gpt4 book ai didi

optimization - 针对调度问题优化 MiniZinc 约束

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 05:35:35 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试使用 MiniZinc 来解决调度问题。这是主要设置:

  • 我有一定数量的学生
  • 他们按偏好对 7 个主题进行排名
  • 他们将被分配 4 个这样的主题
  • 时间表中有 4 个时间段可用于所有这些



int: n; % number of students
int: m; % number of topics
int: c; % number of courses each student will take
int: maxseats; % number of seats available per course max
int: minseats; % number of seats minimum per course
int: timeslots; % possible time slots for the courses

set of int: STUDENTS=1..n; % students
set of int: PREFERENCE=1..m; % possible preference rankings
set of int: TOPICS=1..m; % different topics
set of int: TIMESLOTS=1..timeslots;

array[STUDENTS,TOPICS] of PREFERENCE: preference; % ranking of topics by each student

array[STUDENTS,1..c] of var TOPICS: course; % topics assigned to each student
array[TOPICS] of var TIMESLOTS: schedule; % time slot assigned to topics

include "alldifferent.mzn";
constraint % students have different topics
forall(student in STUDENTS)(alldifferent([course[student,i] | i in 1..c]));

constraint % no student has two topics at the same time
forall(student in STUDENTS)(forall(i,j in 1..c where i<j)(schedule[course[student,i]] != schedule[course[student,j]]));

constraint % less students per topic than available seats (NOTE : groups can be duplicated)
forall(topic in TOPICS)(sum(student in STUDENTS where exists(i in 1..c)(course[student,i] = topic))(1) <= maxseats);

constraint % more students per topic than the minimum
forall(topic in TOPICS)(sum(student in STUDENTS where exists(i in 1..c)(course[student,i] = topic))(1) >= minseats);

var int: satisfaction = sum(student in STUDENTS)(sum(i in 1..c)(preference[student, course[student,i]]));

solve minimize satisfaction;

问题是这只适用于少数学生,但对于我的学生名单(我有大约 100 个,虽然我没有那么多,但即使是 20 个也没有得出任何结论),这还远远不够十分钟后)。


n = 10;
m = 7;
c = 3;

preference =[|


*** 编辑。这是进一步的尝试。我注意到另一个问题:基本上,组不能太大(小于 maxseats),因此每个主题会有不同的组(同一个老师)。因此,学生不仅不能同时上课,而且同一主题的不同群体也应该区分,不能同时上课。这看起来像是一个更大的组合问题!也许有一个聪明的方法来打包它,但现在我基本上选择了复制主题。


    int: n; % number of students
int: m; % number of topics
int: c; % number of courses each student will take
int: g=5; % number of instances of each course
int: maxseats; % number of seats available per course max
int: minseats; % number of seats minimum per course
int: timeslots; % possible time slots for the courses

set of int: STUDENTS=1..n; % students
set of int: PREFERENCE=1..m; % possible preference rankings
set of int: TOPICS=1..g*m; % different topics
set of int: TIMESLOTS=0..timeslots;

array[STUDENTS,1..m] of PREFERENCE: preference; % ranking of topics by each student
| student in STUDENTS, p in 1..m, rank in 1..m where preference[student, rank] == p]);

array[STUDENTS,1..c] of var TOPICS: course; % topics assigned to each student
array[TOPICS] of var TIMESLOTS: schedule; % time slot assigned to topics

function int: topicToGroupFix(var int: t) =
fix(((t-1) mod g) + 1);

function var int: topicToTopic(var int: t) =
((t-1) div g) + 1;
function int: topicToTopicFix(var int: t) =
fix(((t-1) div g) + 1);

function int: topicGroupToTopic(int: t, int: gg) =
((t-1) * g) + gg;

array[TOPICS] of var 0..maxseats: number; % number of people taking each course
forall (topic in TOPICS)(number[topic] = sum(student in STUDENTS, i in 1..c)(course[student,i] == topic));

include "globals.mzn";

constraint % before using another topic group make sure the previous one has students in it
forall(t in 1..m, gg in 1..g-1)( number[topicGroupToTopic(t,gg+1)] > 0 -> number[topicGroupToTopic(t,gg)] >= minseats );

constraint % if students are assigned to a topic group it must have enough
forall(t in TOPICS)( number[t] > 0 -> number[t] >= minseats );

constraint % make sure topics are slotted at different times
forall(t in 1..m)( alldifferent_except_0([schedule[x] | x in topicGroupToTopic(t,1)..topicGroupToTopic(t,g)]));

array[STUDENTS,1..c] of var PREFERENCE: courseRank;

constraint % channeling constraint to obtain topic ranking
forall(student in STUDENTS, i in 1..c)(courseRank[student, i] = prefRank[student, topicToTopic(course[student, i])]);

constraint % no student has two topics at the same time
forall(student in STUDENTS)(alldifferent([schedule[course[student,i]] | i in 1..c]));

constraint % students have different topics (and break symmetries)
forall(student in STUDENTS)(strictly_increasing([courseRank[student, i] | i in 1..c]));

constraint % students have different topics
forall(student in STUDENTS)(alldifferent([topicToTopic(course[student, i]) | i in 1..c]));

constraint % fairness - don't want any one student to get a bad schedule relative to others
forall(student in STUDENTS)(sum([courseRank[student,i] | i in 1..c]) <=
min([sum([courseRank[s,i] | i in 1..c]) | s in STUDENTS where s != student])+1);
%constraint % fairness - don't want any one student to get a bad schedule relative to others
% forall(student in STUDENTS)(sum([courseRank[student,i] | i in 1..c]) <=
% min([sum([courseRank[s,i] | i in 1..c]) | s in STUDENTS])+1);

constraint % fairness - don't a student get a much worse choice than others
forall(student in STUDENTS)(courseRank[student,c] <= min([courseRank[s,c] | s in STUDENTS where s != student])+1);
%constraint % fairness - don't a student get a much worse choice than others
% forall(student in STUDENTS)(courseRank[student,c] <= min([courseRank[s,c] | s in STUDENTS])+1);

% break symmetries on the schedule
constraint forall(t in TOPICS)(if number[t] == 0 then schedule[t] == 0 else schedule[t] >= 1 /\ schedule[t] <= t endif);
%constraint forall(t in 1..m)(schedule[t] <= t);
constraint forall(t in 1..m*g-1)(schedule[t+1] <= (max(x in TOPICS)(schedule[x])+1));

var int: satisfaction = sum(student in STUDENTS, i in 1..c)(courseRank[student,i]);

solve :: int_search(courseRank, smallest, indomain_min)
minimize satisfaction;
%solve minimize satisfaction;

output(["satisfaction Level: \(satisfaction)\n"]);
output(["student", "\t", "topic", "\t\t", "group", "\t\t", "courseRank", "\n"]);
output([show(student) ++ "\t" ++ show([topicToTopicFix(course[student,i]) | i in 1..c]) ++ "\t" ++
show([topicToGroupFix(course[student,i]) | i in 1..c]) ++ "\t" ++
show([courseRank[student,i] | i in 1..c]) ++ "\n" | student in STUDENTS]);

output(["studentsPerTopic: \(number)\n"]);
output(["schedule: \([schedule[x] | x in TOPICS])\n"]);

可以使用相同的数据文件,但是有 100 个学生,即使 c=1(即只分配一节课,这应该是微不足道的!)也不会在数小时内完成...

有什么我可以做的,或者这个问题对于 MiniZinc 来说真的太大了吗?



include "globals.mzn";
int: n; % number of students
int: m; % number of topics
int: c; % number of courses each student will take
int: maxseats; % number of seats available per course max
int: minseats; % number of seats minimum per course
int: timeslots; % possible time slots for the courses

set of int: STUDENTS=1..n; % students
set of int: PREFERENCE=1..m; % possible preference rankings
set of int: TOPICS=1..m; % different topics
set of int: TIMESLOTS=1..timeslots;
set of int: COURSES=1..c;

array[STUDENTS,TOPICS] of PREFERENCE: preference; % ranking of topics by each student

array[STUDENTS,COURSES] of var TOPICS: course; % topics assigned to each student
array[TOPICS] of var TIMESLOTS: schedule; % time slot assigned to topics

constraint % students have different topics; we thus enforce topics per student to be sorted
forall(student in STUDENTS, i in 1..c-1)(course[student,i] < course[student,i+1]);

constraint % no student has two topics at the same time
forall(student in STUDENTS)(alldifferent([schedule[course[student,i]] | i in COURSES]));

constraint % students per topic within allowed bounds (NOTE : groups can be duplicated)
forall(topic in TOPICS)(sum([(course[student,i] == topic)| student in STUDENTS, i in COURSES]) in minseats .. maxseats);

var n..n*m: dissatisfaction = sum(student in STUDENTS)(sum(i in COURSES)(preference[student, course[student,i]]));

constraint dissatisfaction < n * 5;



我第二次尝试使用 bool 决策变量来表示每个主题是否存在学生。

include "globals.mzn";
int: n; % number of students
int: m; % number of topics
int: c; % number of courses each student will take
int: maxseats; % number of seats available per course max
int: minseats; % number of seats minimum per course
int: timeslots; % possible time slots for the courses

set of int: STUDENTS=1..n; % students
set of int: PREFERENCE=1..m; % possible preference rankings
set of int: TOPICS=1..m; % different topics
set of int: TIMESLOTS=1..timeslots;
set of int: COURSES=1..c;

array[STUDENTS,TOPICS] of PREFERENCE: preference; % ranking of topics by each student

array[TOPICS, STUDENTS] of var bool: course; % students assigned to topics
array[TOPICS] of var TIMESLOTS: schedule; % time slot assigned to topics

constraint % enforce the number of courses per student
forall(student in STUDENTS)(c = sum([course[t, student] | t in TOPICS]));

constraint % no student has two topics at the same time
forall(student in STUDENTS)(alldifferent([schedule[t] | t in TOPICS where course[t, student]]));

constraint % students per topic within allowed bounds (NOTE : groups can be duplicated)
forall(topic in TOPICS)(sum([course[topic, student] | student in STUDENTS]) in minseats .. maxseats);

constraint % limit the dissatisfaction of students
max([preference[student, t] | student in STUDENTS, t in TOPICS where course[t, student]]) < 4;

使用求解器后端 Chuffed、Google OR 工具或 COIN-BC,这个问题在 10 秒内解决了。
如果最差偏好值的上限低于 3,则没有找到解决方案。选择两个主题并不奇怪。

关于optimization - 针对调度问题优化 MiniZinc 约束,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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