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python-3.x - python3 - pandas 确定事件发生是否具有统计显着性

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 02:58:36 24 4
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在另一个数据集中,“事件发生”列是“真、假、中性”。 (请忽略该索引,因为它是默认的 pandas 索引。)

   index    event occurs            percent change
148 False 11.27
149 True 14.56
150 False 10.35
151 False 6.07
152 False 21.14
153 False 7.26
154 False 7.07
155 False 5.37
156 True 2.75
157 False 7.12
158 False 7.24



Load Packages, Set Globals, Make Data.

import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np

n = 60
stat_sig_thresh = 0.05

event_perc = pd.DataFrame({"event occurs": np.random.choice([True,False],n),
"percent change": [i*.1 for i in np.random.randint(1,1000,n)]})

Determine if Distribution is Normal

stat_sig = event_perc.groupby("event occurs").apply(lambda x: stats.normaltest(x))
stat_sig = pd.DataFrame(stat_sig)
stat_sig = pd.DataFrame(stat_sig[0].values.tolist(), index=stat_sig.index).reset_index()
stat_sig.loc[(stat_sig.pvalue <= stat_sig_thresh), "Normal"] = False


event occurs statistic pvalue Normal
0 False [2.9171920993203915] [0.23256255191146755] True
1 True [2.938332679486047] [0.23011724484588764] True

Determine Statistical Significance

normal = [bool(i) for i in stat_sig.Normal.unique().tolist()]

rvs1 = event_perc["percent change"][event_perc["event occurs"] == True]
rvs2 = event_perc["percent change"][event_perc["event occurs"] == False]

if (len(normal) == 1) & (normal[0] == True):
print("the distributions are normal")
if stats.ttest_ind(rvs1,rvs2).pvalue >= stat_sig_thresh:
# we cannot reject the null hypothesis of identical average scores
print("we can't say whether there is statistically significant difference")
# we reject the null hypothesis of equal averages
print("there is a statisically significant difference")

elif (len(normal) == 1) & (normal[0] == False):
print("the distributions are not normal")
if stats.wilcoxon(rvs1,rvs2).pvalue >= stat_sig_thresh:
# we cannot reject the null hypothesis of identical average scores
print("we can't say whether there is statistically significant difference")
# we reject the null hypothesis of equal averages
print("there is a statisically significant difference")
print("samples are drawn from different distributions")

the distributions are normal
we can't say whether there is statistically significant difference

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