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python - 如何扫描最新的 TRX 区 block 以获取转账事件以检查地址是否有新交易

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 05:39:32 32 4
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如果特定地址上有新交易,我想扫描 tron 网络的最新区 block

我设法获得了最新的区 block 和地址的余额,但我不知道如何扫描最新的区 block 并寻找该地址的任何新交易。任何想法都会非常有帮助。

from tronpy import Tron

client = Tron()

#-- Get the latest block
latestBlock = client.get_latest_block_number()
print (latestBlock)

#-- Get the balance
accountBalance = client.get_account_balance('TTzPiwbBedv7E8p4FkyPyeqq4RVoqRL3TW')
print (accountBalance)

#-- if the address has new transaction in the latest block at the time of the scan:
#-- display all the data (receiver, sender and amount, etc)


所以我尝试并为我工作的一件事如下:我达到了两个终点:trc20url = f"{address}/transactions/trc20?&contract_address={contract_add}&min_timestamp={getminTime}&max_timestamp={maxTime}"trxurl = f"{地址}/transactions"

对于 trc20 端点,请检查:

现在对于 trx 或 trc10 也有:我所做的我调用的获取请求如下:

     headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

trxresponse = requests.get(trxurl, headers = headers)
trxdicResponse = trxresponse.json()


   for tx in trxdicResponse['data']:
if (tx["raw_data"]["contract"][0]['type']) ==
# this means this is a trx tx , (transferAssetContract for trc10, and triggersmartcontract for trc20)


    trxblock = client.get_block()

lastBlockNum = trxblock['block_header']['raw_data']['number']
maxTime = trxblock['block_header']['raw_data']['timestamp']

getuserBlock = get from DB
getfirstBlock = getuserBlock.trxLastBlock
getminTime = client.get_block(getfirstBlock)['block_header']['raw_data']['timestamp']

所以你要做的是获取最新的 block 并获取其时间戳,然后获取你从数据库循环过来的最后一个 block 并获取其时间戳,然后你只需将它们提供给请求参数,然后更新最后扫描的 block 在您的数据库中然后重复。

关于python - 如何扫描最新的 TRX 区 block 以获取转账事件以检查地址是否有新交易,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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