gpt4 book ai didi

android - 如何在 PyTorch Mobile 上将张量转换为位图?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 06:21:14 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我找到了解决方案 ( ),但是当我尝试以这种方式转换时,我发现 inputTensor.dataAsFloatArray 的大小超过了 bitmap.width*bitmap.height。如何将张量转换为 float 组,或者是否有任何其他可能的方法将 pytorch 张量转换为位图?

val inputTensor = TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor(

// Float array size is 196608 when width and height are 256x256 = 65536

val res = floatArrayToGrayscaleBitmap(inputTensor.dataAsFloatArray, bitmap.width, bitmap.height)

fun floatArrayToGrayscaleBitmap (
floatArray: FloatArray,
width: Int,
height: Int,
alpha :Byte = (255).toByte(),
reverseScale :Boolean = false
) : Bitmap {

// Create empty bitmap in RGBA format (even though it says ARGB but channels are RGBA)
val bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(width*height*4)
Log.d("App", floatArray.size.toString() + " " + (width * height * 4).toString())

// mapping smallest value to 0 and largest value to 255
val maxValue = floatArray.max() ?: 1.0f
val minValue = floatArray.min() ?: 0.0f
val delta = maxValue-minValue
var tempValue :Byte

// Define if float min..max will be mapped to 0..255 or 255..0
val conversion = when(reverseScale) {
false -> { v: Float -> ((v-minValue)/delta*255).toByte() }
true -> { v: Float -> (255-(v-minValue)/delta*255).toByte() }

// copy each value from float array to RGB channels and set alpha channel
floatArray.forEachIndexed { i, value ->
tempValue = conversion(value)
byteBuffer.put(4*i, tempValue)
byteBuffer.put(4*i+1, tempValue)
byteBuffer.put(4*i+2, tempValue)
byteBuffer.put(4*i+3, alpha)


return bmp


没有一个答案能够产生我想要的输出,所以这就是我想出的 - 它基本上只是 TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor() 中发生的事情的逆向工程版本。

请注意,仅当您在 TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor() 中使用 MemoryFormat.CONTIGUOUS(默认)时,此函数才有效。

fun tensor2Bitmap(input: FloatArray, width: Int, height: Int, normMeanRGB: FloatArray, normStdRGB: FloatArray): Bitmap? {
val pixelsCount = height * width
val pixels = IntArray(pixelsCount)
val output = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)

val conversion = { v: Float -> ((v.coerceIn(0.0f, 1.0f))*255.0f).roundToInt()}

val offset_g = pixelsCount
val offset_b = 2 * pixelsCount
for (i in 0 until pixelsCount) {
val r = conversion(input[i] * normStdRGB[0] + normMeanRGB[0])
val g = conversion(input[i + offset_g] * normStdRGB[1] + normMeanRGB[1])
val b = conversion(input[i + offset_b] * normStdRGB[2] + normMeanRGB[2])
pixels[i] = 255 shl 24 or (r.toInt() and 0xff shl 16) or (g.toInt() and 0xff shl 8) or (b.toInt() and 0xff)
output.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height)
return output


tensor2Bitmap(outputTensor.dataAsFloatArray, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, TensorImageUtils.TORCHVISION_NORM_MEAN_RGB, TensorImageUtils.TORCHVISION_NORM_STD_RGB)

关于android - 如何在 PyTorch Mobile 上将张量转换为位图?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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