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hive - Apache thrift 如何与 Apache hive 适配?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 06:42:54 34 4
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为什么 Apache Hive 需要 Apache Thrift?在 Thrift 的网站上,它说它可以用多种语言编译,但我不明白它适合哪里以及为什么 Hive 需要它。谢谢


引用 from safaribooksonline :

Chapter 16. Hive Thrift Service

Hive has an optional component known as HiveServer or HiveThrift that allows access to Hive over a single port. Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services development. See for more details. Thrift allows clients using languages including Java, C++, Ruby, and many others, to programmatically access Hive remotely.

The CLI is the most common way to access Hive. However, the design of the CLI can make it difficult to use programmatically. The CLI is a fat client; it requires a local copy of all the Hive components and configuration as well as a copy of a Hadoop client and its configuration. Additionally, it works as an HDFS client, a MapReduce client, and a JDBC client (to access the metastore). Even with the proper client installation, having all of the correct network access can be difficult, especially across subnets or datacenters.


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