- 921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid 使括号有效的最少添加
- 915. Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals 分割数组
- 932. Beautiful Array 漂亮数组
- 940. Distinct Subsequences II 不同的子序列 II
题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/find-pivot-index/description/open in new window
Given an array of integers nums, write a method that returns the "pivot" index of this array.
Wedefine the pivot index as the index where the sum of the numbers to the left of the index is equal to the sum of the numbers to the right of the index.
Ifno such index exists, we should return -1. If there are multiple pivot indexes, you should return the left-most pivot index.
Example 1:
nums = [1, 7, 3, 6, 5, 6]
Output: 3
The sum of the numbers to the left of index 3 (nums[3] = 6) is equal to the sum of numbers to the right of index 3.
Also, 3 is the first index where this occurs.
Example 2:
nums = [1, 2, 3]
Output: -1
There is no index that satisfies the conditions in the problem statement.
1、 Thelengthofnumswillbeintherange[0,10000].;
2、 Eachelementnums[i]willbeanintegerintherange[-1000,1000].;
class Solution(object):
def pivotIndex(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: int
if len(nums) == 0:
return -1
left = 0
right = sum(nums)
for i in range(len(nums)):
if i != 0:
left += nums[i - 1]
right -= nums[i]
if left == right:
return i
return -1
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class Solution(object):
def pivotIndex(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: int
if not nums: return -1
N = len(nums)
sums = [0] * (N + 1)
for i in range(N):
sums[i + 1] = sums[i] + nums[i]
for i in range(N):
if sums[i] == sums[-1] - sums[i + 1]:
return i
return -1
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