- 921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid 使括号有效的最少添加
- 915. Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals 分割数组
- 932. Beautiful Array 漂亮数组
- 940. Distinct Subsequences II 不同的子序列 II
Given a singly linked list L: L0→L1→…→Ln-1→Ln, reorder it to: L0→Ln→L1→Ln-1→L2→Ln-2→…
Youmay not modify the values in the list's nodes, only nodes itself may be changed.
Example 1:
Given 1->2->3->4, reorder it to 1->4->2->3.
Example 2:
Given 1->2->3->4->5, reorder it to 1->5->2->4->3.
参考了:[leetcode]Reorder List @ Pythonopen in new window
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.next = None
class Solution(object):
def reorderList(self, head):
:type head: ListNode
:rtype: void Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.
if head and head.next and head.next.next:
find mid
fast, slow = head, head
while fast.next and fast.next.next:
fast = fast.next.next
slow = slow.next
head1 = head
head2 = slow.next
slow.next = None
reverse linked list head2
dummy = ListNode(0)
dummy.next = head2
p = head2.next
head2.next = None
while p:
temp = p
p = p.next
temp.next = dummy.next
dummy.next = temp
head2 = dummy.next
merge two linked list head1 and head2
p1 = head1
p2 = head2
while p2:
temp1 = p1.next
temp2 = p2.next
p1.next = p2
p2.next = temp1
p1 = temp1
p2 = temp2
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