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java - 获取 BST 子树中第 n 个最大的数据值

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 04:32:12 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我希望在 BST 中以该节点为根的子树中返回第 n 个最大的数据值,该值可以具有重复值。


static int get(BSTNode node, int n) {

if ( node == null || n < 0)
return 0;

if ( n == 0)

get(node.right, n--);
get(node.left, n--);

return 0;


private int data; // key
private int dataCount; // no. of keys with equal value stored at this node
private int treeSize; // no. of keys stored in the subtree rooted at this node
private BSTNode leftChild;
private BSTNode rightChild;




基本思想是始终尽可能向右移动,因为只要节点尚未针对 n 进行计数,最大值就会在那里。并将我们经过的所有值保存在堆栈中。如果我们不能再向右走并且我们没有将此节点计入 n我们已经找到了树中我们尚未考虑的最大节点。所以在那种情况下,我们可以通过从堆栈中获取节点来计算该值,递减 n并将该节点添加到我们已经考虑过的节点集中。要找到下一个最大值,我们必须检查当前节点是否有左子树,如果有,我们需要在那里继续。如果不是,我们需要返回到我们的父节点,我们通过从堆栈中获取下一个值来做到这一点。然后,此父节点将自动成为下一个最大值。



/ \
/ \
x largest


/ \
/ \
x largest
left subtree
/ \
/ \


* Finds the n-th largest key in a given subtree.
* @param root root node to start from
* @param n n-th largest key to get, n =< 1 will result in the largest key being returned
* @return returns n-th larges value, if n <= 1 return largest value
public Node findNthLargestKey(Node root, int n){
if(root == null) return null;
if(n < 1) n = 1;
// early out: if you know how many nodes you have in the tree return if n is bigger than that
// based on number of nodes compared to n some assumptions could be made to speed up algorithm
// e.g. n == number of nodes -> get to left-most node and return it
// if n is close to number of nodes also probably start in left branch instead of all the way on the right side at the biggest node
var stack = new Stack<Node>();
// remember nodes that have been visited and have been counted against n
var done = new HashSet<Integer>();
// start at root node
// continue as long as the stack is not empty, if it is n was to big and the n-th largest value could not be found
while (!stack.empty()){
// pop next value from the stack (will be root in first iteration)
current = stack.pop();
// always try to go as far to the right as possible to get the biggest value that has not yet been counted against n
while (current != null && !done.contains(current.getKey())){
current = current.getRight();
// if we are here we've found the biggest value that has not yet been counted against n
var prev = stack.pop();
// if we have found the nth biggest value return
if(--n == 0){
return prev;
// otherwise mark this node as done and counted against n
// if node has a left successor, visit it first as this node has no right successors that have not been counted against n already
if(prev.getLeft() != null) stack.add(prev.getLeft());
// n-th largest value was not found (n was too big)
return null;

我的节点看起来像这样,当然定义了 getter 和 setter。但是该实现也适用于您的节点,因为具有相同值的节点数与找到第 n 个最大节点无关。即使它们不是,相同的算法也可以工作,但是您需要减少具有相同值的节点数,并且需要将条件调整为 n <= 0。返回。

public class Node {

private int key;
private Node right;
private Node left;
private Object anyData;

public Node(int key) {
this(key, null);

public Node(int key, Object anyData) {
this.key = key;
this.anyData = anyData;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;


我已经针对随机树测试了我的实现,结果始终是正确的。这Test然而,类只检查根节点的结果,以便能够测试树中每个节点的方法。我还运行了一些测试 n > number of nodes in tree总是必须返回 null对于 not found和较小的子树。

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args){
// values to insert into the tree
int[] curVals = fillArrayRand(20, 1, 200);

// Create tree
BinarySearchTree tree = new BinarySearchTree();
System.out.println("Tree has been created.");

// fill tree
for (var cur: curVals) {
tree.insertIter(new Node(cur));
// print values in order of insertion, first value will be the root value
System.out.println("Tree was filled with the following values: %s".formatted(Arrays.toString(curVals)));
// print tree in using inorder traversal

var sorted =;
// always start at root node; which is the first node that gets inserted
// find() returns a given node by key
var startNode = tree.find(curVals[0]);

// now loop over sorted values (sorted in ascending order -> nth largest is at position n - i in the sorted array)
for (int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
var result = tree.findNthLargestKey(startNode, sorted.length - i);

// if key in i-th position of sorted array is the same as the key of result => success
// if result is null, the node was not found (should not happen here as sorted.length - i is never > sorted.length)
System.out.printf("#%d largest value:\t%d (expected)\t-\t%s (result)\t", sorted.length - i, sorted[i], result == null ? "not found": result.getKey());
if (result != null && sorted[i] == result.getKey()) {
} else System.out.println("FAILED");

public static int[] fillArrayRand(int size, int randStart, int randEnd){
int[] randArray = new int[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
randArray[i] = (int)( (randEnd - randStart) * Math.random() + randStart);
return randArray;


Tree has been created.
Tree was filled with the following values: [148, 65, 18, 168, 8, 148, 194, 186, 114, 22, 102, 51, 123, 169, 68, 118, 37, 18, 26, 18]
#17 largest value: 8 (expected) - 8 (result) SUCCESS
#16 largest value: 18 (expected) - 18 (result) SUCCESS
#15 largest value: 22 (expected) - 22 (result) SUCCESS
#14 largest value: 26 (expected) - 26 (result) SUCCESS
#13 largest value: 37 (expected) - 37 (result) SUCCESS
#12 largest value: 51 (expected) - 51 (result) SUCCESS
#11 largest value: 65 (expected) - 65 (result) SUCCESS
#10 largest value: 68 (expected) - 68 (result) SUCCESS
#9 largest value: 102 (expected) - 102 (result) SUCCESS
#8 largest value: 114 (expected) - 114 (result) SUCCESS
#7 largest value: 118 (expected) - 118 (result) SUCCESS
#6 largest value: 123 (expected) - 123 (result) SUCCESS
#5 largest value: 148 (expected) - 148 (result) SUCCESS
#4 largest value: 168 (expected) - 168 (result) SUCCESS
#3 largest value: 169 (expected) - 169 (result) SUCCESS
#2 largest value: 186 (expected) - 186 (result) SUCCESS
#1 largest value: 194 (expected) - 194 (result) SUCCESS

Note: the output of the line with all the parenthesis is the output of the inorder traversal where (left node, parent, right node) and n means null for i. e. no node. The first node that gets inserted is the root node, so it's best to start to read the output from there.


我应该可以使用循环不变量和归纳来证明算法是正确的,并为每个正确的二叉搜索树和输入产生预期的结果。循环变体(非正式地)将在迭代之后i在外层 while 循环中,我们找到了 i-th 1 <= i <= n 树中的最大节点。我在这里没有这样做,但使用应该很简单的想法。


我没有做过复杂性分析,但很明显,最好的情况,例如根节点是最大值,我们想要最大值,复杂度是 O(1) .在最坏的情况下它将是 O(n)无论我们搜索哪个节点。该算法当然可以针对某些输入 i 进行改进。 e.如果我们有 n靠近number of nodes在树中,这意味着我们正在搜索一个小值。在这种情况下,从最左边的最小节点开始搜索 (number of nodes - n)-th 会更快。最小值。如果您要实现类似的东西,您当然可以大大提高平均用例运行时间。

关于java - 获取 BST 子树中第 n 个最大的数据值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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