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java - 在存在@Valid 注释的嵌套对象内部使用时,@AssertTrue 给出JSR-303 问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 05:35:55 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我的自定义 DTO 类如下:

public class TestDto1 {

private String key;
private String val;

private boolean isValid() {
return key !=null || val !=null;
}public class TestDto1 {

private String key;
private String val;

private boolean isValid() {
return key !=null || val !=null;

我的父 DTO 类:

public class TestDto {

private String id;

private TestDto1 tes;

public TestDto1 getTes() {
return tes;

public void setTes(TestDto1 tes) {
this.tes = tes;

public String getId() {
return id;

在运行应用程序并使用以下 JSON 访问 api 时出现以下错误:



  JSR-303 validated property 'tes.valid' does not have a corresponding accessor for Spring data binding - check your DataBinder's configuration (bean property versus direct field access)] with root cause

org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'tes.valid' of bean class [com.example.thirdparty.controller.TestDto]: Bean property 'tes.valid' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?





public boolean isValid() {
return key !=null || val !=null;

关于java - 在存在@Valid 注释的嵌套对象内部使用时,@AssertTrue 给出JSR-303 问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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