gpt4 book ai didi

bison - BNF 到 Flex/Bison

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 08:17:28 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试使用 BNF 语法编写 Flex/Bison 文件。但是,当我尝试编译时出现错误,而且我不确定如何调试它们。


<exp>::=<list> | head(<list>)
<list>::=<num1>::<list> | <list>@<list> | tail(<list>) | [<numlist>]
<numlist>::=<empty> | <num1><num2>
<num2>::=<empty> | ,<num1><num2>
<num1>::=<D1><N> | <N> | head(<list>)
<D1>::=<D1><N> | <D2>

我的 Flex 文件

%option noyywrap

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#define YYSTYPE list<int>
#include ""

hd head
tl tail
ap [@()\[\]]
con ::
n [0-9]
d2 [1-9]
d1 ({d2}{n}+)|{d2}
ws[ \t\n]+


{d1} yylval.clear(); yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext)); return D1;
{n} yylval.clear(); yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext)); return N;
{hd} return HEAD;
{tl} return TAIL;
{ap} return *yytext;
{con} return CON;
{ws} /* eat up white spaces */


我的 Bison 文件

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

#define YYSTYPE list<int>

void outputlist(list<int>);
int yylex(void);
int yyerror(const char*);
list<int> a;

%token N
%token D1
%token HEAD
%token TAIL
%right CON
%left '@'

%% /* Grammer rules and actions follow */

input: /* empty */
| input exp ;
exp: list '\n' {outputlist($1);}
| HEAD '(' list ')' '\n' {cout <<$3.front();} ;
list: num1 CON list {$3.push_front($1.front()); $$=$3;}
| list '@' list {$1.splice($1.end(),$3); $$=$1;}
| TAIL '(' list ')'{$$ = $3;}
| '[' numlist ']' {$$ = $2;};
numlist: /* empty */
| num1 num2 {$1.splice($1.end(), $2); $$=$1;};
num2: /* empty */
| ',' num1 num2 {$2.splice($2.end(),$3); $$=$2;};
num1: D1 N { $1.splice($1.end(), $2); $$=$1;}
| N { $$ = $1;}
| HEAD '(' list ')' {list<int> a; a.push_front($3.front()); $$=a;};


int main() { return yyparse();}
int yyerror(const char* s) { cout << "error" << endl; return 0;}

void outputlist(list<int> list1)
cout << '[';
for (int i = list1.size(); i > 1; i --)
cout << list1.front() << ',';
cout << list1.front();
cout << ']' << endl;

YYSTYPE已定义为 list<int>在这两个文件的 C 声明部分,我使用库函数来插入/删除列表的头部、获取第一个元素等。


编辑:我已经编辑了上面的 flex & bison 文件。我的程序现在运行了,但我没有得到正确的输出。这是我得到的:





使用可用的工具(例如 bison、C++ 编译器和 bison 手册)调试您的代码并不难。当您似乎正在学习如何在简单练习中使用 flex 和 bison 时,您可能需要有关如何完成调试的教程。如果您不需要教程,也许其他读者可能需要。接下来将是调试您的示例的教程。我目前正在计算机科学课上这样做,所以它会有老师的语气。


首先,我查看了您的 BNF。我注意到您似乎没有严格遵守 BNF notation而且布局有点乱。更好的版本是:

<exp>     ::= <list> 
| head ( <list> )
<list> ::= <num1> :: <list>
| <list> @ <list>
| tail ( <list> )
| [ <numlist> ]
<numlist> ::= <empty>
| <num1> <num2>
<num2> ::= <empty>
| , <num1> <num2>
<num1> ::= <D1> <N>
| <N> | head ( <list> )
<D1> ::= <D1> <N>
| <D2>
<D2> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<N> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<empty> ::=

了解布局如何提高可读性?您使用了 []用于两个不同目的的符号,作为它们自己和指示字符集。字符集是一种灵活的表示法。 []字符在扩展 BNF 中用作元字符,但它们用于表示选项而不是集合。您没有定义 <empty>非终结符。尽管此示例遵循严格的符号,但为了防止终端和元符号之间的混淆,将使用引号,如:

<exp>     ::= <list> 
| head "(" <list> ")"
<list> ::= <num1> "::" <list>
| <list> "@" <list>
| tail "(" <list> ")"
| "[" <numlist> "]"
<numlist> ::= <empty>
| <num1> <num2>
<num2> ::= <empty>
| "," <num1> <num2>
<num1> ::= <D1> <N>
| <N> | head "(" <list> ")"
<D1> ::= <D1> <N>
| <D2>
<D2> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<N> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<empty> ::=


现在让我们来看看词法分析。如果我们按照@rici 的建议进行修复,并添加缺失的逗号,我们就有了这个规则:

ap [@()\[\],]

现在bison has an in-built debug capability这对于理解解析是如何工作的非常有用。为您的代码启用此功能可以清楚地看到它失败的地方。首先,我们必须启用跟踪,如手册中所述。我们需要做两件事:

  1. 设置变量yydebug到非零
  2. -t 构建解析器(或 --debug )选项

因此在您的 listop.y文件你应该改变main()功能是:

int main() { 
#ifdef YYDEBUG
extern int yydebug;
yydebug = 1;
return yyparse();}

重建 Bison :

bison listop.y -d -t

现在运行 flex 并重新编译:

flex listop.l
g++ -o listop.exe lex.yy.c -DYYDEBUG -lfl

现在,当我们运行时,我们会得到一些诊断输出(对于您输入的 head([5,2,4]) ):

Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reducing stack by rule 1 (line 25):
-> $$ = nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 1
Reading a token: head([5,2,4])
Next token is token HEAD ()
Shifting token HEAD ()
Entering state 5
Reading a token: Next token is token '(' ()
Shifting token '(' ()
Entering state 12
Reading a token: Next token is token '[' ()
Shifting token '[' ()
Entering state 7
Reading a token: Next token is token D1 ()
Shifting token D1 ()
Entering state 4
Reading a token: Next token is token ',' ()
Error: popping token D1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7
Error: popping token '[' ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12
Error: popping token '(' ()
Stack now 0 1 5
Error: popping token HEAD ()
Stack now 0 1
Error: popping nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Cleanup: discarding lookahead token ',' ()
Stack now 0


Reading a token: Next token is token D1 ()

数字 5 已作为标记返回 D1由词法分析器。但是查阅BNF语法,我们可以看到它应该被视为 token N。 .作为D1N包含它可以选择其中任何一个的相同数字。为什么选择D1 ?这是因为模式/ Action 规则的顺序。较高的规则优先于较低的规则。要解决此问题,有必要更改规则的顺序:

{d1} yylval.clear(); yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext)); return D1;
{n} yylval.clear(); yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext)); return N;


{n} yylval.clear(); yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext)); return N;
{d1} yylval.clear(); yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext)); return D1;


Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reducing stack by rule 1 (line 25):
-> $$ = nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 1
Reading a token: head([5,2,4])
Next token is token HEAD ()
Shifting token HEAD ()
Entering state 5
Reading a token: Next token is token '(' ()
Shifting token '(' ()
Entering state 12
Reading a token: Next token is token '[' ()
Shifting token '[' ()
Entering state 7
Reading a token: Next token is token N ()
Shifting token N ()
Entering state 3
Reducing stack by rule 14 (line 38):
$1 = token N ()
-> $$ = nterm num1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7
Entering state 16
Reading a token: Next token is token ',' ()
Shifting token ',' ()
Entering state 24
Reading a token: Next token is token N ()
Shifting token N ()
Entering state 3
Reducing stack by rule 14 (line 38):
$1 = token N ()
-> $$ = nterm num1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24
Entering state 31
Reading a token: Next token is token ',' ()
Shifting token ',' ()
Entering state 24
Reading a token: Next token is token N ()
Shifting token N ()
Entering state 3
Reducing stack by rule 14 (line 38):
$1 = token N ()
-> $$ = nterm num1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24 31 24
Entering state 31
Reading a token: Next token is token ']' ()
Reducing stack by rule 11 (line 35):
-> $$ = nterm num2 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24 31 24 31
Entering state 34
Reducing stack by rule 12 (line 36):
$1 = token ',' ()
$2 = nterm num1 ()
$3 = nterm num2 ()
-> $$ = nterm num2 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24 31
Entering state 34
Reducing stack by rule 12 (line 36):
$1 = token ',' ()
$2 = nterm num1 ()
$3 = nterm num2 ()
-> $$ = nterm num2 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16
Entering state 25
Reducing stack by rule 10 (line 34):
$1 = nterm num1 ()
$2 = nterm num2 ()
-> $$ = nterm numlist ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7
Entering state 15
Next token is token ']' ()
Shifting token ']' ()
Entering state 23
Reducing stack by rule 8 (line 32):
$1 = token '[' ()
$2 = nterm numlist ()
$3 = token ']' ()
-> $$ = nterm list ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12
Entering state 20
Reading a token: Next token is token ')' ()
Shifting token ')' ()
Entering state 28
Reading a token:

然而,预期的结果(5)仍然没有输出。检查操作规则我们可以看到 outputlist方法仅在 '\n' 时调用 token 匹配且跟踪不显示任何 '\n' token 。这是因为它们在词法分析器中作为空格被删除。需要更改弹性规则以解决此问题:

ap [@()\[\],\n]
ws[ \t]+


Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reducing stack by rule 1 (line 25):
-> $$ = nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 1
Reading a token: head([5,2,4])
Next token is token HEAD ()
Shifting token HEAD ()
Entering state 5
Reading a token: Next token is token '(' ()
Shifting token '(' ()
Entering state 12
Reading a token: Next token is token '[' ()
Shifting token '[' ()
Entering state 7
Reading a token: Next token is token N ()
Shifting token N ()
Entering state 3
Reducing stack by rule 14 (line 38):
$1 = token N ()
-> $$ = nterm num1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7
Entering state 16
Reading a token: Next token is token ',' ()
Shifting token ',' ()
Entering state 24
Reading a token: Next token is token N ()
Shifting token N ()
Entering state 3
Reducing stack by rule 14 (line 38):
$1 = token N ()
-> $$ = nterm num1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24
Entering state 31
Reading a token: Next token is token ',' ()
Shifting token ',' ()
Entering state 24
Reading a token: Next token is token N ()
Shifting token N ()
Entering state 3
Reducing stack by rule 14 (line 38):
$1 = token N ()
-> $$ = nterm num1 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24 31 24
Entering state 31
Reading a token: Next token is token ']' ()
Reducing stack by rule 11 (line 35):
-> $$ = nterm num2 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24 31 24 31
Entering state 34
Reducing stack by rule 12 (line 36):
$1 = token ',' ()
$2 = nterm num1 ()
$3 = nterm num2 ()
-> $$ = nterm num2 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16 24 31
Entering state 34
Reducing stack by rule 12 (line 36):
$1 = token ',' ()
$2 = nterm num1 ()
$3 = nterm num2 ()
-> $$ = nterm num2 ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7 16
Entering state 25
Reducing stack by rule 10 (line 34):
$1 = nterm num1 ()
$2 = nterm num2 ()
-> $$ = nterm numlist ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12 7
Entering state 15
Next token is token ']' ()
Shifting token ']' ()
Entering state 23
Reducing stack by rule 8 (line 32):
$1 = token '[' ()
$2 = nterm numlist ()
$3 = token ']' ()
-> $$ = nterm list ()
Stack now 0 1 5 12
Entering state 20
Reading a token: Next token is token ')' ()
Shifting token ')' ()
Entering state 28
Reading a token: Next token is token '\n' ()
Shifting token '\n' ()
Entering state 32
Reducing stack by rule 4 (line 28):
$1 = token HEAD ()
$2 = token '(' ()
$3 = nterm list ()
$4 = token ')' ()
$5 = token '\n' ()
5-> $$ = nterm exp ()
Stack now 0 1
Entering state 8
Reducing stack by rule 2 (line 26):
$1 = nterm input ()
$2 = nterm exp ()
-> $$ = nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 1
Reading a token: ^Z
Now at end of input.
Shifting token $end ()
Entering state 2
Stack now 0 1 2
Cleanup: popping token $end ()
Cleanup: popping nterm input ()


实际上,尽管调试使程序可以运行,但它仍然是一种糟糕的方式。它不使用词法分析器来构建标记和解析器来匹配语法。所有的数字识别都应该在 flex 代码中完成。例如,为什么不使用这样的词法分析器:

%option noyywrap

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#define YYSTYPE list<int>
#include ""

hd head
tl tail
ap [@()\[\],\n]
con ::
n [0-9]
d2 [1-9]
num ({d2}+{n}?)|{n}
ws[ \t]+


{num} return NUM; yylval.push_front(atoi(yytext));
{hd} return HEAD;
{tl} return TAIL;
{ap} return *yytext;
{con} return CON;
{ws} /* eat up white spaces */




关于bison - BNF 到 Flex/Bison,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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