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[英]Dataset properties are identified by these constants and must be added to the end of this list to ensure that external consumers are not affected by the change. If you make any changes to this list, be sure to update the property table in usr/src/common/zfs/zfs_prop.c.
代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke/libzfs
public Map<zfs_prop_t,String> getZfsProperty(Collection<zfs_prop_t> props) {
Memory propbuf = new Memory(libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN);
char[] buf = null;
IntByReference ibr = null;
Hashtable<zfs_prop_t, String> map = new Hashtable<zfs_prop_t, String>();
for (zfs_prop_t prop : props) {
int ret = LIBZFS.zfs_prop_get(handle, new NativeLong(prop.ordinal()),
propbuf, libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN, ibr, buf,
new NativeLong(0), true);
map.put(prop, propbuf.getString(0));
return map;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.libzfs/libzfs
public Map<zfs_prop_t,String> getZfsProperty(Collection<zfs_prop_t> props) {
Memory propbuf = new Memory(libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN);
char[] buf = null;
IntByReference ibr = null;
Hashtable<zfs_prop_t, String> map = new Hashtable<zfs_prop_t, String>();
for (zfs_prop_t prop : props) {
int ret = LIBZFS.zfs_prop_get(handle, new NativeLong(prop.ordinal()),
propbuf, libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN, ibr, buf,
new NativeLong(0), true);
map.put(prop, propbuf.getString(0));
return map;
代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke/libzfs
public String getZfsProperty(zfs_prop_t prop) {
Memory propbuf = new Memory(libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN);
char[] buf = null;
IntByReference ibr = null;
int ret = LIBZFS.zfs_prop_get(handle, new NativeLong(prop.ordinal()),
propbuf, libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN, ibr, buf,
new NativeLong(0), true);
return ((ret != 0) ? null : propbuf.getString(0));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.libzfs/libzfs
public String getZfsProperty(zfs_prop_t prop) {
Memory propbuf = new Memory(libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN);
char[] buf = null;
IntByReference ibr = null;
int ret = LIBZFS.zfs_prop_get(handle, new NativeLong(prop.ordinal()),
propbuf, libzfs.ZFS_MAXPROPLEN, ibr, buf,
new NativeLong(0), true);
return ((ret != 0) ? null : propbuf.getString(0));
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