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amazon-web-services - 如何检查 AWS secretsmanager 轮换是否成功完成

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 02:52:42 27 4
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在 AWS secretsmanager 中创建一个 secret ,使用 lambda 函数启用自动轮换。当我第一次从 cli 触发旋转时,它还没有完成。这是在 aws 控制台手动更新 secret 时的初始 secret 状态。

# aws secretsmanager list-secret-version-ids --secret-id ******
"Versions": [
"VersionId": "9e82b9e2-d074-478e-83a5-baf4e578cb49",
"VersionStages": [
"LastAccessedDate": 1592870400.0,
"CreatedDate": 1592889913.431
"VersionId": "e32ddaf8-7f21-40e2-adf8-f976b8f3f104",
"VersionStages": [
"LastAccessedDate": 1592870400.0,
"CreatedDate": 1592887518.46
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:***********:secret:***********",
"Name": "*******"

现在我从 aws cli 触发了旋转

aws secretsmanager rotate-secret --secret-id ******

# aws secretsmanager list-secret-version-ids --secret-id ********
"Versions": [
"VersionId": "704102f3-b36d-4529-b257-0457354d3c93",
"VersionStages": [
"CreatedDate": 1592890351.334
"VersionId": "e32ddaf8-7f21-40e2-adf8-f976b8f3f104",
"VersionStages": [
"LastAccessedDate": 1592870400.0,
"CreatedDate": 1592887518.46
"VersionId": "9e82b9e2-d074-478e-83a5-baf4e578cb49",
"VersionStages": [
"LastAccessedDate": 1592870400.0,
"CreatedDate": 1592889913.431
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:**********:secret:********",
"Name": "********"

Cloudwatch 日志在此 createSecret 处停止:成功为 ARN arn:aws:secretsmanager:xxxxxxx 设置 secret 。。看起来只调用了 createsecret 函数。当我再次旋转 secret 时,在 cli 中获取此输出

An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the RotateSecret operation: A previous rotation isn't complete. That rotation will be reattempted.



不幸的是,没有开箱即用的方法,因为 Secrets Manger 没有内置 SNS 通知,也没有用于轮换完成的 CloudWatch Events。

因此,您必须自己构建解决方案,这可以使用 SDK 或 CLI 来完成。

对于 CLI,您可以使用 describe-secret并循环提取 secret 细节。在循环中,您必须查看版本的 AWSPENDINGAWSCURRENT 标签。

来自docs :

If instead the AWSPENDING staging label is present but is not attached to the same version as AWSCURRENT then any later invocation of RotateSecret assumes that a previous rotation request is still in progress and returns an error.


"VersionId": "704102f3-b36d-4529-b257-0457354d3c93",
"VersionStages": [
"CreatedDate": 1592890351.334

您有一个带有 AWSPENDING 标签的版本,它与 AWSCURRENT未附加到同一版本。这表明旋转正在进行


The AWSPENDING and AWSCURRENT staging labels are attached to the same version of the secret, or The AWSPENDING staging label is not attached to any version of the secret.

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