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[英]Matcher that looks for a pattern zero or more times followed by another pattern.
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
public Matcher mergeNext(Matcher after) {
if (after instanceof TrueMatcher) {
return this;
Matcher m = (next instanceof TrueMatcher) ? after : SeqMatcher.create(next, after);
return new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(repeated, m);
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* If the match after a repeated pattern is false, then treat the whole match as false.
* For example: {@code ".*$." => "$."}.
static Matcher zeroOrMoreFalse(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof FalseMatcher || zm.next() instanceof FalseMatcher) {
return zm.next();
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* If the matcher preceding an OR clause is a repeated any match, move into each branch
* of the OR clause. This allows for other optimizations such as conversion to an indexOf
* to take effect for each branch.
static Matcher inlineMatchAnyPrecedingOr(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof AnyMatcher && zm.next() instanceof OrMatcher) {
List<Matcher> matchers = zm.next().<OrMatcher>as().matchers();
List<Matcher> ms = new ArrayList<>();
for (Matcher m : matchers) {
ms.add(new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(AnyMatcher.INSTANCE, m));
return OrMatcher.create(ms);
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* Get the prefix matcher. This is similar to {@link #head(Matcher)} except that it can
* reach into character sequences as well as higher level sequences.
static Matcher getPrefix(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof SeqMatcher) {
List<Matcher> ms = matcher.<SeqMatcher>as().matchers();
return ms.get(0);
} else if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
return new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(zm.repeated(), TrueMatcher.INSTANCE);
} else if (matcher instanceof CharSeqMatcher) {
String pattern = matcher.<CharSeqMatcher>as().pattern();
return pattern.isEmpty() ? null : new CharSeqMatcher(pattern.charAt(0));
} else {
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* If a start anchor is followed by a repeated any match, then the start anchor can be removed
* as it will not change the result ({@code "^.*" => ".*"}).
static Matcher removeStartFollowedByMatchAny(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof SeqMatcher) {
List<Matcher> matchers = matcher.<SeqMatcher>as().matchers();
if (matchers.size() == 2
&& matchers.get(0) instanceof StartMatcher
&& matchers.get(1) instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matchers.get(1).as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof AnyMatcher) {
return zm;
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* Get the suffix matcher. This is similar to {@link #tail(Matcher)} except that it intended
* to be used with {@link #getPrefix(Matcher)}
static Matcher getSuffix(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof SeqMatcher) {
List<Matcher> ms = matcher.<SeqMatcher>as().matchers();
return SeqMatcher.create(ms.subList(1, ms.size()));
} else if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
return zm.next();
} else if (matcher instanceof CharSeqMatcher) {
String pattern = matcher.<CharSeqMatcher>as().pattern();
return pattern.length() <= 1 ? TrueMatcher.INSTANCE : new CharSeqMatcher(pattern.substring(1));
} else {
return TrueMatcher.INSTANCE;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* If the matcher preceding an OR clause is a repeated any match, move into each branch
* of the OR clause. This allows for other optimizations such as conversion to an indexOf
* to take effect for each branch.
static Matcher inlineMatchAnyPrecedingOr(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof AnyMatcher && zm.next() instanceof OrMatcher) {
List<Matcher> matchers = zm.next().<OrMatcher>as().matchers();
List<Matcher> ms = new ArrayList<>();
for (Matcher m : matchers) {
ms.add(new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(AnyMatcher.INSTANCE, m));
return OrMatcher.create(ms);
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* Get the prefix matcher. This is similar to {@link #head(Matcher)} except that it can
* reach into character sequences as well as higher level sequences.
static Matcher getPrefix(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof SeqMatcher) {
List<Matcher> ms = matcher.<SeqMatcher>as().matchers();
return ms.get(0);
} else if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
return new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(zm.repeated(), TrueMatcher.INSTANCE);
} else if (matcher instanceof CharSeqMatcher) {
String pattern = matcher.<CharSeqMatcher>as().pattern();
return pattern.isEmpty() ? null : new CharSeqMatcher(pattern.charAt(0));
} else {
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* If a start anchor is followed by a repeated any match, then the start anchor can be removed
* as it will not change the result ({@code "^.*" => ".*"}).
static Matcher removeStartFollowedByMatchAny(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof SeqMatcher) {
List<Matcher> matchers = matcher.<SeqMatcher>as().matchers();
if (matchers.size() == 2
&& matchers.get(0) instanceof StartMatcher
&& matchers.get(1) instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matchers.get(1).as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof AnyMatcher) {
return zm;
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* Get the suffix matcher. This is similar to {@link #tail(Matcher)} except that it intended
* to be used with {@link #getPrefix(Matcher)}
static Matcher getSuffix(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof SeqMatcher) {
List<Matcher> ms = matcher.<SeqMatcher>as().matchers();
return SeqMatcher.create(ms.subList(1, ms.size()));
} else if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
return zm.next();
} else if (matcher instanceof CharSeqMatcher) {
String pattern = matcher.<CharSeqMatcher>as().pattern();
return pattern.length() <= 1 ? TrueMatcher.INSTANCE : new CharSeqMatcher(pattern.substring(1));
} else {
return TrueMatcher.INSTANCE;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* Remove match any pattern at the end, e.g., ({@code "foo.*$" => "foo"}).
static Matcher removeTrailingMatchAny(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
boolean atEnd = zm.next() instanceof TrueMatcher || zm.next() instanceof EndMatcher;
if (atEnd && zm.repeated() instanceof AnyMatcher) {
return TrueMatcher.INSTANCE;
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
public Matcher mergeNext(Matcher after) {
if (after instanceof TrueMatcher) {
return this;
Matcher m = (next instanceof TrueMatcher) ? after : SeqMatcher.create(next, after);
return new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(repeated, m);
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* Remove match any pattern at the end, e.g., ({@code "foo.*$" => "foo"}).
static Matcher removeTrailingMatchAny(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
boolean atEnd = zm.next() instanceof TrueMatcher || zm.next() instanceof EndMatcher;
if (atEnd && zm.repeated() instanceof AnyMatcher) {
return TrueMatcher.INSTANCE;
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
public Matcher rewriteEnd(Function<Matcher, Matcher> f) {
return f.apply(new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(repeated, next.rewriteEnd(f)));
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* If the match after a repeated pattern is false, then treat the whole match as false.
* For example: {@code ".*$." => "$."}.
static Matcher zeroOrMoreFalse(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof FalseMatcher || zm.next() instanceof FalseMatcher) {
return zm.next();
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
public Matcher rewriteEnd(Function<Matcher, Matcher> f) {
return f.apply(new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(repeated, next.rewriteEnd(f)));
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
* Zero or more start anchors is the same as not being anchored by the start.
static Matcher removeRepeatedStart(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof StartMatcher) {
return zm.next();
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator
public Matcher rewrite(Function<Matcher, Matcher> f) {
return f.apply(new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(repeated.rewrite(f), next.rewrite(f)));
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
* Zero or more start anchors is the same as not being anchored by the start.
static Matcher removeRepeatedStart(Matcher matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof ZeroOrMoreMatcher) {
ZeroOrMoreMatcher zm = matcher.as();
if (zm.repeated() instanceof StartMatcher) {
return zm.next();
return matcher;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.spectator/spectator-api
public Matcher rewrite(Function<Matcher, Matcher> f) {
return f.apply(new ZeroOrMoreMatcher(repeated.rewrite(f), next.rewrite(f)));
关闭。这个问题是opinion-based .它目前不接受答案。 想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,以便可以通过 editing this post 用事实和引文回答问题. 5年前关闭。 Improve t
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使用路标 1.2: String authUrl = provider.retrieveRequestToken( consumer, callbackUrl ); Netflix API 响应:
我已经在 Eureka 服务器中注册了 UI 和后端应用程序。它已启动并正在运行(两个应用程序)。配置zuul application.yml: zuul: sensitive-headers:
我们的服务目前使用 spring cloud netflix zuul 作为我们的网关。 现在我们要支持websocket,所以我们需要将zuul 1迁移到zuul 2或spring cloud ga
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来自 Spring Cloud Greenwich 发布的公告,见 https://spring.io/blog/2019/01/23/spring-cloud-greenwich-release-i
关闭。这个问题需要多问focused 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进此问题吗?更新问题,使其仅关注一个问题 editing this post . 已关闭 6 年前。 Improve this ques
就目前而言,这个问题不适合我们的问答形式。我们希望答案得到事实、引用或专业知识的支持,但这个问题可能会引起辩论、争论、投票或扩展讨论。如果您觉得这个问题可以改进并可能重新打开,visit the he
我正在尝试向 Eureka 服务器注册我的微服务。但它显示浏览器中没有可用的实例。我在控制台中没有收到任何错误。请帮我解决这个问题。 我已经通过谷歌搜索尝试了多种选择。尽管如此,我还是无法解决这个问题