nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ncol; j++){
A.re[i][j] = re[i+ii1-basex][jj[j]-basex];
A.im[i][j] = im[i+ii1-basex][jj[j]-basex];
return A;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Generates an <tt>mxn</tt> matrix whose diagonal elements are
one and whose off diagonal elements are zero.
@param <tt>m</tt> The number of rows in the matrix
@param <tt>n</tt> The number of columns in the matrix
public static Zmat o(int m, int n){
Zmat I = new Zmat(m, n);
for (int i=0; i<Math.min(m, n); i++){
I.re[i][i] = 1;
I.im[i][i] = 0;
return I;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Generates a uniform random Zmat.
@param m The number of rows in the Zmat
@param n The number of columns in the Zmat
@return The uniform random Zmat
@exception JampackException
Passed from below.
public static Zmat uzmat(int m, int n)
throws JampackException{
Zmat zm = new Zmat(m, n);
for (int i=0; i<m; i++){
for (int j=0; j<n; j++){
zm.re[i][j] = R.nextDouble();
zm.im[i][j] = R.nextDouble();
return zm;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Generates a normal random Zmat.
@param m The number of rows in the Zmat
@param n The number of columns in the Zmat
@return The normal random Zmat
@exception JampackException
Passed from below.
public static Zmat nzmat(int m, int n)
throws JampackException{
Zmat zm = new Zmat(m, n);
for (int i=0; i<m; i++){
for (int j=0; j<n; j++){
zm.re[i][j] = R.nextGaussian();
zm.im[i][j] = R.nextGaussian();
return zm;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the sum of a Zdiagmat and a Zmat.
@param D The Zdiagmat
@param A The Zmat
@return D + A
@exception JampackException
Thrown for nonconformity.
public static Zmat o(Zdiagmat D, Zmat A)
throws JampackException{
if (D.order != A.nrow || D.order != A.ncol){
throw new JampackException("Matrices not conformable for addition");
Zmat C = new Zmat(A);
for (int i=0; i<D.order; i++){
C.re[i][i] = C.re[i][i] + D.re[i];
C.im[i][i] = C.im[i][i] + D.im[i];
return C;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the sum of two Zmats
@param A The first Zmat
@param B The second Zmat
@return A + B
@exception JampackException
Thrown for nonconformity.
public static Zmat o(Zmat A, Zmat B)
throws JampackException{
if (A.nrow!=B.nrow || A.ncol != B.ncol){
throw new JampackException("Matrices not conformable for addition");
Zmat C = new Zmat(A.nr, A.nc);
for (int i=0; i<A.nrow; i++)
for (int j=0; j<A.ncol; j++){
C.re[i][j] = A.re[i][j] + B.re[i][j];
C.im[i][j] = A.im[i][j] + B.im[i][j];
return C;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the product of a Zmat and a Zdiagmat.
@param A The Zgmat
@param D The Zdiagmat
@return AD
@exception JampackException for unconformity
public static Zmat o(Zmat A, Zdiagmat D)
throws JampackException{
if (D.order != A.ncol){
throw new JampackException
("Unconformity in product.");
Zmat B = new Zmat(A.nrow, A.ncol);
for (int i=0; i<A.nrow; i++){
for (int j=0; j<A.ncol; j++){
B.re[i][j] = D.re[j]*A.re[i][j] - D.im[j]*A.im[i][j];
B.im[i][j] = D.re[j]*A.im[i][j] + D.im[j]*A.re[i][j];
return B;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the sum of a Zmat and a Zdiagmat.
@param A The Zmat
@param D The Zdiagmat
@return A + D
@exception JampackException
Thrown for nonconformity.
public static Zmat o(Zmat A, Zdiagmat D)
throws JampackException{
if (D.order != A.nrow || D.order != A.ncol){
throw new JampackException("Matrices not conformable for addition");
Zmat C = new Zmat(A);
for (int i=0; i<A.nrow; i++){
C.re[i][i] = C.re[i][i] + D.re[i];
C.im[i][i] = C.im[i][i] + D.im[i];
return C;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the difference of a Zmat and a Zdiagmat.
@param A The Zmat
@param D The Zdiagmat
@return A - D
@exception JampackException
Thrown if there is a nonconformity.
public static Zmat o(Zmat A, Zdiagmat D)
throws JampackException{
if (D.order != A.nrow || D.order != A.ncol){
throw new JampackException
("Matrices not conformable for subtraction");
Zmat C = new Zmat(A);
for (int i=0; i<D.order; i++){
C.re[i][i] = C.re[i][i] - D.re[i];
C.im[i][i] = C.im[i][i] - D.im[i];
return C;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the product Q<sup>H</sup>B. Throws JampackException for
inconsistent dimenstions.
@param B A Zmat
@return Q<sup>H</sup>B
@exception JampackException
Thrown for inconsistent dimensions.
public Zmat qhb(Zmat B)
throws JampackException{
if (B.ncol != ncol){
throw new JampackException
("Inconsistent dimensions.");
Zmat C = new Zmat(B);
for (int k=0; k<ntran; k++){
House.ua(U[k], C, C.bx+k, C.rx, C.bx, C.cx);
return C;
代码示例来源:origin: gov.nist.math/Jampack
Computes the product QB. Throws JampackException for
inconsistent dimenstions.
@param B A Zmat
@return QB
@exception JampackException
Thrown for inconsistent dimensions.
public Zmat qb(Zmat B)
throws JampackException{
if (B.ncol != ncol){
throw new JampackException
("Inconsistent dimensions.");
Zmat C = new Zmat(B);
for (int k=ntran-1; k>=0; k--){
House.ua(U[k], C, C.bx+k, C.rx, C.bx, C.cx);
return C;
何时使用 init、带参数的 init 或 iOS 8 (Swift) 中的便利 init, Objective-C 中的 convenience init 等价于什么? 最佳答案 你的类将有一个必需
我正在阅读这个 First Search Program - Artificial Intelligence for Robotics 算法,我正在阅读它的 Python 代码。在这里,我们创建了一个
我觉得答案很明显,但我一直无法弄清楚,这对我来说似乎是一个反复出现的问题。基本上我想做这样的事情: extension NSData { convenience init(JSONObject
cloud-init 是在首次启动时在虚拟机上执行各种配置的包。您必须使用您的配置配置一个文件,然后将其扔到您的 VM 上,然后对其进行虚拟化。 但它究竟是如何工作的呢?用户数据如何发送到 VM,cl
我目前正在与 CoreOS 打交道,到目前为止,我认为我已经掌握了总体思路和概念。我还没有得到的一件事是执行 cloud-init . 我明白 cloud-init是一个为 CoreOS 做一些配置的
部署项目后,当客户端第一次向 TestServlet 发送请求时,服务器会创建 testServlet 对象,然后调用第一个 init() 方法(init(ServletConfig config))
是否有可能在 convenience init 中以某种方式解包可选 init? convenience init(...) { self.init?(...) ?? self.init() }
使用时 write_files使用 cloud-init,是否可以附加内容?如果是这样,如何? write_files: [ { "path": "/home/user/some-file
我对 Ansible 比较陌生,我创建了一个剧本,可以在“裸”服务器上安装 Tomcat 配置。我想知道如何解决能够更新 init.d 脚本的问题,同时避免在脚本没有更改时在剧本开始时停止服务。这是基
我打算在 iOS 中使用参数调用 init 方法中的默认 init 方法。像这样: -(id)init{ self = [super init]; if (self) {
Objective C 规范(来自 Apple)第 49 页指出每个声明实例变量的类都必须提供一个 init 方法来初始化它们 我的问题 -为什么这是必要的? NSObject 不会为实例初始化 iV
所以我有一个带有指定初始化器的类,它为每个存储的属性取值。我所有存储的属性也有一个默认值,所以我假设这个类有一个默认的初始化。 在我指定的 init 中,我调用 super.init() 问题是,如果
我对此有些困惑: class Person { var name: String var age: Int init(){ name = “Tim”
我有一个带有两个初始化方法的对象。其中一个接受 NSDictionary,另一个接受一大堆 String 变量。我想调用 NSDictionary init,然后从那里将我的字典转换为字符串,然后用我
我正在尝试为我的类创建一个方便的初始化:User。我之前为另一个类(class)做过这个,并且 - 再次创建它 - 我使用了相同的代码,只是我的用户类(class)有所不同。 这是我的用户类: imp
我已经通读了以下秘诀,它展示了一种使用 Google Cloud Endpoints 后端为 AngularJS 前端提供动力的方法: https://cloud.google.com/resourc
我想实现一个 初始化 下功能 box.once() 在 Tarantool 中只执行一次,但是,只有在 时才对我有用初始化 已成功执行。 问题 : 如何使“onceinit”记录只有在 init 成功
如果在Xcode中创建新的游戏模板项目,则默认GameViewController将使用以下初始化程序实例化游戏场景: let scene = SKScene(fileNamed: "GameScen
我有一个 MKPolyline我要实现的 subblas NSCoding , IE。 @interface RSRoutePolyline : MKPolyline I asked a quest