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r - 在 r 中没有警告消息的情况下,我如何知道模型是否在 lme4 中收敛或未能收敛?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 04:30:19 49 4
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例如,我可以通过以下方式评估这个多级模型是否是单一拟合使用 isSingular() 函数。



是否有任何好的指标表明该模型收敛或未能收敛? (注意警告消息除外)

我正在使用 lme4 包和 lmer() 函数。


read.table(textConnection("duration season sites effect
4d mon s1 7305.91
4d mon s2 856.297
4d mon s3 649.93
4d mon s1 10121.62
4d mon s2 5137.85
4d mon s3 3059.89
4d mon s1 5384.3
4d mon s2 5014.66
4d mon s3 3378.15
4d post s1 6475.53
4d post s2 2923.15
4d post s3 554.05
4d post s1 7590.8
4d post s2 3888.01
4d post s3 600.07
4d post s1 6717.63
4d post s2 1542.93
4d post s3 1001.4
4d pre s1 9290.84
4d pre s2 2199.05
4d pre s3 1149.99
4d pre s1 5864.29
4d pre s2 4847.92
4d pre s3 4172.71
4d pre s1 8419.88
4d pre s2 685.18
4d pre s3 4133.15
7d mon s1 11129.86
7d mon s2 1492.36
7d mon s3 1375
7d mon s1 10927.16
7d mon s2 8131.14
7d mon s3 9610.08
7d mon s1 13732.55
7d mon s2 13314.01
7d mon s3 4075.65
7d post s1 11770.79
7d post s2 4254.88
7d post s3 753.2
7d post s1 11324.95
7d post s2 5133.76
7d post s3 2156.2
7d post s1 12103.76
7d post s2 3143.72
7d post s3 2603.23
7d pre s1 13928.88
7d pre s2 3208.28
7d pre s3 8015.04
7d pre s1 11851.47
7d pre s2 6815.31
7d pre s3 8478.77
7d pre s1 13600.48
7d pre s2 1219.46
7d pre s3 6987.5

lmer(effect ~ duration + (1+duration|sites) +(1+duration|season),

这会产生错误警告信息:模型未能收敛到 1 个负特征值:-2.3e+01


Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: effect ~ duration + (1 + duration | sites) + (1 + duration | season)
Data: dat1

REML criterion at convergence: 969

Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.0515 -0.6676 0.0075 0.5333 3.2161

Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
sites (Intercept) 8033602 2834
duration7d 1652488 1285 1.00
season (Intercept) 0 0
duration7d 1175980 1084 NaN
Residual 5292365 2301
Number of obs: 54, groups: sites, 3; season, 3

Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4183.896 1695.252 2.008 2.468 0.132
duration7d 3265.641 1155.357 3.270 2.827 0.060 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
duration7d 0.520
optimizer (nloptwrap) convergence code: 0 (OK)
boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular



  1. 除了注意警告信息外,是否有明确的函数或方式通知该函数是否收敛或收敛失败

(比如,评估奇点,isSingular() 函数给出了明确的指示)

  1. 为什么在模型无法收敛时仍然估计标准误差?



My advisor said, if the model is failed to converge, the standard error will not be estimated. However, although the below failed to converge, a standard error seems to be estimated.


optimizer (nloptwrap) convergence code: 0 (OK)


In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv,  :
Model failed to converge: degenerate Hessian with 1 negative eigenvalues


boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular

is there any clear function or way to notify whether this function is converged or failed converge, other than noticing warning message


# helper function
# Has the model converged ?

hasConverged <- function (mm) {

if ( !inherits(mm, "merMod")) stop("Error: must pass a lmerMod object")

retval <- NULL

if(is.null(unlist(mm@optinfo$conv$lme4))) {
retval = 1
else {
if (isSingular(mm)) {
retval = 0
} else {
retval = -1

如果模型正常收敛,即不收敛到奇异拟合,则返回 1;如果收敛到奇异拟合,则返回 0;如果收敛失败,则返回 -1。另一种方法是根据@SamR 的评论将警告提升为错误:

In general, if a warning is not enough, you can turn a warning into an error with options(warn=2), which means the operation will end so you should not get any standard errors or other output. Just remember to set warnings back to 1 afterwards.


Why standard error still estimated while the model is failed to converge?


My advisor said, if the model is failed to converge, the standard error will not be estimated.


关于r - 在 r 中没有警告消息的情况下,我如何知道模型是否在 lme4 中收敛或未能收敛?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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