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node.js - 检查 ERC-20 token 是否是骗局/蜜 jar

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 04:33:27 32 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在寻找一种方法来获取 token 的买卖税,并检查它是否可以在购买后出售。


1-在 DEX 路由器合约上模拟购买交易

2-在 DEX 路由器合约上模拟卖出交易

3-如果上述 2 笔交易成功,我可以知道销售税和购买税 + 知道代币是否“可出售”

由于我使用的是调用而非真实交易来模拟代币的买卖,因此我需要进行多次调用来模拟区 block 链状态的改变。

我正在使用 ethereum-multicall library做这个。


const multicall = new Multicall({ethersProvider: _EVM.provider, tryAggregate: true});
let amoutIn = ethers.utils.parseUnits('300',18);
let timestamp = + 1000 * 60 * 10;
const contractCallContext =[
reference: 'Router',
contractAddress: _EVM.DEX.router,
abi: JSON.parse(Router_ABI),
calls:[{reference:'foo', methodName:'swapExactTokensForTokens', methodParameters:[amoutIn,0,[ASDC, MIM],"0xa37Aa5C9A682490C64bDC32e60E627A50B66a485",timestamp]}]

let result = await;

问题是我经常从 Multicall smartcontract 获得不成功的返回值...




你可以找到an example Python code here to check for any transfer fees .

def estimate_token_taxes(
uniswap: UniswapV2Deployment,
base_token: HexAddress,
quote_token: HexAddress,
buy_account: HexAddress,
sell_account: HexAddress,
buy_amount: float,
quote_token_details: Optional[TokenDetails] = None,
base_token_details: Optional[TokenDetails] = None,
gas_limit: Optional[int] = None,
gas_price: Optional[int] = None,
) -> TokenTaxInfo:
"""Estimates different token taxes for a token by running Ganache simulations for it.
:param uniswap:
Uniswap deployment on a Ganache mainnet fork.
Set up prior calling this function.
See `` and `` for more details.
:param base_token:
The token of which tax properties we are figuring out.
:param quote_token:
Address of the quote token used for the trading pair. E.g. `BUDS`, `WBNB`
Based on this information we can derive Uniswap trading pair address.
:param buy_account:
The account that does initial buy to measure the buy tax.
This account must be loaded with gas money (ETH/BNB) and `quote_token`
for a purchase.
:param sell_account:
The account that receives the token transfer and does the sell to measure the sell tax.
This account must be loaded with gas money for the sell.
:param approve:
Perform quote token approval before wap test
:param base_token_details:
Pass base token details. If not given automatically fetch.
:param quote_token_details:
Pass quote token details. If not given automatically fetch.
:param gas_limit:
Use this gas limit for all transactions, so that
we do not need to call eth_estimateGas on the node.
:param gas_price:
Use this gas price for all transactions, so that
we do not need to call eth_estimateGas on the node.
ToxTaxInfo tells us what we figure out about taxes.
This can be later recorded to a database.
web3: Web3 = uniswap.web3
router = uniswap.router

if not quote_token_details:
# No need to consider brokeness of token metadata
# when calculating tax
quote_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, quote_token, raise_on_error=False)
quote_token = quote_token_details.contract

if not base_token_details:
# No need to consider brokeness of token metadata
# when calculating tax
base_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, base_token, raise_on_error=False)
base_token = base_token_details.contract

if gas_limit:
# Try to eliminate some RPC calls by not doing gas oracle requests
generic_tx_params = {
"gas": gas_limit,
"gasPrice": gas_price,
generic_tx_params = {}

# approve router to spend tokens
if approve:
quote_token.functions.approve(router.address, quote_token_details.convert_to_raw(buy_amount)).transact(
{"from": buy_account} | generic_tx_params)

path = [quote_token.address, base_token.address]
amountIn = quote_token_details.convert_to_raw(buy_amount)
# Figure out base_token/quote_token trading pair
initial_base_bal = base_token.functions.balanceOf(buy_account).call()

# Buy base_token with buy_account
try:"Attempting to buy for path %s", path)
).transact({"from": buy_account} | generic_tx_params)
except ContractLogicError as e:
msg = str(e)
if "TRANSFER_FAILED" in msg:
raise TransferFromError(f"Token does not co-operate:{base_token_details.symbol} - {quote_token_details.symbol}, {e} to router {router.address}") from e
except Exception as e:
raise SwapError(f"swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens() buy failed:{base_token_details.symbol} - {quote_token_details.symbol}, {e} to router {router.address}") from e

received_amt = base_token.functions.balanceOf(buy_account).call() - initial_base_bal

if received_amt == 0:
# Nothing was received when we bought the token, so assume 100% tax
# Would cause division by zero later
return TokenTaxInfo(base_token.address, quote_token.address, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

uniswap_price = router.functions.getAmountsOut(amountIn, path).call()[1]

# Measure the loss as "buy tax"
buy_tax_percent = (uniswap_price - received_amt) / uniswap_price

# Transfer tokens to sell_account
# Measure the loss as "transfer tax"
base_token.functions.transfer(sell_account, received_amt).transact({"from": buy_account} | generic_tx_params)
except ValueError as e:
if "out of gas" in str(e):
raise OutOfGasDuringTransfer(f"Out of gas during transfer: {e}") from e
raise TransferFailure(f"Transfer failure: {e}") from e

received_amt_by_seller = base_token.functions.balanceOf(sell_account).call()

transfer_tax_percent = (received_amt - received_amt_by_seller) / received_amt

# Sell tokens
base_token.functions.approve(router.address, received_amt_by_seller).transact({"from": sell_account} | generic_tx_params)
except ValueError as e:
if "out of gas" in str(e):
raise ApprovalFailure() from e

path = [base_token.address, quote_token.address]

sell_tax = 0
sell_tax_percent = 0
# this method will revert in case of low liquidity of the token"Attempting to see for path %s", path)
).transact({"from": sell_account} | generic_tx_params)
except ValueError as e:
if "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert" in str(e):
raise SellFailed(f"Could not sell {base_token_details.symbol} - {quote_token_details.symbol}: {e}") from e
elif "out of gas" in str(e):
raise OutOfGasDuringTransfer() from e
except Exception as e:
raise SwapError(f"Sell failed. swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens() method failed: {base_token_details.symbol} - {quote_token_details.symbol}: {e}") from e

# Measure the loss as "sell tax"
received_amt_after_sell = quote_token.functions.balanceOf(sell_account).call()
uniswap_price = router.functions.getAmountsOut(received_amt_by_seller, path).call()[1]

if received_amt_after_sell > 0:
sell_tax = uniswap_price - received_amt_after_sell
sell_tax_percent = (sell_tax / uniswap_price) if uniswap_price > 0 else 0

return TokenTaxInfo(base_token.address, quote_token.address, buy_tax_percent, transfer_tax_percent,

You can also find the API and dataset dump for existing token tax data here

关于node.js - 检查 ERC-20 token 是否是骗局/蜜 jar ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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