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python - 使用 Gekko 求解微分代数方程 (DAE) 问题

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我目前正在尝试求解包含代数和微分表达式的 12 个方程组,如 this article 中所示。 .基本上,我试图在 Python 中复制文档中显示的结果,这些结果是使用上面链接的补充文件部分中提供的 MATLAB 代码获得的。我考虑的所有参数、常量和初始条件都取自这些文件。作为系统一部分的方程式是下一个: DAE equation system

为了尝试在 Python 中找到解决方案,我在 Gekko 中将模型的核心设置如下(尽可能简单,因为将来需要处理更多的方程和变量)。

from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np

# Define constants and parameters of the system
# Will be updated in the future to work as variables or changing parameters
T = 298.0 # [K] Temperature of the cell
Iapp = 1.7 # [A] Single value for now
tMax = 3600 # [s] Simulation time

# Physical constants
F = 9.64853399e4 # [sA/mol = C/mol] Faraday constant
R = 8.314462175 # [J/(K*mol)] Gas constant
NA = 6.0221412927e23 # [1/mol] Avogadro number
e = 1.60217656535e-19 # [C] Electron charge
ne = 4.0 # [] Electron number per reaction
ns8 = 8.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
ns4 = 4.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
ns2 = 2.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
ns = 1.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
Mm = 32.0 # [g/mol] Molecular mass of Sulfur

# Cell parameters
Eh0 = 2.195 # [V] Reference open circuit potential of high plateau (H)
El0 = 2.35 # [V] Reference OCP of low plateau (L)
ih0 = 0.96 # [A/m^2] Exchange current density in H
il0 = ih0/2 # [A/m^2] Echange current density in L
Ar = 0.96 # [m^2] Active reaction area of the cell
ms = 2.7 # [g] Mass of active sulfur on the cell
velyt = 0.0114 # [L] Electrolyte volume in the cell
fh = ns4**2*Mm*velyt/ns8 # [gL/mol] Dimensionality factor H
fl = ns**2*ns2*Mm**2*velyt**2/ns4 # [[g^2 L^2/mol]] Dimensionality factor L

# Precipitation and shuttle parameters
Vol = 0.0114e-3 # [m^3] Cell volume
RhoS = 2.0e6 # [g/m^3] Density of precipitated sulfur
Ksp = 0.0001 # [g] Saturation mass of sulfur in electrolyte
kp = 100.0 # [1/s] Precipitation/dissolution rate constant
ks = 0.0002 # [1/s] Shuttle rate constant

# REAL INITIAL (t = 0s) for discharge
S80 = 2.67300000000000 # [g] S80
S40 = 0.0128002860955374 # [g] S40
S20 = 4.33210229104915e-06 # [g] S20
S0 = 1.63210229104915e-06 # [g] S0
Sp0 = 2.70000000000000e-06 # [g] Sp0
Ih0 = 1.70000000000000 # [A] Ih0
Il0 = 0.00000 # [A] Il0
V0 = 2.40000000000000 # [V] V0
ETAh0 = -0.0102460242980059 # [V] ETAh0
ETAl0 = 0.00000 # [V] Etal0
Eh0 = 2.4102460242980059 # [V] Eh0
El0 = 2.40000000000000 # [V] El0

# Setup Gekko model
Model0D = GEKKO() # create GEKKO model
Model0D.time = np.linspace(0,tMax,tMax)

# Define the variables of the problem
S8 = Model0D.Var(value=S80, lb=1e-6, ub=2.7)
S4 = Model0D.Var(value=S40, lb=1e-6, ub=2.7)
S2 = Model0D.Var(value=S20, lb=1e-6, ub=2.7)
S = Model0D.Var(value=S0, lb=1e-6, ub=2.7)
Sp = Model0D.Var(value=Sp0, lb=1e-6, ub=2.7)
Ih = Model0D.Var(value=Ih0)
Il = Model0D.Var(value=Il0)
V = Model0D.Var(value=V0)
ETAh = Model0D.Var(value=ETAh0)
ETAl = Model0D.Var(value=ETAl0)
Eh = Model0D.Var(value=Eh0)
El = Model0D.Var(value=El0)

# Define all the equations of the system (DAE)
Model0D.Equation(S8.dt() == - Ih*(ns8*Mm)/(ne*F) - ks*S8)
Model0D.Equation(S4.dt() == Ih*(ns8*Mm)/(ne*F) + ks*S8 - Il*(ns4*Mm)/(ne*F))
Model0D.Equation(S2.dt() == Il*(ns2*Mm)/(ne*F))
Model0D.Equation(S.dt() == 2.0*Il*(ns*Mm)/(ne*F) - Sp*(kp/(Vol*RhoS))*(S-Ksp))
Model0D.Equation(Sp.dt() == Sp*(kp/(Vol*RhoS))*(S-Ksp))
Model0D.Equation(I == Ih + Il)
Model0D.Equation(Ih == 2.0*ih0*Ar*Model0D.sinh(ne*F*ETAh/(2.0*R*T)))
Model0D.Equation(Il == 2.0*il0*Ar*Model0D.sinh(ne*F*ETAl/(2.0*R*T)))
Model0D.Equation(ETAh == V - Eh)
Model0D.Equation(ETAl == V - El)
Model0D.Equation(Eh == Eh0 + (R*T/(4.0*F))*Model0D.log(fh*S8/S4**2.0))
Model0D.Equation(El == El0 + (R*T/(4.0*F))*Model0D.log(fl*S4/(S2*S**2.0)))

# Set model options
Model0D.options.IMODE = 7 # Set model type (simulation -> 4-simultaneous 7-sequential)
# Solve model


我确实意识到,对于一组相对复杂的方程式,我提出的模型可能过于简单,以至于求解器实际上无法收敛。由于我对 Gekko 和 Python 本身还很陌生,而且我并没有真正在网上找到任何有用的信息,所以我试图联系任何对 Gekko 工具有一定经验的人,这些人可以为我提供一些有关如何解决 DAE 问题的指导效率或问题本身的解决方案,因此我可以与我已经进行的不成功的试验进行比较。


paper 中有关于初始化策略的更多信息:

Safdarnejad, S.M., Hedengren, J.D., Lewis, N.R., Haseltine, E.,Initialization Strategies for Optimization of Dynamic Systems,Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 78, pp. 39-50, DOI:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.04.016.


  • 从非常小的时间步长开始,例如 m.time = np.linspace(0,1e-3,2) 以验证成功的解决方案。
  • 切换到 m.options.IMODE=4m.options.COLDSTART=2。这也会在第一个 block 中产生不可行的解决方案。
  • 通过重新排列方程式(例如 x.dt()==1/yy*x.dt()==1 来消除被零除) .
  • I 的值在脚本中未定义。
  • 尝试为所有变量设置零下限,尤其是那些物理上不应为负的变量。
  • 尝试移除其他非物理边界(2.7 的上限?)以查看问题是否可行。
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np

# Define constants and parameters of the system
# Will be updated in the future to work as variables or changing parameters
T = 298.0 # [K] Temperature of the cell
Iapp = 1.7 # [A] Single value for now
tMax = 3600 # [s] Simulation time
I = Iapp

# Physical constants
F = 9.64853399e4 # [sA/mol = C/mol] Faraday constant
R = 8.314462175 # [J/(K*mol)] Gas constant
NA = 6.0221412927e23 # [1/mol] Avogadro number
e = 1.60217656535e-19 # [C] Electron charge
ne = 4.0 # [] Electron number per reaction
ns8 = 8.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
ns4 = 4.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
ns2 = 2.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
ns = 1.0 # [] Number of sulfur atoms in the polysulfide
Mm = 32.0 # [g/mol] Molecular mass of Sulfur

# Cell parameters
Eh0 = 2.195 # [V] Reference open circuit potential of high plateau (H)
El0 = 2.35 # [V] Reference OCP of low plateau (L)
ih0 = 0.96 # [A/m^2] Exchange current density in H
il0 = ih0/2 # [A/m^2] Echange current density in L
Ar = 0.96 # [m^2] Active reaction area of the cell
ms = 2.7 # [g] Mass of active sulfur on the cell
velyt = 0.0114 # [L] Electrolyte volume in the cell
fh = ns4**2*Mm*velyt/ns8 # [gL/mol] Dimensionality factor H
fl = ns**2*ns2*Mm**2*velyt**2/ns4 # [[g^2 L^2/mol]] Dimensionality factor L

# Precipitation and shuttle parameters
Vol = 0.0114e-3 # [m^3] Cell volume
RhoS = 2.0e6 # [g/m^3] Density of precipitated sulfur
Ksp = 0.0001 # [g] Saturation mass of sulfur in electrolyte
kp = 100.0 # [1/s] Precipitation/dissolution rate constant
ks = 0.0002 # [1/s] Shuttle rate constant

# REAL INITIAL (t = 0s) for discharge
S80 = 2.67300000000000 # [g] S80
S40 = 0.0128002860955374 # [g] S40
S20 = 4.33210229104915e-06 # [g] S20
S0 = 1.63210229104915e-06 # [g] S0
Sp0 = 2.70000000000000e-06 # [g] Sp0
Ih0 = 1.70000000000000 # [A] Ih0
Il0 = 0.00000 # [A] Il0
V0 = 2.40000000000000 # [V] V0
ETAh0 = -0.0102460242980059 # [V] ETAh0
ETAl0 = 0.00000 # [V] Etal0
Eh0 = 2.4102460242980059 # [V] Eh0
El0 = 2.40000000000000 # [V] El0

# Setup Gekko model
Model0D = GEKKO(remote=False) # create GEKKO model
Model0D.time = np.linspace(0,1e-3,2) #tMax,tMax)

# Define the variables of the problem
S8 = Model0D.Var(value=S80)
S4 = Model0D.Var(value=S40)
S2 = Model0D.Var(value=S20)
S = Model0D.Var(value=S0)
Sp = Model0D.Var(value=Sp0)
Ih = Model0D.Var(value=Ih0)
Il = Model0D.Var(value=Il0)
V = Model0D.Var(value=V0)
ETAh = Model0D.Var(value=ETAh0)
ETAl = Model0D.Var(value=ETAl0)
Eh = Model0D.Var(value=Eh0)
El = Model0D.Var(value=El0)

# Define all the equations of the system (DAE)
Model0D.Equation(S8.dt() == - Ih*(ns8*Mm)/(ne*F) - ks*S8)
Model0D.Equation(S4.dt() == Ih*(ns8*Mm)/(ne*F) + ks*S8 - Il*(ns4*Mm)/(ne*F))
Model0D.Equation(S2.dt() == Il*(ns2*Mm)/(ne*F))
Model0D.Equation(S.dt() == 2.0*Il*(ns*Mm)/(ne*F) - Sp*(kp/(Vol*RhoS))*(S-Ksp))
Model0D.Equation(Sp.dt() == Sp*(kp/(Vol*RhoS))*(S-Ksp))
Model0D.Equation(I == Ih + Il)
Model0D.Equation(Ih == 2.0*ih0*Ar*Model0D.sinh(ne*F*ETAh/(2.0*R*T)))
Model0D.Equation(Il == 2.0*il0*Ar*Model0D.sinh(ne*F*ETAl/(2.0*R*T)))
Model0D.Equation(ETAh == V - Eh)
Model0D.Equation(ETAl == V - El)
Model0D.Equation(Eh == Eh0 + (R*T/(4.0*F))*Model0D.log(fh*S8/S4**2.0))
Model0D.Equation(El == El0 + (R*T/(4.0*F))*Model0D.log(fl*S4/(S2*S**2.0)))

# Set model options
Model0D.options.IMODE = 4 # Set model type (simulation -> 4-simultaneous 7-sequential)
# Solve model

这并没有使问题变得可行,但可能有助于搜索。 infeasibilities.txt 文件也可以提供帮助。在运行目录 m.path 中使用 remote=False 解决或使用 m.open_folder() 打开运行目录时可用(在 m.solve() 命令之前)。如果将变量命名为 x = m.Var(name='x') 则更具可读性。

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