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现在我忘记了 faSTLane 匹配密码,我没有任何办法找出密码是什么。所以我想使用此命令重置密码(我是从 https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/6297 获得的):
fastlane match nuke distribution
$ fastlane match nuke distribution ‹ruby-2.7.2›
[✔] 🚀
[12:21:55]: fastlane detected a Gemfile in the current directory
[12:21:55]: However, it seems like you didn't use `bundle exec`
[12:21:55]: To launch fastlane faster, please use
[12:21:55]: $ bundle exec fastlane match nuke distribution
[12:21:55]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/#use-a-gemfile
[12:21:56]: In the config file './fastlane/Matchfile' you have the line git_url, but didn't provide any value. Make sure to append a value right after the option name. Make sure to check the docs for more information
[12:21:56]: In the config file './fastlane/Matchfile' you have the line username, but didn't provide any value. Make sure to append a value right after the option name. Make sure to check the docs for more information
[12:21:56]: Successfully loaded '/Users/dolphin/Documents/GitHub/flutter-netease-music/ios/fastlane/Matchfile' 📄
| Detected Values from './fastlane/Matchfile' |
| git_branch | master |
| storage_mode | git |
| type | adhoc |
| app_identifier | ["com.reddwarf.musicapp"] |
Available session is not valid any more. Continuing with normal login.
[12:21:59]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'git_url'
[12:21:59]: URL to the git repo containing all the certificates: https://github.com/jiangxiaoqiang/music-certificate.git
[12:22:19]: Cloning remote git repo...
[12:22:19]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.
[12:22:21]: Checking out branch master...
[12:22:21]: Enter the passphrase that should be used to encrypt/decrypt your certificates
[12:22:21]: This passphrase is specific per repository and will be stored in your local keychain
[12:22:21]: Make sure to remember the password, as you'll need it when you run match on a different machine
[12:22:21]: Passphrase for Match storage: ******
[12:22:31]: Type passphrase again: ******
[12:22:33]: wrong final block length
[12:22:33]: Couldn't decrypt the repo, please make sure you enter the right password!
keychain: "/Users/dolphin/Library/Keychains/jiangxiaoqiang-db"
version: 512
class: "inet"
0x00000007 <blob>="match_https://github.com/jiangxiaoqiang/music-certificate.git"
0x00000008 <blob>=<NULL>
"cdat"<timedate>=0x32303231303831383034323233335A00 "20210818042233Z\000"
"mdat"<timedate>=0x32303231303831383034323233335A00 "20210818042233Z\000"
password has been deleted.
[12:22:33]: Enter the passphrase that should be used to encrypt/decrypt your certificates
[12:22:33]: This passphrase is specific per repository and will be stored in your local keychain
[12:22:33]: Make sure to remember the password, as you'll need it when you run match on a different machine
[12:22:33]: Passphrase for Match storage:
我真的没有记住密码,我只记得密码 我设置的密码很简单,但我输入后告诉我不正确。我应该如何重置密码或找回密码?我已尝试删除所有证书文件以重新生成证书信息,但仍需要输入 Passphrase for Match storage
您需要创建一个新的 git 存储库,并使用新创建的存储库 URL 更新您的匹配文件。然后你应该能够在不输入任何密码的情况下运行
bundle exec fastlane match nuke distribution
如果您仍有问题,请随时在这里展开讨论 https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/discussions
关于faSTLane - 为什么使用faSTLane match nuke还需要输入密码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68826590/
Internal Server Error: /admin/account/customuser/add/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\
有问题!虽然我发现几乎相似的线程但没有帮助:( 我编写了一个 php 脚本来从我的 MySQL 数据库中获取注册用户的数量。该脚本在我的本地主机上运行良好;它使用给定的用户名、密码和主机名,分别是“r
我正在做一项基于密码的作业,我将 key 和消息放在单独的数组中。我想创建第三个数组,其中包含围绕消息大小的 key ,如下所示: message keykeyk 我已经在这个问题上苦苦挣扎了一段时间
我的几个客户要求我实现图形密码检查器,例如 关于如何实现这种 UI 有什么想法吗? 最佳答案 试着看看这个:https://code.google.com/p/android-lockpattern/
我正在使用 MAMP,每次登录 phpMyAdmin 时,都会收到以下错误/警告消息: the configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (bl
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使用具有指定用户名和密码的 SVN 提交。我希望服务器抛出错误;所以我可以告诉我的用户他/她的密码错误。 相反,在使用错误密码提交后: svn commit "test_file.txt" --use
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我想将Ansible用作另一个Python软件的一部分。在该软件中,我有一个包含其用户名/密码的主机列表。 有没有一种方法可以将SSH连接的用户/密码传递给Ansible ad-hoc命令或以加密方式
嗨,我在使用xampp的Apache Web服务器上收到错误500。直到我使用.htaccess,.htpasswd文件,错误才出现。我搜索了,但找不到语法错误。我只有1张图片和要保护的索引文件。以下
我一直使用它来编辑用户帐户信息: $this->validate($request, [ 'password' => 'min:6', 'password_confirmation'
我需要使用InstallUtil来安装C# Windows服务。我需要设置服务登录凭据(用户名和密码)。这一切都需要默默地完成。 有没有办法做这样的事情: installutil.exe myserv
已关闭。此问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 这个问题似乎不是关于 a specific programming problem, a software
如果我有一个随机的、16 个字符长的字母数字盐(不同大小写),它是为每个用户生成和存储的,我是否还需要一个站点范围的盐? 换句话说,这样好吗? sha1($user_salt . $password)
我正在尝试寻找一种通用方法来搜索没有链接到另一个节点或节点集的节点或节点集。例如,我能够找到特定类型(例如 :Style)的所有节点,这些节点以某种方式连接到一组特定的节点(例如 :MetadataR