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LinkedIn 邮政检查员在 https URL 上遇到服务器错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 06:29:48 31 4
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在 LinkedIn 帖子检查器中检查给定的 URL 会返回以下摄取反馈:

Error   We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL.

URL 重定向跟踪显示:

1   0 undefined

我在同一台服务器上检查了生产域 (https) 和暂存子域 (http) 的 URL(具有相同的 html,不用说)。 LinkedIn 抓取器能够从 http 子域而不是 https 域获取所有元数据,这让我相信问题可能与站点和 LinkedIn 之间的 SSL 身份验证有关。


作为旁注,Facebook 分享调试器和 Twitter 卡片验证器都能够通过这两种协议(protocol)获取所有测试 URL 上的所有元数据。

Ronald Werkhoven 在这里问了同样的问题: Validating link in post-inspector linkedin in gives server error检查他在 LinkedIn post inspector 中提供的 URL 没有抛出任何错误,因此显然他能够解决问题。Ronald,能否分享一下您是如何解决这个问题的?


我知道的一件事是 linkedin 与他们用于 og 的爬虫有爬虫问题。我不知道他们是否也将这些爬虫与邮政检查员一起使用。但如果他们这样做,那肯定会导致这样的问题。


Thanks for reporting your issue. We've confirmed the problem you reported. After careful assessment, we've decided that we won't be moving forward with a fix at this time. LinkedIn continuously evaluates how features and products are used and we make adjustments accordingly to focus our resources on providing the most value to our members.

We greatly appreciate your feedback and have documented the issue to track additional reports of the problem and for consideration to be addressed in a future release. If there's anything else I can help you with, please don't hesitate to let me know.

关于LinkedIn 邮政检查员在 https URL 上遇到服务器错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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