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Clojure。 HTTP流文件

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 07:34:20 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


(defn streaming-numbers-handler
"Returns a streamed HTTP response, consisting of newline-delimited numbers every 100
milliseconds. While this would typically be represented by a lazy sequence, instead we use
a Manifold stream. Similar to the use of the deferred above, this means we don't need
to allocate a thread per-request.
In this handler we're assuming the string value for `count` is a valid number. If not,
`Integer.parseInt()` will throw an exception, and we'll return a `500` status response
with the stack trace. If we wanted to be more precise in our status, we'd wrap the parsing
code with a try/catch that returns a `400` status when the `count` is malformed.
`` is similar to Clojure's `repeatedly`, except that it emits
the value returned by the function at a fixed interval."
[{:keys [params]}]
(let [cnt (Integer/parseInt (get params "count" "0"))]
{:status 200
:headers {"content-type" "text/plain"}
:body (let [sent (atom 0)]
(->> (s/periodically 100 #(str (swap! sent inc) "\n"))
(s/transform (take cnt))))}))


(ns core
(:require [aleph.http :as http]
[byte-streams :as bs]
[cheshire.core :refer [parse-string generate-string]]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as log]
[clojure.walk :as w]
[compojure.core :as compojure :refer [ANY GET defroutes]]
[compojure.route :as route]
[me.raynes.fs :as fs]
[ring.util.response :refer [response redirect content-type]]
[ring.middleware.params :as params]
[ring.util.codec :as cod])


(def share-dir "\\\\my-pc-network-path")

(def content-types
{".png" "image/png"
".GIF" "image/gif"
".jpeg" "image/jpeg"
".svg" "image/svg+xml"
".tiff" "image/tiff"
".ico" "image/"
".bmp" "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"
".css" "text/css"
".csv" "text/csv"
".html" "text/html"
".txt" "text/plain"
".xml" "text/xml"})

(defn byte-seq [^InputStream is size]
(let [ib (byte-array size)]
((fn step []
(let [n (.read is ib)]
(when (not= -1 n)
(let [cb (chunk-buffer size)]
(dotimes [i size] (chunk-append cb (aget ib i)))
(chunk-cons (chunk cb) (step))))))))))

(defn get-file [req]
(let [uri (:uri req)
file (str/replace (w/keywordize-keys (cod/form-decode uri)) #"/file/" "")
full-dir (io/file share-dir file)
_ (log/debug "FULL DIR: "full-dir)
filename (.getName (File. (.getParent full-dir)))
extension (fs/extension filename)
_ (log/debug "EXTENSION: " extension)
resp {:status 200
:headers {"Content-type" (get content-types (.toLowerCase extension) "application/octet-stream")
"Content-Disposition" (str "inline; filename=\"" filename "\"")}
:body (with-open [is (FileInputStream. full-dir)]
(let [bs (byte-seq is 4096)]
(byte-array bs)))}

(def handler
(GET "/file/*" [] get-file)
(route/not-found "No such file."))))

(defn -main [& args]
(println "Starting...")
(http/start-server handler {:host "" :port 5555}))

我得到 uri 并尝试读取 block 文件。我想这样做是因为文件可能有 3 GB 左右。所以,我期望的是应用程序不会使用超过 block 大小的内存。但是当我为应用程序设置 1GB(-Xmx 选项)时,它占用了所有内存(1 GB)。为什么要占用1GB? JVM 是这样工作的吗?当我有 100 个同时连接时(例如,每个文件为 3GB),我得到 OutOfMemoryError。

任务是“流式传输”带有 block 的文件以避免 OutOfMemoryError。


get-file 函数中,您正在对 byte-seq 的结果调用 byte-arraybyte-array 将实现 byte-seq 返回的 LazySeq 意味着所有这些都将在内存中。

据我所知(至少对于 TCP 服务器),aleph 接受 ByteBuffer 的任何惰性序列作为主体,并会为您优化处理它,因此您可以只返回调用 byte-seq< 的结果

(defn get-file [req]
(let [uri (:uri req)
file (str/replace (w/keywordize-keys (cod/form-decode uri)) #"/file/" "")
full-dir (io/file share-dir file)
_ (log/debug "FULL DIR: "full-dir)
filename (.getName (File. (.getParent full-dir)))
extension (fs/extension filename)
_ (log/debug "EXTENSION: " extension)
resp {:status 200
:headers {"Content-type" (get content-types (.toLowerCase extension) "application/octet-stream")
"Content-Disposition" (str "inline; filename=\"" filename "\"")}
:body (with-open [is (FileInputStream. full-dir)]
(byte-seq is 4096))}


Aleph 符合 ring specification:body 接受 FileInputStream。所以不需要自己返回字节。

(defn get-file [req]
(let [uri (:uri req)
file (str/replace (w/keywordize-keys (cod/form-decode uri)) #"/file/" "")
full-dir (io/file share-dir file)
_ (log/debug "FULL DIR: "full-dir)
filename (.getName (File. (.getParent full-dir)))
extension (fs/extension filename)
_ (log/debug "EXTENSION: " extension)
resp {:status 200
:headers {"Content-type" (get content-types (.toLowerCase extension) "application/octet-stream")
"Content-Disposition" (str "inline; filename=\"" filename "\"")}
:body full-dir}

关于Clojure。 HTTP流文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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