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s 并且可以廉价地转换为 Int
,所以我假设 Data.Map
表亲将是最佳选择:我使用的是严格的 IntMap
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
divideByTen :: Int -> Int
divideByTen n = maybe 0 snd $ IM.lookupLE n divideByTenMap
divideByTenMap :: IM.IntMap Int
divideByTenMap = IM.fromList $ zip [0,10..1000] [0..]
divideByTenFaster :: Int -> Int
divideByTenFaster n
| n < 10 = 0
| n < 20 = 1
| n < 30 = 2
| n < 40 = 3
| n < 50 = 4
| n < 60 = 5
| n < 70 = 6
| n < 80 = 7
| n < 90 = 8
| n < 100 = 9
| otherwise = divideByTen n
有100个元素,因此二分查找最多应该进行 7 次比较。因此我希望 divideByTenFaster
比 divideByTen
快对于 n < 70
, 之后更慢。相反,我看到的是 divideByTenFaster
是 IntMap
的两倍查找,即使是 n < 100
import Criterion.Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
defaultMainWith defaultConfig $
[ bench "divideByTen" $ nf divideByTen 99
, bench "divideByTenFaster" $ nf divideByTenFaster 99
benchmarking divideByTen
time 18.50 ns (18.47 ns .. 18.54 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 18.49 ns (18.47 ns .. 18.51 ns)
std dev 79.42 ps (61.51 ps .. 110.3 ps)
benchmarking divideByTenFaster
time 7.164 ns (7.154 ns .. 7.176 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 7.161 ns (7.145 ns .. 7.176 ns)
std dev 49.60 ps (36.84 ps .. 68.32 ps)
我可以转向基于数组的解决方案,但我认为这是 Map
对于完整上下文,我正在处理的问题是查找由 Unicode 规范确定的 Unicode 字符宽度。查找树有大约 700 到 1100 个元素,具体取决于上下文。 ASCII 子集的性能非常重要,除此之外,广泛使用的脚本(拉丁文、汉表意文字、阿拉伯文、天城文等)应该相当快,而较少使用的脚本的性能可能会有所牺牲。
鉴于评论中的许多建议,我已经对解决此问题的几种不同方法进行了基准测试。对于纯粹的查找性能,没有什么比一个巨大的数组更好,尽管这需要不平凡的内存和构造成本,但其他方法的性能都相似,除了在这里直接实现 Data.Map.Strict 的结构(感谢@dfeuer 下面的评论) .
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Map.Internal as MInt
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
bstSize :: Int
bstSize = 800
domainSize :: Int
domainSize = 1100000
divideByTenShortcut :: Int -> Int
divideByTenShortcut n
| n < 10 = 0
| n < 20 = 1
| n < 30 = 2
| n < 40 = 3
| n < 50 = 4
| n < 60 = 5
| n < 70 = 6
| n < 80 = 7
| n < 90 = 8
| n < 100 = 9
| otherwise = divideByTenIntMapLookup n
divideByTenIntMapLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenIntMapLookup n = maybe 0 snd $ IM.lookupLE n divideByTenIntMap
divideByTenIntMap :: IM.IntMap Int
divideByTenIntMap = IM.fromList $ zip [0,10..bstSize*10] [0..]
divideByTenMapLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenMapLookup n = maybe 0 snd $ M.lookupLE n divideByTenMap
divideByTenMap :: M.Map Int Int
divideByTenMap = M.fromList $ zip [0,10..bstSize*10] [0..]
arrayBinarySearch :: G.Vector v Int => v Int -> Int -> Int
arrayBinarySearch vs search = loop 0 (G.length vs)
loop !low !high
| high <= low = low
| otherwise = case compare midval search of
LT -> loop midpoint high
GT -> loop low (midpoint - 1)
EQ -> midpoint
midpoint = (low + high + 1) `quot` 2
midval = G.unsafeIndex vs midpoint
divideByTenArrayLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenArrayLookup n = let i = arrayBinarySearch divideByTenArray n in V.unsafeIndex divideByTenArraySols i
divideByTenArray :: V.Vector Int
divideByTenArray = V.fromList [0,10..bstSize*10]
divideByTenArraySols :: V.Vector Int
divideByTenArraySols = V.fromList [0..bstSize]
divideByTenArrayUnboxedLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenArrayUnboxedLookup n = let i = arrayBinarySearch divideByTenArrayUnboxed n in VU.unsafeIndex divideByTenArrayUnboxedSols i
divideByTenArrayUnboxed :: VU.Vector Int
divideByTenArrayUnboxed = VU.fromList [0,10..bstSize*10]
divideByTenArrayUnboxedSols :: VU.Vector Int
divideByTenArrayUnboxedSols = VU.fromList [0..bstSize]
divideByTenFullArrayLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenFullArrayLookup = V.unsafeIndex divideByTenFullArray
divideByTenFullArray :: V.Vector Int
divideByTenFullArray = V.fromList $ map (`quot` 10) [0..domainSize]
divideByTenFullArrayUnboxedLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenFullArrayUnboxedLookup = VU.unsafeIndex divideByTenFullArrayUnboxed
divideByTenFullArrayUnboxed :: VU.Vector Int
divideByTenFullArrayUnboxed = VU.fromList $ map (`quot` 10) [0..domainSize]
divideByTenCharMapLookup :: Int -> Int
divideByTenCharMapLookup n = lookupLE n divideByTenCharMap
divideByTenCharMap :: CharMap
divideByTenCharMap = fromList $ zip [0,10..bstSize*10] [0..]
data CharMap = Bin {-# UNPACK #-} !Size !Int !Int !CharMap !CharMap
| Tip
type Size = Int
lookupLE :: Int -> CharMap -> Int
lookupLE = goNothing
goNothing !_ Tip = 0
goNothing k (Bin _ kx x l r) = case compare k kx of LT -> goNothing k l
EQ -> x
GT -> goJust k kx x r
goJust !_ !_ x' Tip = x'
goJust k kx' x' (Bin _ kx x l r) = case compare k kx of LT -> goJust k kx' x' l
EQ -> x
GT -> goJust k kx x r
{-# INLINABLE lookupLE #-}
fromList :: [(Int, Int)] -> CharMap
fromList = repack . M.fromList
repack MInt.Tip = Tip
repack (MInt.Bin s k v l r) = Bin s k v (repack l) (repack r)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Criterion.Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
evaluate divideByTenIntMap
evaluate divideByTenMap
evaluate divideByTenCharMap
evaluate divideByTenArray
evaluate divideByTenArrayUnboxed
evaluate divideByTenFullArray
evaluate divideByTenFullArrayUnboxed
defaultMainWith defaultConfig
[ bench "divideByTenIntMap" $ nf divideByTenIntMapLookup 99
, bench "divideByTenShortcut" $ nf divideByTenShortcut 99
, bench "divideByTenMap" $ nf divideByTenMapLookup 99
, bench "divideByTenCharMap" $ nf divideByTenCharMapLookup 99
, bench "divideByTenArray" $ nf divideByTenArrayLookup 99
, bench "divideByTenArrayUnboxed" $ nf divideByTenArrayUnboxedLookup 99
, bench "divideByTenFullArray" $ nf divideByTenFullArrayLookup 99
, bench "divideByTenFullArrayUnboxed" $ nf divideByTenFullArrayUnboxedLookup 99
Build profile: -w ghc-8.10.7 -O1
benchmarking divideByTenIntMap
time 21.31 ns (21.26 ns .. 21.36 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 21.31 ns (21.27 ns .. 21.36 ns)
std dev 137.3 ps (104.7 ps .. 190.5 ps)
benchmarking divideByTenShortcut
time 6.881 ns (6.868 ns .. 6.893 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 6.896 ns (6.873 ns .. 6.947 ns)
std dev 112.5 ps (40.52 ps .. 184.2 ps)
variance introduced by outliers: 23% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking divideByTenMap
time 23.31 ns (22.94 ns .. 23.68 ns)
0.999 R² (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 23.02 ns (22.91 ns .. 23.26 ns)
std dev 500.1 ps (245.4 ps .. 865.6 ps)
variance introduced by outliers: 33% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking divideByTenCharMap
time 15.89 ns (15.88 ns .. 15.92 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 15.90 ns (15.88 ns .. 15.92 ns)
std dev 68.89 ps (44.90 ps .. 113.1 ps)
benchmarking divideByTenArray
time 27.07 ns (27.01 ns .. 27.13 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 27.03 ns (26.92 ns .. 27.13 ns)
std dev 334.5 ps (248.0 ps .. 474.7 ps)
variance introduced by outliers: 14% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking divideByTenArrayUnboxed
time 22.89 ns (22.82 ns .. 22.99 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 22.94 ns (22.84 ns .. 23.10 ns)
std dev 418.6 ps (301.6 ps .. 555.1 ps)
variance introduced by outliers: 26% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking divideByTenFullArray
time 6.639 ns (6.626 ns .. 6.651 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 6.635 ns (6.626 ns .. 6.644 ns)
std dev 28.87 ps (24.14 ps .. 34.83 ps)
benchmarking divideByTenFullArrayUnboxed
time 6.029 ns (6.017 ns .. 6.041 ns)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 6.021 ns (6.013 ns .. 6.029 ns)
std dev 26.09 ps (21.68 ps .. 31.51 ps)
Benchmark doclayout-bench: FINISH
本身。检查 -ddump-simpl
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