gpt4 book ai didi

r - 检查一系列日期是否在一系列不同的时间间隔内

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我使用 tidyverse Material 作为指南:here

我有一个经济衰退时期列表,我想创建一个数据框作为输出,列出每个日期以及该日期是否处于经济衰退期。我想将解决方案保留为 dplyr 格式。



# Sample data set

my_df <-
structure(list(recession_start = structure(c(1400, 3652, 4199,
7486, 11382, 13848), class = "Date"), recession_end = structure(c(1885,
3834, 4687, 7729, 11627, 14396), class = "Date"), recession_interval = new("Interval",
.Data = c(41904000, 15724800, 42163200, 20995200, 21168000,
47347200), start = structure(c(120960000, 315532800, 362793600,
646790400, 983404800, 1196467200), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), tzone = "UTC")), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))

> my_df
# A tibble: 6 x 3
recession_start recession_end recession_interval
<date> <date> <Interval>
1 1973-11-01 1975-03-01 1973-11-01 UTC--1975-03-01 UTC
2 1980-01-01 1980-07-01 1980-01-01 UTC--1980-07-01 UTC
3 1981-07-01 1982-11-01 1981-07-01 UTC--1982-11-01 UTC
4 1990-07-01 1991-03-01 1990-07-01 UTC--1991-03-01 UTC
5 2001-03-01 2001-11-01 2001-03-01 UTC--2001-11-01 UTC
6 2007-12-01 2009-06-01 2007-12-01 UTC--2009-06-01 UTC

# Get every day in the range of dates
my_dates <- seq(first(my_df$recession_start), today(), by = "day")

# Create a list of intervals
recession_intervals <- list(my_df$recession_interval)

# Check to see if `my_dates` are in the intervals
recession <- my_dates %within% recession_intervals # Throws warning and does not give expected results

我怀疑这是因为我的日期列表是单个列表而不是 tidyverse 示例中的多个列表,但我不确定如何创建多个列表而不是手动创建。


recession_df <- data.frame(Date = my_dates, recession = recession) 


         Date recession
1 1973-11-01 TRUE
2 1973-11-02 TRUE
3 1973-11-03 TRUE
4 1973-11-04 TRUE
5 1973-11-05 TRUE
6 1973-11-06 TRUE
7 1973-11-07 TRUE
8 1973-11-08 TRUE
9 1973-11-09 TRUE
10 1973-11-10 TRUE



一个选项是遍历 (map) 'my_dates',检查是否有 any 日期 %within% 'recession_interval 列,使用每个“日期”和逻辑输出创建一个 tibble,并使用 _dfr(行绑定(bind))转换为单个数据集

out <- map_dfr(my_dates, ~ tibble(Date = .x,
recession = any(Date %within% my_df$recession_interval)))


# A tibble: 17,381 x 2
Date recession
<date> <lgl>
1 1973-11-01 TRUE
2 1973-11-02 TRUE
3 1973-11-03 TRUE
4 1973-11-04 TRUE
5 1973-11-05 TRUE
6 1973-11-06 TRUE
7 1973-11-07 TRUE
8 1973-11-08 TRUE
9 1973-11-09 TRUE
10 1973-11-10 TRUE
# … with 17,371 more rows

关于r - 检查一系列日期是否在一系列不同的时间间隔内,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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