gpt4 book ai didi

typescript - 错误 : Schema must contain uniquely named types but contains multiple types named "n"

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 05:49:50 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我遇到了这个错误,但我不知道如何调试它。当我通过运行 yarn nx serve app 在开发模式下运行它时,它工作正常。当我构建和部署 prod docker 版本时,出现此错误:

    (node:7) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Schema must contain uniquely named 
types but contains multiple types named "n".
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831174844Z at new GraphQLSchema (/app/node_modules/graphql/type/schema.js:194:15)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831182778Z at GraphQLSchemaFactory.create (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/schema-builder/graphql-schema.factory.js:39:24)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831188556Z at GraphQLSchemaBuilder.buildSchema (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/graphql-schema.builder.js:62:52)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831193705Z at (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/graphql-schema.builder.js:24:31)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831199146Z at GraphQLFactory.mergeOptions (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/graphql.factory.js:33:69)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831204965Z at GraphQLModule.onModuleInit (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/graphql.module.js:92:57)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831210371Z at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831215501Z at async Object.callModuleInitHook (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/hooks/on-module-init.hook.js:51:9)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831220535Z at async NestApplication.callInitHook (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/nest-application-context.js:179:13)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831225861Z at async NestApplication.init (/app/node_modules/@nestjs/core/nest-application.js:96:9)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831231456Z (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:7) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 2)
2022-01-07T02:40:36.831243405Z (node:7) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.


# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------

type AdditionalOptionModel {
activated: String
id: Float
notice_period_days: Float
product_identifier: String
scheduled_deactivation_date: String

type AdditionalOptionsServerResponseModel {
additional_options: [AdditionalOptionModel!]

input Address {
city: String
country: String
line1: String
line2: String
state: String
zip: String

type BackupModel {
built: Boolean
built_at: String
created: String
disk: DiskModel
id: Float
locked: Boolean
size: String

type BackupScheduleModel {
created: String
disk: DiskModel
duration: String
id: Float
period: String
rotation_period: Boolean
start_time: String
status: String

input ContactInput {
email: String!
message: String!
name: String!
phone: String!

type CreateServerResponseModel {
server: ServerDetailModel
servers: [ServerDetailModel!]

input CreateVpsServerInput {
addition_options: [String!]
hostname: String
hostnames: [String!]
location: String!
product: String!
recipe: Float
template: String

type DiskModel {
built: Boolean
id: Float
is_primary: Boolean
label: String
size: Float

type ExampleProductDataModel {
bandwidth: Float
cpu: Float
disk: Float
memory: Float

input GuideInput {
email: String!
name: String!

type IPAddressModel {
address: String
created: String
gateway: String
id: Float
is_ipv6: Boolean
type: String

type LinksModel {
pages: PagesModel

type LocationModel {
id: Float
identifier: String
is_under_maintenance: Boolean
name: String
on_hold: Boolean

type MetaModel {
pages: Float
total: Float

type Mutation {
addAdditionalOptions(apiKey: String!, options: [String!]!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
addUser(user: User!): UserModel!
cancelSubscription(email: String!): Boolean!
changeHostname(apiKey: String!, hostname: String!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
changeLabel(apiKey: String!, label: String!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
changePassword(apiKey: String!, password: String!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
createMailingSubscription(subscriber: SubscriberInput!): Boolean!
createServer(apiKey: String!, server: CreateVpsServerInput!): CreateServerResponseModel!
delete(apiKey: String!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
deleteVpsConfig(id: Int!): Boolean!
disableAdditionalOptions(apiKey: String!, options: [String!]!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
paymentIntent(paymentMethod: PaymentMethod!): String!
performCommand(apiKey: String!, command: String!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
resize(apiKey: String!, product: String!, serverId: Int!): Boolean!
saveVpsConfig(config: VpsConfig!): VpsConfigModel!
send(contact: ContactInput!): Boolean!
sendGuide(guide: GuideInput!): Boolean!
subscribe(payment: Payment!): Boolean!
updateApiKey(email: String!): String!
updateProfile(user: User!): UserModel!

type PagesModel {
first: String
last: String
next: String
prev: String

input Payment {
address: Address
email: String!
name: String!
paymentIntent: String!
phone: String!
type: String!

input PaymentMethod {
amount: Float!
email: String!
name: String!
phone: String!

type ProductDetailsModel {
category: String
details: ExampleProductDataModel
id: String
identifier: String
is_sub_category: Boolean
name: String
parent_category: String
price: Float
state: String
type: ProductTypeModel

type ProductModel {
id: Float
identifier: String
name: String
price: Float
type: ProductTypeModel

type ProductTypeModel {
id: Float
identifier: String
name: String

type Query {
additionalOptions(apiKey: String!, serverId: Int!): AdditionalOptionsServerResponseModel!
getApiKey(email: String!): String!
getRecipes(apiKey: String!, page: Int): RecipesResponseModel!
getTemplateDetails(apiKey: String!, templateId: Int!): TemplateDetailsResponseModel!
getTemplates(apiKey: String!, group: String!): TemplatesResponseModel!
server(apiKey: String!, serverId: Int!): ServerDetailModel!
servers(apiKeys: [String!]!): [ServerDetailModel!]!
settings: SiteSettingsModel!
user(email: String!): UserModel!
validate(registration: Registration!): Boolean!
vpsConfigs(email: String!): [VpsConfigModel!]!

type RecipeModel {
created: String
id: Float
modified: String
name: String
os_type: String
recipe_type: RecipeTypeModel
script: String
script_type: String

type RecipeTypeModel {
id: Float
name: String

type RecipesResponseModel {
links: LinksModel
meta: MetaModel
recipes: [RecipeModel!]

input Registration {
email: String
key: Float

type ServerDetailModel {
bandwidth_total: Float
bandwidth_used: Float
cpu: Float
created: String
detailed_state: String
disabled: String
disk: Float
hostname: String
id: String
initial_root_password: String
ip_addresses: [IPAddressModel!]
label: String
location: LocationModel
locked: String
main_ip_address: String
memory: Float
name: String
product: ProductModel
scheduled_delete_date: String
state: String
template: TemplateModel

type SiteSettingsModel {
skipGuideForm: Boolean!

input SubscriberInput {
email: String!
name: String!

type TemplateDetailsModel {
group: String
locations: [LocationModel!]
name: String
price: Float
product_prices: [TemplateProductPriceModel!]
products: [ProductModel!]
system_name: String

type TemplateDetailsResponseModel {
template: TemplateDetailsModel

type TemplateModel {
group: String
id: String
name: String
price: String
product_prices: [TemplateProductPriceModel!]
system_name: String

type TemplateProductPriceModel {
price: Float
product: String

type TemplateTabModel {
id: Float
label: String
sort: String

type TemplatesResponseModel {
links: LinksModel
meta: MetaModel
templates: [TemplateModel!]

input User {
apiKey: String
email: String
firstName: String
id: String
lastName: String
originalEmail: String
password: String
phone: String
username: String

type UserModel {
apiKey: String
email: String
firstName: String
id: String
lastName: String
originalEmail: String
password: String
phone: String
username: String

input VpsConfig {
apiKey: String!
email: String
id: Float
name: String!

type VpsConfigModel {
apiKey: String!
email: String
id: Float
name: String!


Webpack 可能会缩小您在构建应用程序的生产版本时用于生成 GraphQL 模式的类名。

尝试将以下内容添加到您的 Webpack 配置中:

optimization: {
minimize: false,

关于typescript - 错误 : Schema must contain uniquely named types but contains multiple types named "n",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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