- 921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid 使括号有效的最少添加
- 915. Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals 分割数组
- 932. Beautiful Array 漂亮数组
- 940. Distinct Subsequences II 不同的子序列 II
Normally, the factorial of a positive integer n
is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n
. For example, factorial(10) = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
Weinstead make a clumsy factorial: using the integers in decreasing order, we swap out the multiply operations for a fixed rotation of operations: multiply (*), divide (/), add (+) and subtract (-) in this order.
Forexample, clumsy(10) = 10 * 9 / 8 + 7 - 6 * 5 / 4 + 3 - 2 * 1
. However, these operations are still applied using the usual order of operations of arithmetic: we do all multiplication and division steps before any addition or subtraction steps, and multiplication and division steps are processed left to right.
Additionally, the division that we use is floor division such that 10 * 9 / 8
equals 11
. This guarantees the result is an integer.
Implement the clumsy
function as defined above: given an integer N
, it returns the clumsy factorial of N
Example 1:
Input: 4
Output: 7
Explanation: 7 = 4 * 3 / 2 + 1
Example 2:
Input: 10
Output: 12
Explanation: 12 = 10 * 9 / 8 + 7 - 6 * 5 / 4 + 3 - 2 * 1
1、 1<=N<=10000;
2、 -2^31<=answer<=2^31-1(Theanswerisguaranteedtofitwithina32-bitinteger.);
class Solution(object):
def clumsy(self, N):
:type N: int
:rtype: int
cl = ""
ops = ["*", "/", "+", "-"]
op = 0
for n in range(N, 0, -1):
if n != 1:
cl += str(n) + ops[op % 4]
cl += "1"
op += 1
return eval(cl)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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