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[英]Example class for how to use the table archiving coordinated via zookeeper


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Test turning on/off archiving
public void testArchivingEnableDisable() throws Exception {
 // 1. turn on hfile backups
 LOG.debug("----Starting archiving");
 assertTrue("Archving didn't get turned on", archivingClient
 // 2. Turn off archiving and make sure its off
 assertFalse("Archving didn't get turned off.", archivingClient.getArchivingEnabled(TABLE_NAME));
 // 3. Check enable/disable on a single table
 assertTrue("Archving didn't get turned on", archivingClient
 // 4. Turn off archiving and make sure its off
 assertFalse("Archving didn't get turned off for " + STRING_TABLE_NAME,

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

public HFileArchiveManager(Connection connection, Configuration conf)
  throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException {
 this.zooKeeper = new ZKWatcher(conf, "hfileArchiveManager-on-" + connection.toString(),
 this.archiveZnode = ZKTableArchiveClient.getArchiveZNode(this.zooKeeper.getConfiguration(),

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Disable hfile backups for all tables.
 * <p>
 * Previously backed up files are still retained (if present).
 * <p>
 * Asynchronous operation - some extra HFiles may be retained, in the archive directory after
 * disable is called, dependent on the latency in zookeeper to the servers.
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected exception occurs
 * @throws KeeperException if zookeeper can't be reached
public void disableHFileBackup() throws IOException, KeeperException {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Disable hfile backups for the given table.
 * <p>
 * Previously backed up files are still retained (if present).
 * <p>
 * Asynchronous operation - some extra HFiles may be retained, in the archive directory after
 * disable is called, dependent on the latency in zookeeper to the servers.
 * @param table name of the table stop backing up
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected exception occurs
 * @throws KeeperException if zookeeper can't be reached
public void disableHFileBackup(String table) throws IOException, KeeperException {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Setup the config for the cluster
public static void setupCluster() throws Exception {
 CONNECTION = (ClusterConnection)ConnectionFactory.createConnection(UTIL.getConfiguration());
 archivingClient = new ZKTableArchiveClient(UTIL.getConfiguration(), CONNECTION);
 // make hfile archiving node so we can archive files
 ZKWatcher watcher = UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher();
 String archivingZNode = ZKTableArchiveClient.getArchiveZNode(UTIL.getConfiguration(), watcher);
 ZKUtil.createWithParents(watcher, archivingZNode);
 rss = mock(RegionServerServices.class);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Start archiving table for given hfile cleaner
 * @param tableName table to archive
 * @param cleaner cleaner to check to make sure change propagated
 * @return underlying {@link LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner} that is managing archiving
 * @throws IOException on failure
 * @throws KeeperException on failure
private List<BaseHFileCleanerDelegate> turnOnArchiving(String tableName, HFileCleaner cleaner)
  throws IOException, KeeperException {
 // turn on hfile retention
 LOG.debug("----Starting archiving for table:" + tableName);
 assertTrue("Archving didn't get turned on", archivingClient.getArchivingEnabled(tableName));
 // wait for the archiver to get the notification
 List<BaseHFileCleanerDelegate> cleaners = cleaner.getDelegatesForTesting();
 LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner delegate = (LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner) cleaners.get(0);
 while (!delegate.archiveTracker.keepHFiles(STRING_TABLE_NAME)) {
  // spin until propagation - should be fast
 return cleaners;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Determine if archiving is enabled (but not necessarily fully propagated) for a table
 * @param table name of the table to check
 * @return <tt>true</tt> if it is, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected network issue occurs
 * @throws KeeperException if zookeeper can't be reached
public boolean getArchivingEnabled(String table) throws IOException, KeeperException {
 return getArchivingEnabled(Bytes.toBytes(table));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * @return A new {@link HFileArchiveManager} to manage which tables' hfiles should be archived
 *         rather than deleted.
 * @throws KeeperException if we can't reach zookeeper
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected network issue occurs
private synchronized HFileArchiveManager createHFileArchiveManager() throws KeeperException,
  IOException {
 return new HFileArchiveManager(this.connection, this.getConf());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

public void tearDown() throws Exception {
 try {
  FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem();
  // cleanup each of the files/directories registered
  for (Path file : toCleanup) {
  // remove the table and archive directories
   FSUtils.delete(fs, file, true);
 } catch (IOException e) {
  LOG.warn("Failure to delete archive directory", e);
 } finally {
 // make sure that backups are off for all tables

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-server

 * Setup the config for the cluster
public static void setupCluster() throws Exception {
 CONNECTION = (ClusterConnection)ConnectionFactory.createConnection(UTIL.getConfiguration());
 archivingClient = new ZKTableArchiveClient(UTIL.getConfiguration(), CONNECTION);
 // make hfile archiving node so we can archive files
 ZKWatcher watcher = UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher();
 String archivingZNode = ZKTableArchiveClient.getArchiveZNode(UTIL.getConfiguration(), watcher);
 ZKUtil.createWithParents(watcher, archivingZNode);
 rss = mock(RegionServerServices.class);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-server

 * Start archiving table for given hfile cleaner
 * @param tableName table to archive
 * @param cleaner cleaner to check to make sure change propagated
 * @return underlying {@link LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner} that is managing archiving
 * @throws IOException on failure
 * @throws KeeperException on failure
private List<BaseHFileCleanerDelegate> turnOnArchiving(String tableName, HFileCleaner cleaner)
  throws IOException, KeeperException {
 // turn on hfile retention
 LOG.debug("----Starting archiving for table:" + tableName);
 assertTrue("Archving didn't get turned on", archivingClient.getArchivingEnabled(tableName));
 // wait for the archiver to get the notification
 List<BaseHFileCleanerDelegate> cleaners = cleaner.getDelegatesForTesting();
 LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner delegate = (LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner) cleaners.get(0);
 while (!delegate.archiveTracker.keepHFiles(STRING_TABLE_NAME)) {
  // spin until propagation - should be fast
 return cleaners;

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * Determine if archiving is enabled (but not necessarily fully propagated) for a table
 * @param table name of the table to check
 * @return <tt>true</tt> if it is, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected network issue occurs
 * @throws KeeperException if zookeeper can't be reached
public boolean getArchivingEnabled(String table) throws IOException, KeeperException {
 return getArchivingEnabled(Bytes.toBytes(table));

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * @return A new {@link HFileArchiveManager} to manage which tables' hfiles should be archived
 *         rather than deleted.
 * @throws KeeperException if we can't reach zookeeper
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected network issue occurs
private synchronized HFileArchiveManager createHFileArchiveManager() throws KeeperException,
  IOException {
 return new HFileArchiveManager(this.connection, this.getConf());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-server

 * Test turning on/off archiving
public void testArchivingEnableDisable() throws Exception {
 // 1. turn on hfile backups
 LOG.debug("----Starting archiving");
 assertTrue("Archving didn't get turned on", archivingClient
 // 2. Turn off archiving and make sure its off
 assertFalse("Archving didn't get turned off.", archivingClient.getArchivingEnabled(TABLE_NAME));
 // 3. Check enable/disable on a single table
 assertTrue("Archving didn't get turned on", archivingClient
 // 4. Turn off archiving and make sure its off
 assertFalse("Archving didn't get turned off for " + STRING_TABLE_NAME,

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

private TableHFileArchiveTracker(ZKWatcher watcher, HFileArchiveTableMonitor monitor) {
 this.monitor = monitor;
 this.archiveHFileZNode = ZKTableArchiveClient.getArchiveZNode(watcher.getConfiguration(),

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * Disable hfile backups for the given table.
 * <p>
 * Previously backed up files are still retained (if present).
 * <p>
 * Asynchronous operation - some extra HFiles may be retained, in the archive directory after
 * disable is called, dependent on the latency in zookeeper to the servers.
 * @param table name of the table stop backing up
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected exception occurs
 * @throws KeeperException if zookeeper can't be reached
public void disableHFileBackup(String table) throws IOException, KeeperException {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Disable hfile backups for the given table.
 * <p>
 * Previously backed up files are still retained (if present).
 * <p>
 * Asynchronous operation - some extra HFiles may be retained, in the archive directory after
 * disable is called, dependent on the latency in zookeeper to the servers.
 * @param table name of the table stop backing up
 * @throws IOException if an unexpected exception occurs
 * @throws KeeperException if zookeeper can't be reached
public void disableHFileBackup(final byte[] table) throws IOException, KeeperException {

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

public HFileArchiveManager(HConnection connection, Configuration conf)
  throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException {
 this.zooKeeper = new ZooKeeperWatcher(conf, "hfileArchiveManager-on-" + connection.toString(),
 this.archiveZnode = ZKTableArchiveClient.getArchiveZNode(this.zooKeeper.getConfiguration(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-server

public void tearDown() throws Exception {
 try {
  FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem();
  // cleanup each of the files/directories registered
  for (Path file : toCleanup) {
  // remove the table and archive directories
   FSUtils.delete(fs, file, true);
 } catch (IOException e) {
  LOG.warn("Failure to delete archive directory", e);
 } finally {
 // make sure that backups are off for all tables

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Determine if archiving is enabled (but not necessarily fully propagated) for a table
 * @param table name of the table to check
 * @return <tt>true</tt> if it is, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
 * @throws IOException if a connection to ZooKeeper cannot be established
 * @throws KeeperException
public boolean getArchivingEnabled(byte[] table) throws IOException, KeeperException {
 HFileArchiveManager manager = createHFileArchiveManager();
 try {
  return manager.isArchivingEnabled(table);
 } finally {

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