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来自 the exactly-once KIP ,关于使用 InitPidRequest
2.1 When an TransactionalId is specified If the transactional.id configuration is set, this TransactionalId passed along with the InitPidRequest, and the mapping to the corresponding PID is logged in the transaction log in step 2a. This enables us to return the same PID for the TransactionalId to future instances of the producer, and hence enables recovering or aborting previously incomplete transactions.
In addition to returning the PID, the InitPidRequest performs the following tasks:
Bumps up the epoch of the PID, so that the any previous zombie instance of the producer is fenced off and cannot move forward with its transaction.
Recovers (rolls forward or rolls back) any transaction left incomplete by the previous instance of the producer. The handling of the InitPidRequest is synchronous. Once it returns, the producer can send data and start new transactions.
使 Kafka 能够实现这一点的关键组件是事务协调器。这是作为您提到的 KIP 的一部分引入的。事务协调器由代理构建,作为初始化过程的一部分,并在内存中维护以下信息:
到分配的 PID
、当前纪元号(Unix 时间戳)和事务超时值的映射PID
当生产者失败并重新启动时,如果生产者带有非空的 TransactionalId
(作为配置参数提供),它会向事务协调器发送一个新的 InitPidRequest
事务协调器收到此请求后会检查在内存映射中是否已经存在具有提供的 TransactionalId
的条目(上面的第 1 点)。如果存在映射,它将在第二个内存映射(上面的第 2 点)中查找 PID
,以检查是否有针对该 PID
(>前滚 版本)。在此之后,事务协调器以最新的 PID
和 TransactionalId
我尽量将解释保持在最低限度,但如果您对更多细节感兴趣,那么这里是 detailed design document供大家引用。
关于apache-kafka - kafka怎么知道 "roll forward or roll back"是否是一笔交易?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56156749/
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看the documentation for std::forward , template constexpr T&& forward( typename std::remove_reference
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