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android - 如何在 compose 中控制 AnimatedVisibility 的方向?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 04:23:57 25 4
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我用过 compose AnimatedVisibility在我的项目中,我想为 slideInVertically() 更改 AnimatedVisibility 的方向从下到上和slideOutVertically()从上到下。如何做到这一点?

visible = state.value,
enter = slideInVertically(),
exit = slideOutVertically())

// ...




enter = slideInVertically(
initialOffsetY = {
it / 2
exit = slideOutVertically(
targetOffsetY = {
it / 2

来源: EnterExitTransition.kt源码

This slides in the content vertically, from a starting offset defined in initialOffsetY to 0 in pixels. The direction of the slide can be controlled by configuring the initialOffsetY. A positive initial offset means sliding up, whereas a negative value would slide the content down.

This slides out the content vertically, from 0 to a target offset defined in targetOffsetY in pixels. The direction of the slide-out can be controlled by configuring the targetOffsetY. A positive target offset means sliding down, whereas a negative value would slide the content up.

关于android - 如何在 compose 中控制 AnimatedVisibility 的方向?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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