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有什么方法可以在 reportlab 中获取 Flowable Paragraph 的行数?我有一个很长的字符串,用不同的大小和字体打印。我需要知道要使用 TA_JUSTIFY 对齐打印的整个段落使用了多少行。
下面是我的示例 python 文件
import os
import sys
import string
import pprint
import imp
import tempfile
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.platypus import Preformatted, XPreformatted, Paragraph, Frame, Image, \
Table, TableStyle, Spacer
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY
from reportlab.lib import styles
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import *
from reportlab.lib import colors
import reportlab.rl_config
# Import as may be needed if we require embedded true type fonts
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.lib.fonts import addMapping
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import code39, code128, code93
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import common
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import qr
from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing
import string
import os
import imp
from reportlab.lib import colors
canv = canvas.Canvas('Output.pdf')
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
parastyle = ParagraphStyle(name='Justify', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY)
parastyle.leading = 12
parastyle.fontSize = 11
drawText = "The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent against hostile extraterrestrials. As the group argues, Barton and Loki's other possessed agents attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers work to restart the damaged engine, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff reluctantly fights Barton, and knocks him unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson and ejecting Thor from the airship, while the Hulk falls to the ground after attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jet. Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Stark and Rogers realize that for Loki, simply defeating them will not be enough; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion."
inch = INCH = 72
cm = CM = inch/2.54
mm = MM = cm/10
p = Paragraph(drawText, styles["Justify"])
p.wrapOn(canv, width, height)
p.drawOn(canv, x, y)
这是当前输出 Output
我需要获取段落中打印的行数。在我的示例中,我必须得到 11。
调用 Paragraph.wrap
或 Paragraph.wrapOn
后,您有一个名为 blPara
的属性可用,它有一个名为 lines
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph
canvas = Canvas("test.pdf")
drawText = "The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent against hostile extraterrestrials. As the group argues, Barton and Loki's other possessed agents attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers work to restart the damaged engine, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff reluctantly fights Barton, and knocks him unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson and ejecting Thor from the airship, while the Hulk falls to the ground after attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jet. Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Stark and Rogers realize that for Loki, simply defeating them will not be enough; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion."
availWidth, availHeight = 190*mm, A4[1]
style = ParagraphStyle("justifies", alignment=TA_JUSTIFY, fontSize=11, leading=12)
par = Paragraph(drawText, style=style)
par.wrap(availWidth, availHeight)
par.drawOn(canvas, 10*mm, A4[1]-10*mm-par.height)
print(len(par.blPara.lines)) # 11
还有 simpleSplit
from reportlab.lib.utils import simpleSplit
lines = simpleSplit(drawText, style.fontName, style.fontSize, availWidth)
关于Python ReportLab 段落计数打印的行数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55530464/
我有一个包含未定义条目数的数据文件,如下所示: A B C D E.. 1 0 2 5 4 7 4 3 4 1 8 7 4 0 7 1 1 第一行代表工作时间,而不是暂停等交替方式。为了可
我需要有关小型 SQL 查询的帮助。考虑下表: TicketNo | Rules | Audit Result --------------------------------- P
我有一个非常大的表(~1 000 000 行)和带有联合、连接和 where 语句的复杂查询(用户可以选择不同的 ORDER BY 列和方向)。我需要获取分页的行数。如果我运行查询而不计算行数,它会很
我想获取数据帧的行数。 我可以通过 size(myDataFrame)[1] 实现这一点. 有更干净的方法吗? 最佳答案 如果您正在使用 DataFrames具体来说,那么你可以使用 nrow() :
是否可以在带有千位分隔符的 VIM 状态栏中显示行数,最好是自定义千位分隔符? 例子: set statusline=%L 应该导致“1,234,567”而不是“1234567”。 最佳答案 我找到了
我有一个非常基本的问题,但不知道该怎么做。如果 mysql 表中的行数增加,我想刷新页面。我已经尝试了一些不同的事情,比如在表中添加一个单独的列,如果行数和这个值相等,则值为 (id + 1),然后进
我的 mysql TB 中的行数(如 TB 信息中所示)是 11093,而自动递增 ID(从 1 开始)是 11361。为什么会这样? 最佳答案 删除的行不会重置 AI 索引。行数是当前表中的条目数,
我有一个 MySQL 表如下。 emp_no emp_name dob gender 1 A 1978-10-10 Male 2 B
ifstream inFile; inFile.open(filename); //open the input file stringstream strStream; strStream << i
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE *condition*) 例如,我可以检查是否有 3 行符合 table2
我正在尝试提取 SQL 表中的总行数。 我正在使用以下代码: $rowNum = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Logs"); $count = mysql_fe
我想知道表格 View 的行宽是多少,UITableViewCell 文本标签的字体是什么,有人可以帮我吗? 最佳答案 NSLog(@"width: %f", cell.frame.size.widt
对于以下内容: def linecount(filename): count = 0 for x in open(filename): count += 1 r
感谢关注。 我用C语言写了一段代码来统计字数、行数和字符数。 while((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { if((char)(c) == ' ' || (char)(c)
我是 matlab 的新手,只需要更改代码中的一个非常小的东西。我有以下矩阵: ans = 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
我只是想弄清楚如何确定行数,然后使该数字显示在 HTML 中。 我准备好的声明如下所示: if($stmt = $mysqli -> prepare("SELECT field1, field2, f
PDO 显然无法计算从选择查询返回的行数(mysqli 有 num_rows 变量)。 除了使用 count($results->fetchAll()) 之外,有没有办法做到这一点? 最佳答案 根据手
SELECT count(*) FROM Stack WHERE Id = 33478 GROUP BY SID Output: (No column name) 1 4 对于结果;有两排。怎么退货
IE。如果我们有一个包含400万行的表。 其中具有一个STATUS字段,该字段可以采用以下值:TO_WORK,BLOCKED或WORKED_CORRECTLY。 您是否会在一个仅会更改一次的字段上进行
所以在JTextArea中有一个getLineCount()是否有与JTextPane类似的东西,因为我可以找到任何东西。也许有不同的方法来获得它?我想获取当前存在的行数。 最佳答案 (正如您所指出的