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具有多个速率限制的 celery

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 08:00:09 24 4
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celery 可以处理多个并发速率限制吗?我有一个任务可以每秒运行不超过 10 次,每天不超过 100,000 次,但我阅读文档时一次只支持一个速率限制。作为短期黑客,我可以限制任务并对 worker 施加不同的限制,但担心多个 worker 会发生什么。


作者口中:nope .

bwarren2: Is it possible to have multiple rate limits in effect on a task? For example, I have a task that should not run more than 100K times in a day, and not more than 10/s. Is this possible? — ask [Owner]: That's not possible, unless you extend the implementation of TokenBucket

关于具有多个速率限制的 celery ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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